don't let him play engie on last no matter how much he begs
Nurseyyipyapper is also in my furry discord servers and comments frequently on the porn tabs
luxorNurseyyipyapper is also in my furry discord servers and comments frequently on the porn tabs
oh yeah darn I watched movies in a discord oh man you're so funny for bringing that up luxor xD
also good to know nursey is randomly out to make me look bad with truth bending
oh yeah darn I watched movies in a discord oh man you're so funny for bringing that up luxor xD
also good to know nursey is randomly out to make me look bad with truth bending
why is the pot calling the kettle black
i openly admit to all the weird furry shit that i do and no one gives a fuck
if you think i'm doing this to make you look bad then i apologize, i just thought it'd be a quick laugh and not something you'd be offended by
i cannot comment on yipyapper's skills because i only played him during his engineer days (and that was barely)
if you think i'm doing this to make you look bad then i apologize, i just thought it'd be a quick laugh and not something you'd be offended by
i cannot comment on yipyapper's skills because i only played him during his engineer days (and that was barely)
this is a filthy lie, everyone knows yipyapper is only attracted to anime twinks please retract your statements nursey thanks
basically eliminated from playoffs, so relatively close end of the season bump =D
theres nothing wrong with some furry porn here and there
a 20.0 on the yipyapper scale his brain is a huge as his hz rate pick him up