Hello friends. here we go (http://play.esea.net/teams/81702) is looking for a demolitions man. Although some players have left and we've picked up a couple new ones, the team is a continuation from last season. The current roster is as follows:
Scout: Fight
Scout: TallHorse
Pocket: athermal
Roamer: Irishhhh
Demo: ???
Medic: Koehler
Little bit about ourselves: Fight, TallHorse and myself played together for a season (albeit relatively unsuccessful) of open, going 3-13. We know both Koehler and Irishhhh from playing highlander together, so we're all pretty good friends. We all put in a fairly decent amount of time into getting better at TF2: between scrims, MGE, DM, demo reviews, and whatnot. We also spend a lot of time together in mumble outside of TF2. A good half of our team is also made up of incredible stream-watching nerds if you're into that.
We're looking for a Demoman that's also willing to put in a decent amount of time improving. You don't have to necessarily be the best to try out or to even make the team, (but hopefully you have some 6s experience and can play at a decent low-mid level), just have a good attitude toward the game and a good personality. (You also need to be able to pay for yourself.)
Our team will be scrimming on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays (anywhere from 9-11 EST) for sure, and possibly Mondays after highlander or on Sundays after highlander scrims.
Feel free to add myself (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198060057814/) for a tryout.