I know I've seen a viewmodel script to keep them on until you fire the weapon which then turns it off the moment you fire. I'm pretty sure habib uses it, but I can't find it online and I'm too lazy to try and make it myself.
Anyone know/have it?
I know I've seen a viewmodel script to keep them on until you fire the weapon which then turns it off the moment you fire. I'm pretty sure habib uses it, but I can't find it online and I'm too lazy to try and make it myself.
Anyone know/have it?
alias +cat "+attack; r_drawviewmodel 0"
alias -cat "-attack; r_drawviewmodel 1"
bind mouse1 "+cat"
this should do the job
wtzalias +cat "+attack; r_drawviewmodel 0"
alias -cat "-attack; r_drawviewmodel 1"
bind mouse1 "+cat"
this should do the job
Forgot to mention, that the script includes options to change the viewmodel setting for different weapons and firing states.
just disable viewmodels or get min viewmodels maybe like a normal person
nvm I just made it myself by modifying a viewmodel switcher I found
If anyone wants to use it:
alias wep1 "slot1; wep1com; alias mouseup wep-3; alias mousedown wep2; alias quickswap wep-3; alias lastwep wep1; keybind1"
alias wep2 "slot2; wep2com; alias mouseup wep-1; alias mousedown wep3; alias quickswap wep-1; alias lastwep wep2; keybind2"
alias wep3 "slot3; wep3com; alias mouseup wep-2; alias mousedown wep1; alias quickswap wep-2; alias lastwep wep3; keybind3"
alias wep-1 "slot1; wep1com; alias mouseup wep-3; alias mousedown wep2; alias quickswap wep2; alias lastwep wep-1; keybind-1"
alias wep-2 "slot2; wep2com; alias mouseup wep-1; alias mousedown wep3; alias quickswap wep3; alias lastwep wep-2; keybind-2"
alias wep-3 "slot3; wep3com; alias mouseup wep-2; alias mousedown wep1; alias quickswap wep1; alias lastwep wep-3; keybind-3"
alias keybind1 "alias key1 wep1; alias key2 mousedown; alias key3 mouseup"
alias keybind2 "alias key1 mouseup; alias key2 wep2; alias key3 mousedown"
alias keybind3 "alias key1 mousedown; alias key2 mouseup; alias key3 wep3"
alias keybind-1 "alias key1 wep-1; alias key2 mousedown; alias key3 mouseup"
alias keybind-2 "alias key1 mouseup; alias key2 wep-2; alias key3 mousedown"
alias keybind-3 "alias key1 mousedown; alias key2 mouseup; alias key3 wep-3"
alias mouseup "wep-3"
alias mousedown "wep2"
alias quickswap "lastwep"
alias lastwep "wep2"
alias key1 "wep1"
alias key2 "mousedown"
alias key3 "mouseup"
alias key4 "slot4; extrakey"
alias key5 "slot5; extrakey"
alias extrakey "alias mouseup wep-3; alias mousedown wep1; alias quickswap lastwep; alias lastwep wep3"
// Modify the first r_drawviewmodel to change the state when you initially switch to the weapon
// Modify the one after the firemode alias to change the viewmodel state after firing the weapon
alias wep1com "r_drawviewmodel 1; alias firemode r_drawviewmodel 0"
alias wep2com "r_drawviewmodel 1; alias firemode r_drawviewmodel 0"
alias wep3com "r_drawviewmodel 1; alias firemode r_drawviewmodel 1"
bind MWHEELUP mouseup
bind MWHEELDOWN mousedown
bind Q quickswap
bind 1 key1
bind 2 key2
bind 3 key3
bind 4 key4
bind 5 key5
bind mouse1 "+attack; firemode"
Asi4nwtzalias +cat "+attack; r_drawviewmodel 0"Forgot to mention, that the script includes options to change the viewmodel setting for different weapons and firing states.
alias -cat "-attack; r_drawviewmodel 1"
bind mouse1 "+cat"
this should do the job
what do you mean by firing states
e: that didn't work but this does
bind mouse1 "+attack; wait 20; r_drawviewmodel 0"
bind q "lastinv; wait 20; r_drawviewmodel 1"
bind 1 "slot1; wait 20; r_drawviewmodel 1"
bind 2 "slot2; wait 20; r_drawviewmodel 1"
bind 3 "slot3; wait 20; r_drawviewmodel 1"
bindtoggle r r_drawviewmodel 0 1
wtzAsi4nwhat do you mean by firing stateswtzalias +cat "+attack; r_drawviewmodel 0"Forgot to mention, that the script includes options to change the viewmodel setting for different weapons and firing states.
alias -cat "-attack; r_drawviewmodel 1"
bind mouse1 "+cat"
this should do the job
Basically when you fire a weapon the viewmodel will disappear for select weapon slots.
Why is that desire to play with constantly changing viewmodels, I don't get it. Is it hard for you to play with only on or off constantly?
vulcwhy are you such a negative Nancy vistopher
I'm curious why people prefer to play like that. Is it a cosmetic related thing or do they find themselves performing better that way? There was no negativity in my previous post, if you find any there it speaks volumes for you, not me
Visvulcwhy are you such a negative Nancy vistopherI'm curious why people prefer to play like that. Is it a cosmetic related thing or do they find themselves performing better that way? There was no negativity in my previous post, if you find any there it speaks volumes for you, not me
I usually play with no models, but sometimes I lose what weapon I'm holding and it fucks me up. So I just have the weapons visible when I switch to them to make sure I'm not using a shotgun instead of a rocket launcher for example (love the shotgun jumps). I don't really mind the constantly switching viewmodels.
ok so slightly necroing this but not really
are there times you'd like the viewmodel hidden but other times you'd like it shown? for instance, hidden during reloads, or shown during reloads but not firing, or what?
I could very easily add options for these to my comp viewmodels