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Signed Up October 8, 2013
Last Posted November 9, 2020 at 10:44 PM
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#417 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
aniccai was in mge watching Luna at some point and it was pretty blatant triggering. kinda mad i didnt record a demo for it but she beat a scout w/ high open DM without a problem, and lost to like a steel spy main immediately after that. her aim was super inconsistent and she constantly swiped over whoever she would mge and the shot would always land. definitely super sketchy. claimed to have an 'invite mentor' and added Buick shortly after that mge sesh, probably to try to cover it up.

We had asked her how she seemingly got so good in only 400 hours, and she said something along the lines of "Ive been playing comp the entire time" lmao

posted about 9 years ago
#415 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion

how dumb can you be to trigger on stream

Holy shit what is that hitsound, its making my ears bleed. And Im pretty sure you can report her for violating terms of service by cheating on stream right?

posted about 9 years ago
#413 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
dollarlayerI'm a little late to the party regarding Luna, but last night for the hell of it I reviewed the STV. I already knew with 99% certainty just by looking at the log and TF2 profile that Luna was cheating, but after watching the STV I'm 110% sure there is amby aimbot being used.

I actually made this clip last night, but didn't post it here because youtube was taking forever for the 1080p version to be available. I also wanted to experiment with combining multiple clips using the youtube editor thing. I don't really know how to use that editor yet, but I did manage to combine 3 short clips into one video.


You did pretty well given its your first time with the editor, and thanks for looking at the STV to reaffirm my and others thoughts. Will be showing this to my pug groups leaders so we make sure nothing like this happens again.

posted about 9 years ago
#411 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
fatswimdude89zombiezWowie, looks like we have a conspiracy boys
okay so i did some more digging, and her e-bf/pocket/whatever "helios" http://steamcommunity.com/id/Helios_cloud/ who was the one who regifted her gold bot medigun is also a suspiciously new account. after looking at his items' history, it appears most of them came from Prodigy, aka TehProdigy, aka sh4wn__ http://backpack.tf/profiles/76561198072966496.

For reference:




haven't found ESEA profile yet

They played together on these teams:

Not going to speculate on why these players made new accounts with new names, but it's pretty apparent that that is what happened

And if Luna has decided to cheat, then maybe we should review these people as well given the circumstances presented upon us.

posted about 9 years ago
#408 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
fatswimdudeILLEGALELEPHANTGUN89zombiezILLEGALELEPHANTGUN89zombiezILLEGALELEPHANTGUN89zombiezGot one more, this one is almost laughibly obvious, http://steamcommunity.com/id/Luna_Star
this is Phlogy on an alt.

Phlogy? Cant say I know them. But if you do, you should probably confront her about ruining the game for other people.

And you're SURE this is her? How do you know for sure if you dont mind me asking.
i played with her briefly on a UGC team called "Lurkn", she headed off to make an alt for whatever reason but kept in touch with me on her account Luna. she mains medic, for what its worth. and Luna is her main account now, i dont think she uses Phlogy anymore.
i remember inventories very well and this seems to be accurate except she must have traded all her unusuals and gotten her gold bot medigun regifted (used to be gifted from Đ/lrkn)

EDIT: checked item histories and they are transferred from http://steamcommunity.com/id/James_was_taken_/ (old Phlogy_) to http://steamcommunity.com/id/Luna_Star/, so unless Phlogy_ gave all her items away Luna is an alt

Wowie, looks like we have a conspiracy boys

posted about 9 years ago
#406 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
ILLEGALELEPHANTGUN89zombiezILLEGALELEPHANTGUN89zombiezILLEGALELEPHANTGUN89zombiezGot one more, this one is almost laughibly obvious, http://steamcommunity.com/id/Luna_Star
this is Phlogy on an alt.

Phlogy? Cant say I know them. But if you do, you should probably confront her about ruining the game for other people.

And you're SURE this is her? How do you know for sure if you dont mind me asking.
i played with her briefly on a UGC team called "Lurkn", she headed off to make an alt for whatever reason but kept in touch with me on her account Luna. she mains medic, for what its worth. and Luna is her main account now, i dont think she uses Phlogy anymore.

Alright, well if you could I, and probably some others would appreciate it if you maybe talked to her? See why shes being a blatant cheater in pugs maybe?

posted about 9 years ago
#404 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
ILLEGALELEPHANTGUN89zombiezILLEGALELEPHANTGUN89zombiezGot one more, this one is almost laughibly obvious, http://steamcommunity.com/id/Luna_Star
this is Phlogy on an alt.

Phlogy? Cant say I know them. But if you do, you should probably confront her about ruining the game for other people.

And you're SURE this is her? How do you know for sure if you dont mind me asking.

posted about 9 years ago
#401 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
ILLEGALELEPHANTGUN89zombiezGot one more, this one is almost laughibly obvious, http://steamcommunity.com/id/Luna_Star
this is Phlogy on an alt.

Phlogy? Cant say I know them. But if you do, you should probably confront her about ruining the game for other people.

posted about 9 years ago
#398 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
dollarlayerI have another cheater to report: Fearmie R^4 STEAM_0:1:54958330

I'll start off my post with a log from early last year:


Horrible accuracy of 45% and 215 dpm on scout. Then no more lobbies for a while...

First lobby in 5 months: http://logs.tf/755015?highlight=76561198070182389

41 kills, 22 deaths, 47 headshots, 668 DPM.

2nd lobby in 5 months: http://logs.tf/755034?highlight=76561198070182389

48 kills 7 deaths, 47 headshots 886 DPM.

Logs with accuracy stats


28 kills, 14 deaths, 28 headshots, 66% sniper accuracy.

Another log with 66% sniper accuracy, although smaller sample size: http://logs.tf/777896?highlight=76561198070182389

57% Sniper accuracy: http://logs.tf/780228?highlight=76561198070182389

61% sniper accuracy, and 88% scatter
: http://logs.tf/787574?highlight=76561198070182389

59% Sniper accuracy
: http://logs.tf/788891?highlight=76561198070182389

55% Sniper: http://logs.tf/790242?highlight=76561198070182389

Out of every log I looked through, I only found one log with a reasonable 36% sniper accuracy, the rest were always above 50%.

88% Sniper accuracy log

I reviewed the demo for this log right here: http://logs.tf/761833?highlight=76561198070182389

I have no doubt that aim assist is being used. 88% Sniper accuracy across 6159 damage! And a couple shots were fired randomly at nothing.

Fearmie spent several minutes in spawn in this lobby, and disconnected manually from the server twice mid game (perhaps the hack crashed?). Fearmei also spent several minutes strangely shaking their mouse around while staring at a wall in spawn or in some corner of the map as if they were trying to calibrate their mouse sensitivity or having some kind of technical issue with their mouse.

STV can be downloaded from here: http://sizzlingstats.com/stats/361423

graymind: R^4 sounds like a competitive team
megaserpent: competitive is a stretch. two of them fukin cheat
graymind: what do you men?
graymind: mean*
graymind: does fearmie?
megaserpent: mio and fearmie blatantly triggerbot
megaserpent: and the rest of those people in the group ive never even seen
megaserpent: except auzzie and why he exposed himself to such a group ill never know
*DEAD* lazydayz: LOL
graymind: wtf are you talking about
megaserpent: auzzie is a reputable professional tf2 player and he plays with cheaters
lazydayz: does your asshole whistle?
lazydayz: because obviously you got fisted by R^4
graymind: whatever they seem cool

Saw this on the R^4 group page, guy called it from the beginning!

posted about 9 years ago
#396 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
Miodollarlayer-snip-Vortex-snip-AvastPlayed against Fearmie a few times but hung out with players that I thought were legit (that whole R^4 circlejerk) so didnt question the crazy sniper shots that they hit. With this news I'll definitely say the POV's need to be reviewed for possible cheating.

It only takes 1 bad apple in alot of cases, if you have nothing to hide it shouldn't be a problem

Show Content
posted about 9 years ago
#394 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion

Got one more, this one is almost laughibly obvious, http://steamcommunity.com/id/Luna_Star


400+ DPM as spy, with only 4 backstabs. If you look at the STV Im the scout named "Venom". And if you spec them any of the shots she gets on me are ridiculous


EDIT: New DL link, other one was fucked

posted about 9 years ago
#2 esea in TF2 General Discussion

Nice! This season of invite is gearing to be amazing to watch.

posted about 9 years ago
#517 Valve and Competitive TF2 in News

To be honest I'm just happy that we are getting matchmaking at all, it may be a bit of a clusterfuck at first but I know they really want to listen to the community, and with the stats they will be getting the system will be refined relatively quickly (Taking valve time into consideration). Its still gonna be a fun thing to play with friends and experience imo.

posted about 9 years ago
#98 The person who posted above you... in Off Topic

The creature an alien creates after experimenting on them

posted about 9 years ago
#44 UGC Steel 6v6 Finals in TF2 General Discussion
What he's trying to say is that since it's hard to prevent sandbagging, they decide not to reward the sandbaggers, therefore reducing the incentives to sandbag
all ur doing is contributing to the lolugc mindset and having an excuse for not being an admin that actually takes care of the league and promotes an actually health division

placement badges would be the hypest thing ever for lower level players tbh

i know when i played steel my team had a chance at winning, but without any real reward-based motivation to win we really just didn't feel compelled to work hard to beat sandbagging teams (like the Hell Xpress + asianriceguy team that didn't even win)

yes ugc is a joke but it has the potential to not be

This is how I felt during my season of steel, not really fun playing against some people who played in plat HL when its your first real season of 6s. Provided my team made it pretty far (6-4), but I think alot of it was luck that we didnt get the really bad sandbagged teams, atleast in my last match of 6s playoffs I got to outsnipe Feint alittle.

posted about 9 years ago
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