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Signed Up October 8, 2013
Last Posted November 9, 2020 at 10:44 PM
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ⋅⋅ 41
#50 Halo Reach MCC release date in Other Games
Tino_DMR is hot garbage. Change my mind.

Its average at best in any non-TU gamemode, in TU gamemodes its the only weapon you should ever use besides power weapons

posted about 5 years ago
#41 Halo Reach MCC release date in Other Games
hamahamppl who complain are people that once touched halo and never got REALLY into it, i'm a proud virgin who spent most of my youth learning BXR and RRX on halo 2 in order to piss on people, you guys are no better than people who played 12 hours of team fortress 2 before moving on to play some shit like cs and then are like "tf2 oh i remember that game yeah i played it :P" stfu losers

I would rather get BXR'd 50 times in a row than play another game of High Noon slayer and have noone get close to eachother and just DMR from 100 feet away. Reach is fun but you really have to trim down the modes or you get flashbacks to Destiny 2 release PvP

Invasion is fun af tho

posted about 5 years ago
#23 Halo Reach MCC release date in Other Games
Brockdid the fix the mouse input? i mean honestly its the damn point of it being on a computer, they couldn't get that figured out from the get go as a priority?

Mouse input feels amazing, game runs very smooth and I havent experienced any input delay in the slightest

posted about 5 years ago
#21 Halo Reach MCC release date in Other Games
cukeiIt sucks.

In what way, Im having a blast.

posted about 5 years ago
#55 RGL Ban Speedrun Any% (WR) in Off Topic
JarateKingTheScientificGamerI believe the issue is not necessarily with race--rather, the issue is with culture. The most "racist" states are ones where you have two cultures that do not have much in common, namely, white culture, and African-American culture. African-American culture, known for its embrace of loud social activity (and a general expression of the will through publicized song and dance) highly contrasts with the "white" American culture, with its origin is obviously derived from Europe, where things that are revered are treated with a sort of stoicism and silence.Ah yes, the real cause of racism is that white americans are afraid of loud noises.

The whole "trust me I'm scientific, I posted one statistic and then extrapolated wild conclusions with no backing" schtick is a real stupid trend. It should be pretty telling that these types never cite their sources. Those statistics come from Project Implicit, and these are the the conclusions that they make in their paper Exposure to Racial Out-Groups and Implicit Race Bias in the United States (2015):Rae Newheiser OlsonIn conclusion, aligning with findings from political science (Putnam, 2007) and sociology (Quillian, 1995), we found that greater proportions of Black, relative to White, residents in U.S. states and counties predicted stronger in-group bias among both White and Black Americans. Although we attempted to isolate the relationship between out-group exposure and race bias (e.g., by using control variables and replicating the pattern across units of analysis), it remains unclear exactly why this pattern emerged.Any attempt to definitively say "yes this is why that is" is unscientific mumbo. The actual researchers' best estimation is:Rae Newheiser OlsonWhite respondents living in areas with few Black residents have relatively few encounters with the low-status group, and therefore their high in-group status may not be chronically salient. But for White respondents living in areas with high proportions of Black residents, high ingroup status may indeed be chronically salient and may bolster in-group bias.Which does not suggest anything you're saying.

R/woosh normie

posted about 5 years ago
#37 RGL Ban Speedrun Any% (WR) in Off Topic
Rebitehow are you people admitting you aren't even trying to be decent human beings lmfao

if ur responding to anything i said you missed the point very hard

posted about 5 years ago
#31 RGL Ban Speedrun Any% (WR) in Off Topic
Unicorn_Wizard89zombiezWild_Rumpus89zombiezBowl89zombiezwait since when does RGL ban for shit in scrims? i thought they released a statement saying as long as it wasnt on an RGL platform they wont do anything about it

thats pretty retarded but thank u

honestly dont get why ppl obsess about others so much, people can say what they want just like you have every right to get mad about it but you have to realize theres still ways to not see it, ie muting, hud_saytext time. I get its sometimes unavoidable but shit happens man you cant always have ur way

or just dont use slurs

i know its hard to fathom but ppl have a natural right to say what they want, especially in a game with no built in chat filters. I know its upsetting for someone to say the bad words but its upto leagues to punish and set the environment they want while being consistent about it.
or just be a decent human and don't worry about getting banned for being a racist

not everyone in the world is a decent human bud, the faster u come to that conclusion the better ur life will be

posted about 5 years ago
#29 RGL Ban Speedrun Any% (WR) in Off Topic
Wild_Rumpus89zombiezBowl89zombiezwait since when does RGL ban for shit in scrims? i thought they released a statement saying as long as it wasnt on an RGL platform they wont do anything about it

thats pretty retarded but thank u

honestly dont get why ppl obsess about others so much, people can say what they want just like you have every right to get mad about it but you have to realize theres still ways to not see it, ie muting, hud_saytext time. I get its sometimes unavoidable but shit happens man you cant always have ur way

or just dont use slurs

i know its hard to fathom but ppl have a natural right to say what they want, especially in a game with no built in chat filters. I know its upsetting for someone to say the bad words but its upto leagues to punish and set the environment they want while being consistent about it.

posted about 5 years ago
#27 RGL Ban Speedrun Any% (WR) in Off Topic
Bowl89zombiezwait since when does RGL ban for shit in scrims? i thought they released a statement saying as long as it wasnt on an RGL platform they wont do anything about it

thats pretty retarded but thank u

honestly dont get why ppl obsess about others so much, people can say what they want just like you have every right to get mad about it but you have to realize theres still ways to not see it, ie muting, hud_saytext time. I get its sometimes unavoidable but shit happens man you cant always have ur way

posted about 5 years ago
#20 RGL Ban Speedrun Any% (WR) in Off Topic

wait since when does RGL ban for shit in scrims? i thought they released a statement saying as long as it wasnt on an RGL platform they wont do anything about it

posted about 5 years ago
#7 why my ass so fat in The Dumpster
ShitposterBaby Yoda is older than 90% of the people that play this game. Discuss

Hes like 50 years old, older than 99%

posted about 5 years ago
#2 why my ass so fat in The Dumpster

time to take u behind the barn lassie

posted about 5 years ago
#16 Sporadic eSports confirmed for RGL Season 2 in News

theres alot of noobs in this thread....

posted about 5 years ago
#8 INVITE MONEY PUGS in TF2 General Discussion

ur a living yikes

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Halo Reach MCC release date in Other Games


On steam right now, releasing December 3rd. 10 bucks.

40 dollars for the entire collection, very good deal.

Anyone fragging on the 3rd?

posted about 5 years ago
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