Looking to play in IM or main as demo. My s1 IM team died cause both soldiers didn’t have enough time and I just stuck playing open. I’ve played a season of steel, silver, and subbed mid open esea as demo. I’m just looking to improve as much as I can and play with scouts that understand what cleaning up damage is, pls pick me up.
Looking to play in IM or main as demo. My s1 IM team died cause both soldiers didn’t have enough time and I just stuck playing open. I’ve played a season of steel, silver, and subbed mid open esea as demo. I’m just looking to improve as much as I can and play with scouts that understand what cleaning up damage is, pls pick me up.
solid dm for a new player, has alot of room for improvement, def worth a tryout
solid dm for a new player, has alot of room for improvement, def worth a tryout
i forgot about this i bump instead
i forgot about this i bump instead