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Open team LFP for S28
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Our team, The Math Club, had a scout step down and needs a replacement.

Currently our roster is such:
Scouts: pyrotechnic, ????
Roamer: bbz
Pocket: tanner
Demo: icy
Medic: think

coach: thrill

Season 27 was good to us. We learned a lot from our coach and reviewing our demos. We were playing around mid-high open before the roster changes and hope to get to high open asap. We would like to be scrimming IM teams by the end of the season.
We scrim 4 nights a week Mon-Thurs from 9:30-10:30ish.

Add me if interested: https://steamcommunity.com/id/_TannerDuddlez/

Our team, [url=https://play.esea.net/teams/8707158]The Math Club[/url], had a scout step down and needs a replacement.

Currently our roster is such:
Scouts: pyrotechnic, ????
Roamer: bbz
Pocket: tanner
Demo: icy
Medic: think

coach: thrill

Season 27 was good to us. We learned a lot from our coach and reviewing our demos. We were playing around mid-high open before the roster changes and hope to get to high open asap. We would like to be scrimming IM teams by the end of the season.
We scrim 4 nights a week Mon-Thurs from 9:30-10:30ish.

Add me if interested: https://steamcommunity.com/id/_TannerDuddlez/
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Tanner is really good and friendly.

Tanner is really good and friendly.
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i've enjoyed being on this team!

i've enjoyed being on this team!
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This team is awesome and really mature/fun. I loved playing with them and they are going to go far. bbz and tanner pound, think is a brain of a medic and pyro does amazing on scout and soldier. You should join this team!

This team is awesome and really mature/fun. I loved playing with them and they are going to go far. bbz and tanner pound, think is a brain of a medic and pyro does amazing on scout and soldier. You should join this team!
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bump, need pocket scout tryouts!

bump, need pocket scout tryouts!
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still need a tryout tonight, mid-high open would be great :)

still need a tryout tonight, mid-high open would be great :)
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Bump, still looking foe scouts!

Bump, still looking foe scouts!
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