A reminder of how poor my family is
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198121096014 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:160830286] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:80415143 |
Country | Fiji |
Signed Up | October 21, 2015 |
Last Posted | June 1, 2018 at 3:22 AM |
Posts | 1641 (0.5 per day) |
Isn't the main purpose of mm is to bridge that huge gap between pubs and competitive?
Christmas sucks
Depending on where you are trees can cost a lot, it crazy
Inb4 this is just another inside job against b4nny
Next season looks better every week
2016 is going to be our golden year
Lé pog champ
B4nny has 20 passes and gets to chose who plays in the beta
1 went to flame 1 went to cyzer
Also I think ma3la got one too
You can remove the gifted thing from the hat now
Flame and cyzer got one according to b4nny
Check out Chance the Rapper
The cheap ones from contracts looks really sick
I want FN autumn rocket launcher
wrudoes that mean the shotgun soldier is a thing again?
It never left http://i.imgur.com/mvKQu0h.png