If you're an advanced team that's committed and looking to stay together, Add me.
looking for:
-up and coming players
-players that grind tf2
-team committed to staying together and improving
will potentially consider a team in the division below if these things are shown even more
*will only help 1 team*
-individual help
If you're an advanced team that's committed and looking to stay together, Add me.
looking for:
-up and coming players
-players that grind tf2
-team committed to staying together and improving
will potentially consider a team in the division below if these things are shown even more
*will only help 1 team*
-individual help
can the team name themselves "Team Corsa"
can the team name themselves "Team Corsa"
"In this situation you need to tank your pocket scout and your soldiers can't feed"
"In this situation you need to tank your pocket scout and your soldiers can't feed"
this is a once in a life time offer... lower level teams should jump on this asap
this is a once in a life time offer... lower level teams should jump on this asap