Hello friends. I am in a situation where I don't have enough free time to main but could be a reasonable sub. The past season or two I have played/subbed/rang/etc on a bunch of various open/IM teams and I'm not really sure where my skill level lies anymore. I'd say mid(?) IM on both pocket and roamer on a good day.
Past Experience: https://play.esea.net/users/1185147?tab=history
Add Me: https://steamcommunity.com/id/unicorn_wizard/
I love you all
Hello friends. I am in a situation where I don't have enough free time to main but could be a reasonable sub. The past season or two I have played/subbed/rang/etc on a bunch of various open/IM teams and I'm not really sure where my skill level lies anymore. I'd say mid(?) IM on both pocket and roamer on a good day.
Past Experience: https://play.esea.net/users/1185147?tab=history
Add Me: https://steamcommunity.com/id/unicorn_wizard/
I love you all
man has come a long way from 24/7 skial koth_harvest
man has come a long way from 24/7 skial koth_harvest
Great friend/gamer
Takes my constant bming of his 5 ping in stride
Pick him up!
Great friend/gamer
Takes my constant bming of his 5 ping in stride
Pick him up!
one of my favorite soldiers
one of my favorite soldiers