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Signed Up November 27, 2016
Last Posted December 4, 2016 at 10:31 AM
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#1910 PC Build Thread in Hardware

If you had to choose between these two, and even make some changes but keep it at about the same price point, which one would you pick?


IDK if I should take a dual-core i3-6100 or a quad-core A10-7860k. Thanks in advance.

posted about 8 years ago
#1903 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Hey setsul,
I just changed (AGAIN) my setup, and as I already mentioned, I already have an HDD.


Also, would you reccomend 3 used monitors, all 1920x1080 (unknown size), or the one already in my part list? And for a headset, would you reccomend the Cloud Stinger or TT eSports Cronos AD headset? According to some YT reviews, the Cronos AD has a pretty good mic, noise cancellation is active as well, but IDK and I imagine you have some experience with gaming. I'm also used to a laptop keyboard and I like rather silent ones, so I picked the CM Octane keyboard + 3500dpi mouse, again, I would appreciate any tips.

As for my build, what could I change? I heard even without a GPU you can still kinda play TF2, and I migt upgrade in the future anyways, as this is a budget build I plan to improve. I went for under $600CAD, and I succeded.

posted about 8 years ago
#1898 PC Build Thread in Hardware

I made this instead, and I do have an HDD. I removed the GPU, because the processor was really bad, and I don't know if that was a good idea. I took the i3-6100 as my new processor, and I changed the PSU to a 400W one instead of 450, because my parts are not very power-hungry.


Also, do you think it's better to get 2 20' used monitors, or the one in the setup I'm about to build? I kinda like dual-monitor setups but I'm not sure if they would be better in this occasion. Bte, for both monitors it was $75.

posted about 8 years ago
#1896 PC Build Thread in Hardware

That's exactly what happened. I realized the part list was really bad.

posted about 8 years ago
#1894 PC Build Thread in Hardware

IDK how to delete posts.


posted about 8 years ago
#1890 PC Build Thread in Hardware

It's no secret at all. I'm trying to keep it at about $600 CAD including all the peripherals. I plan on building it mid-december.

posted about 8 years ago
#1887 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Yeah, I'm on a pretty tight budget. It's mostly for playing TF2 and CS:GO and I'm hoping for some good framerates, at trash settings.

posted about 8 years ago
#1884 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Hey, this is my very first build. I'm not too sure about this, but whatever. Any tips are appreciated! https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/myc3m8

posted about 8 years ago