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Signed Up October 9, 2012
Last Posted September 7, 2021 at 6:00 PM
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#124 sigafoo tf2 league in TF2 General Discussion

The ONLY reason Sigafoo is doing this is becauae he is a little bitch, and I mean it.

The guy played 6s pugs before and goes full emo about how he cant stand small jokes/trolls. So he does this league shit in order to attempt to be the FACE of TF2 and make it his own rules because he is a retard who is not man enough to fuck with somebody.

Next, the servers. If you are getting servers from $7 fees, I am highly assuming that these have to be awful servers where it happens to be 30 fps 12 slot servers or some shit like that.

In the end, I am anticipating the fall of this and how sigafoo will display how much of a incompetent he really is.


posted about 7 years ago
#5 Mocha x b4nny fanfiction in Off Topic

Alright how did this sick fuck escape out of the mental hospital??

Someone call the authorities ASAP

posted about 7 years ago
#17 can we ban most unlocks yet? in Q/A Help


posted about 7 years ago
#16 Starkie Legacy The Second in Videos

Well, this clearly proves that Starkie has a more refined and outstanding legacy than the idiot of B4nny.

posted about 7 years ago
#233 oldschool runescape in Other Games

working on max


posted about 8 years ago
#28 Competitivo.tf in Projects
reakoShottixGracias amigo! :DCan someone translate I don't speak burrito.

Translation: Reako is a ignorant, racist, uneducated little shit.

posted about 8 years ago
#198 ban b4nny in The Dumpster
mub4nny is a fucking retard killing his own game

by the way, if you're an up and coming player who isn't in a circlejerk, u better be ready to suck some dick. good luck trying to get top 3 invite ever. theres actually no point in grinding this fucking game at all.

No offense but your team is full of mediocre less decent players who got to invite because most of us don't play this game anymore. I may have been on the worst teams of invite but at least I tried to maintain a positive attitude and willing to grow as a player, instead of being a little bitch against the top 4 teams in invite.

I also think tambo is a fucking tool with only 2 neurons. Even a ugc soldier is better than him.

posted about 8 years ago
#27 Competitivo.tf in Projects

Un gran paso para la comunidad latina.

Sigan asi, me siento orgulloso de todos ustedes! :)

posted about 8 years ago
#197 ban b4nny in The Dumpster

I may say stupid shit most of the times, however, its kind of silly how you bumped this pointless thread just to call me out something which happens to be weak and dumb.

Also, forgive me but who are you? lol.

posted about 8 years ago
#183 ESA Rewind LAN: Day 2 in Events
b4nnyFor reference this is what you can do if you push on a pick while knowing they have a spy: https://www.twitch.tv/esportsarena/v/116587878?t=9h11m30s

Hope that helps :)

My god, you are by far one depressing little child who is easily rejected by society.

Here is an advice: You WONT get laid by sitting on ur computer playing TF2 20 hours a day and then go talk shit to other people.

Seriously you are basically trying to make Starkie, a kind guy who probably even women easily go to him because of his humbleness, look bad because of your dumb ego.


posted about 8 years ago
#1 extine got screwed in TF2 General Discussion

rofl mic sound problems ayyy lamo

posted about 8 years ago
#10 Esports Arena Rewind LAN 2017 viewer's guide in News

getawhale and extine rofl

posted about 8 years ago
#167 ban b4nny in The Dumpster

Well, looks like someone wants the small dick and never sniffed pussy in his life so goes on to say racial slurs for attention lol.

posted about 8 years ago
#29 Love in Off Topic

Women are always unpredictable.

posted about 8 years ago
#198 oldschool runescape in Other Games

Yo anyone up for some raids this weekend?

combat 126
2122 total

posted about 8 years ago
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