Account Details
SteamID64 76561198071371521
SteamID3 [U:1:111105793]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:55552896
Country European Union
Signed Up September 6, 2016
Last Posted February 26, 2024 at 3:30 PM
Posts 249 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.93
Windows Sensitivity does it matter?
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G403
Monitor Sony Trinitron G520
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 17
#10 poland.tf thank you thread in LAN Discussion

also do not forget


posted about a year ago
#9 poland.tf thank you thread in LAN Discussion

shoutout to Beater accepting all the shots when we ordered too much
shoutout to production & staff big time, SUPRA SUPRA SUPRA
shoutout to Wylenn, Klarra, Obvi, Aelkyr and Steven for awesome company
shoutout to KO and everyone involved in 6 players one keyboard pubs
shoutout to Juicy Lucy (tm) next door
shoutout to everyone appreciating the community service

posted about a year ago
#98 poLANd.tf 2024 #winter in LAN Discussion

Holy shit, just found out about the event and it's fully booked for spectators. Can't believe I'll miss a LAN 1h train away from home.


edit: cu@ <3

posted about a year ago
#25 A journey to unify a fragmented pugging experience in Projects

I do not trust Kodyn since when I was doing some business for qixalite with you guys years ago, some of you told me (in a Discord call) that aussies use kelvin as a primary temperature measure unit nationwide. I believed it for some reason, but never mentioned to anyone. Then, MANY YEARS LATER I casually mentioned this to a co-worker from AU and they just fucking laughed in my face revealing this long-lasting bamboozle.

posted about 3 years ago
#4 best posts of all time in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 3 years ago
#95 cfg.tf in Customization

Another even more unexpected tiny update:
- Fixed problems with the crosshair generator not downloading explosive weapon scripts
- Fixed Pomson script name breaking everything

posted about 3 years ago
#92 cfg.tf in Customization

Very unexpected update (is anyone still using this?)

  • Added an ability to apply/remove a selected crosshair to all weapons (if you select an explosion effect, it will apply to all explosive weapons)
  • Fixed tab bind being overwritten when changing classes with tabgraph script enabled
  • Fixed some script names for custom crosshair generator (Neon Annihilator and Bazaar Bargain)

Now this is where my job is finally done. I can finally retire. This is the EOL update.

posted about 3 years ago
#4 Fight Songs Expansion + Music sheets in TF2 General Discussion

as promised, here they are
also, all in one archive

posted about 4 years ago
#3 Fight Songs Expansion + Music sheets in TF2 General Discussion
Console-fuck sibelius, MuseScore and Finale gang only

amen! I'm going to port those to MuseScore and put up on musescore.com for those who's into stuff like this

posted about 4 years ago
#91 job thread in Off Topic

I was stuck with a lot of the shittiest programming jobs in my place for almost 5 years. 2 months back I got a job offer from a massive ass software company I applied to at the beginning of the summer. I never could have imagined a company would care for me enough to pay for my relocation over 6.5k km away from my town and offer me a job with the salary almost 3 fucking times as much as I used to have.
It was a nightmare of a relocation: selling everything I have including my car, apartment, all the tech stuff I've accumulated over many years in less than 2 weeks. But now I'm here, finally able to play TF2 with ping less than 120 and never having a spare hour to play it.

Can't say that it was just TF2 that has gotten me into web development, but I can for sure say that I have learned a shitload of things working on various hobby projects for this videogame. Thank u videogame, those 8 years aren't wasted for nothing.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Flexible pick/ban system for pugs and streams in Projects

Turns out, there's a web-based system to pick/ban maps for most popular esport/competitive titles.

And it turns out they have recently added TF2.
Pretty flexible, you can fully customize pick/ban order, team names/logos and best of X. After creating your pick/ban you get a handful of links for team captains to pick/ban in real time as well as viewers' link to observe the results live. There is also an optional OBS/something else overlay if you want to include this into your stream, The UI looks kinda rough though, I can't imagine it actually being used in a serious broadcast, but I imagine that would be nice to have for scrims or small tourneys.

Shoutout to Wiethoofd who sent me this.

posted about 5 years ago
#14 Moscow LAN 2019 in LAN Discussion
NeuTronas200The participation fee per team is 8400 RUB (123 EUR, including conversion rate fees), which makes it the cheapest LAN that has ever existed!
In Moscow? Because I'm sure Infoshow LANs in Lithuania were cheaper for the team.
Though the given computers are better here. It's not expensive as for a team.

Yeah, not gonna lie, I have no idea how much did that cost back than. Wasn't it back in like 2014-15? I'm pretty sure the cost of everything went up drastically. But yeah, anyway, it's still the cheapest one up to the modern standards!

mattomiesable to donate this year? :o

If you are seeking to get something like an in-game pin, we do have awesome medals ready for this year, including the one that you can get by funding the prize pool. But with all the recent changes to Valve's position on adding new stuff in, we can't really promise anything just yet, unless we find another good way to reward our supporters. There definitely will be a way to donate as soon as we figure out the perks we'll be able to offer.

posted about 5 years ago
#8 Jackie Chan in Off Topic
klassyWHAT HUD?!

budhud by Whisker

posted about 5 years ago
#9 Moscow LAN 2019 in LAN Discussion

Fees have now been finalized!

The participation fee per team is 8400 RUB (123 EUR, including conversion rate fees), which makes it the cheapest LAN that has ever existed!
This grants you an access to a solid gaming rig and a 2-day event pass. The rentals are free! You can still bring your peripherals (which is recommended).

PC Specs:

Show Content
Intel Core i7 6700 (3.4 Ghz)
GTX 1080 (8 Gb)
16 Gb RAM
128 Gb SSD
2 Tb HDD

ASUS ROG PG258Q Monitor (240Hz)

Centurion headset, Claymore Core keyboard, Gladius II mouse
DXRacer chairs

Spectating is free.

P.S.: You can now language-filter channels in our Discord so feel free to post your #lfp and #lfts!

posted about 5 years ago
#5 Moscow LAN 2019 in LAN Discussion

With everything confirmed and venue rent paid, it's safe to say that it's happening!
Come over, we have cheap alcohol and eXtine on board!

posted about 5 years ago
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