Looking to play scout/roamer in main/advanced.
Just looking to improve with teammates and have fun.
this doesnt exist
Looking to play scout/roamer in main/advanced.
Just looking to improve with teammates and have fun.
[b]this doesnt exist[/b][i][u][/u][/i]
good ingame too[i][s][s][u][b][b][/b][/b][/u][/s][/s][/i]
reaLly gOt Some decenT aim this koTs guy. always Opens the gaMe In a STrong wAy. KEep hIm oN the roster. Master at GathEring the frags.
reaLly gOt Some decenT aim this koTs guy. always Opens the gaMe In a STrong wAy. KEep hIm oN the roster. Master at GathEring the frags.
one kots said im gay it was mean (hes projecting)
one kots said im gay it was mean (hes projecting)