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Last Posted April 15, 2017 at 10:45 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⋅⋅ 71
#20 The Mouse/Mousepad Thread v2 in Hardware

g303 on a meme cutting board

posted about 9 years ago
#120 esea in TF2 General Discussion
DrPloxolanskypeople have shown this many times but lpkane mentioned they aren't operating at a loss for TF2

very rough estimates ( feel free to correct any incorrect numbers, 7 player average per roster came from lkpane)

invite: $85 * (9 teams * 7 players each) = $5355

IM: $15 (unsure about this, rough estimate) * (16 teams * 7 players each) = $1680

open: $7.50 (unsure again) * (almost 60 open teams last season * 7 players each) = $3150

very rough premium estimate: (60 open + 16 im) * 7 players * (2 months a season? * 6.95/mo) = $7400

total not including premium fees $6.95 ish a month for every player in open/im: $10,185 (premium adds quite a lot to this), putting it over the prize pool of 16k when you add premium

cant speak for the rest of invite, but all i am truly concerned with is not being at a loss for going to an event. if i can break even, i'd still go just because it's a fun hobby. im sure this sum can help facilitate that to some degree. i'd be willing to not have a significant prize pool if travel could be covered for all teams
I got told I was wrong when i kept saying that :/

its a fairly misleading point when you consider time and effort. while there isnt that much time and effort needed to be spent on tf2, the return rate is also a fraction of the value as spending it on cs

were reload to be paid hourly rather than on salary, im sure the time spent maintaining tf2 would probably put them at a loss for example.

posted about 9 years ago
#408 Valve and Competitive TF2 in News

the influx of cheaters striving for australium rank at scout in Official Matchmaking might drive some of u insane in the near future

posted about 9 years ago
#11 CS:GO update for 4/28/15 (4/29/15 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

6:25 PM - 2c: drop 30 4 times yday
6:26 PM - 2c: crash 800 times in one game and have some moron shooting me in the back
6:26 PM - 2c: lose
6:26 PM - 2c: downrank

posted about 9 years ago
#63 ESL and ESEA to host $1 million league in CS2 News

banny and carl and smoene else i dont remember got invited to go to valve office but i thought it was next month


posted about 9 years ago
#14 6.84 in Off Topic

the 60 minute naga games where the guy has 9 slots and refresher his aghs ult to heal his team while split pushing will be amusing

posted about 9 years ago
#36 Steam now has paid workshop mods in Off Topic
eee"what in gods name"

do u not understand how ppl are going to be mad that a bunch of formerly free content is going to be locked behind a paywall?

the joke was you described exactly what DLC is which has existed for years

not my issue if you feel entitled to content youve spent 0 dollars on. nothings going to convince retards stuff they dont want to hear so you'll just have to see it for yourself in a year or so how disastrous this decision is

posted about 9 years ago
#33 Steam now has paid workshop mods in Off Topic
its the exact same thing as paid cosmetics. unimaginitive retards will whine doom and gloom while content creators will make the big bucks now that they finally have a platform to release on
its p different from paid cosmetics since putting up a paywall for actual game content on a game u other wise own is still pretty new.

what in gods name

There's also the fact that there's still literally no copy protection or way to authenticate the TES engine's plugins, so u can pirate these things pathetically easy. its dumb

even better: the mods that you deem not worth their value but still 'necessary' (im not sure how this combination exists), you can just go acquire for free. others wont know how to, or will disagree with your opinions on its value and pay up front. this is the exact reason why piracy in music and movie industries benefits the business overall: people that arent going to buy a product can freeload on something they never intended to buy and the capability of doing so generates positive value because popularity attracts others who will pay that otherwise wouldn't found the product in the first place.

posted about 9 years ago
#32 Steam now has paid workshop mods in Off Topic

good thing theres a rating system so the userbase could ensure the greatest value mods are represented as such

jk everyone voted one star on everything so they removed it

anyways, garrys mod dudes spot on. read first paragraph and already know it coincides with my understanding of these things. aside from that markets take awhile to stabilize. benefits for users come long term

posted about 9 years ago
#29 Steam now has paid workshop mods in Off Topic

and frankly if someone makes a good enouhg dota mario kart and it costs a dollar ill go sell some crates and manage i think

skyrim players have massive down's

posted about 9 years ago
#28 Steam now has paid workshop mods in Off Topic
kirbyA lot of his posts are leaving me in a weird spot. On one hand, I understand a lot of what he's saying, but at the same time I don't see why any of this is necessary.

its the exact same thing as paid cosmetics. unimaginitive retards will whine doom and gloom while content creators will make the big bucks now that they finally have a platform to release on

he's not going to post "well look you retard, we gave people the chance to make cartoon hats and now a lot of them make 200k a year so i think this strategy may be more viable than putting a donation button when catering to a market that that still has >50% adblock on despite constant appeals from ~the sites they love~".

it should all be common sense that this is direction steam has headed for the past 3 years or so. you're basically looking at a preview of dota's custom map system

posted about 9 years ago
#3 SK to build international team - Report in CS2 News

i have no idea how sk sustains itself. i feel like they haven't been relevant in any game for a decade

posted about 9 years ago
#28 Valve to introduce "Paid Mods" in Off Topic

people can still release free stuff

now people can release paid stuff

theres now incentive to create things for you and the creator gets compensation. you get cool stuff and they have a new platform to make money doing something they enjoyed enough to do for free in the past but may have not had the time to justify bringing out a 'product grade' experience

regular cosmetic creators in valve games make 100k++++ a year. the opportunity is huge and the split is worthwhile because you get access to millions of customers with no advertizing.

ur basically seeing the beginning of source2 modding as an incentive based platform. there will be a lot of free custom games in dota2 for example. but there will likely be mini development teams that will attempt to create a large high quality mod with maintence updates for ~$1 under the expectation that most customers will sell a new crate or a couple blues to meet the cost if it comes down to it

posted about 9 years ago
#49 harb spits on the floor in TF2 General Discussion

all the cows between norcal and socal are black somethings gone wrong please fix the drought

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Biggest washup in TF2 poll in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 9 years ago
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