Alright boys.
1 year ago I started to make this HUD and I planned to work on it gradually and release it. I soon realized that I had absolutely no time because of the classes and out of school activities I was doing, so I ended up just stopping 1 month in. By now there are a lot of really good looking HUDs out there, so I'm sure that everybody is able to find something they like. At the same time though, I feel like when looking through all of the huds, my HUD was still pretty unique. So in case anybody likes the HUD, I'm just going to leave the files here.
Here are the few basic rules I was trying to go by when making the HUD:
1. Team colors when possible
2. Standard TF2 Red/Blu colors (I use vibranceGUI so it turns already vibrant red/blues into retina torchers)
3. HUD elements at the center of the screen, having the top of the screen as clear as possible
4. Good balance between small and legible
I PM'd JarateKing about the health cross and he really helped me figure it out, s/o to him.
JarateKingIt works pretty differently from standard healthcrosses. The opposite in some ways, actually.
Make an imagepanel in the bg that'll act as the healthcross itself. Then move the PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage to be just above the healthcross, and change HealthBonusPosAdj to be equal to the healthcross image's height. Then make HealthDeathWarning equal 0.99999. If the hud animations doesn't make PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage appear when at low health, it should.
What it's actually doing is immediately appearing when you take any amount of damage, and resizing to cover parts of the healthcross image. At max health it won't be visible at all, at half health it'll be half its max size and cover half the healthcross, and at 1 health it'll cover almost all of it. That's fundamentally what's going on, and it could be adjusted to fill from another direction if you wanted.
This also means that you need to take care that things work right. PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage will resize in all directions, so you need to either keep it enclosed within HudPlayerHealth's bounds, or use refract materials to mask parts of it. Refracts will also be needed if you want to make the healthcross in any shape other than a square, and you'd probably need them to go behind the health numbers if it's next to it. And like in magnum hud, you can make the "bg" of the healthcross transparent by making PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage a refract, but at the same time it can be just a regular material and have the bg be opaque.
It's a lot to take in, I know, and magnum hud is pretty busy with its health too. Mannterface does basically the same thing with the spec hud horizontal healthbars (along with a few other huds, but Mannterface was the first to apply it to the spec hud), if you want another example.
---------- Original message ----------
From: Mighty
Date: Sat, Jul 29, 2017 at 10:58 AM ADT
Subject: Health Cross Colors
To: JarateKing
I was wondering how you were able to create a custom-colored health bar in Magnum HUD. Before that, I have never seen any color besides the standard off-white in the default HUD.
And yeah, that's about it.