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Signed Up February 23, 2016
Last Posted August 21, 2018 at 10:43 AM
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#66 Signed Item Giveaway in TF2 General Discussion

bash pistol pls

posted about 6 years ago
#2 7ᴠ7 ᴛᴏᴜɴᴀɴᴇɴᴛ in The Dumpster

Is this a meme?

posted about 6 years ago
#260 Item giveaway in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 6 years ago
#21 Esea medals in TF2 General Discussion

etf2l roster riding exists without playing matches tho????

posted about 6 years ago
#4430 stream highlights in Videos
edit: switches to ubersaw super noob play
didn't switch to ubersaw
must have been a glitch because bdonski gets flashed and doesn't take damage and uber def got popped

You can see the ubersaw on the ground after she died, def switched

posted about 7 years ago
#45 AS MGE feedback in TF2 General Discussion
BBiA_duchessAV5get rid of heavy on ammomod (mge and regular) so people don't rage brass-beast ty
Do people actually do this? I've played quite a bit of both and never had anyone play anything other than soldier demo and scout

I've found it to be a lot more of a problem in EU than NA but it still happens often enough with people, especially the As server where the main culprits are people who just deliberately gay to win, cuz gaying as solly on ammo is practically impossible otherwise

posted about 7 years ago
#27 AS MGE feedback in TF2 General Discussion

get rid of heavy on ammomod (mge and regular) so people don't rage brass-beast ty

posted about 7 years ago
#5630 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 7 years ago
#10 add me on steam for connor x flloyd fight stream in Off Topic

legit +1

posted about 7 years ago
#13 2 Sticky Ctap in TF2 General Discussion
sheafHunter_2_0can't you just crouch on 2 stickies for the same effect?My understanding is that ctaping puts some of your hull/box below the floor. In fact, I heard the whole 2 stickies thing from someone who was explaining how ctaping works, and the whole 'crouching won't kill you, ctapping will' was offered as evidence for their claims.

iirc EXC0 talked about that three years ago when explaining ctaps during a TOTH jump segment

posted about 8 years ago
#7 How to improve solly movement? in Q/A Help

ammomod mge > unbind jump > focus solely on strafing and predicting opponent dodge
Learning other player's movement patterns inherently makes your movement better

posted about 8 years ago
#468 2016 election live results in World Events
GentlemanJonAV5The problem with Sanders is that he was too leftist for the DNC, couldn't reach far enough to the right to pull voters from the center, which is really what the democrats specialize in when looking at past elections. Clinton is far easier for the DNC to utilize because of her pragmatic approach to things. Clinton wasn't necessarily the better politician but her position made it more likely that she would take the nomination, which makes sense if the whole e-mail scandals with the possible rigging of the primaries for her benefit is true.

As for the issues with the GOP, they just need to take a closer look at how they run their primaries, which are designed specifically to iron out the best candidates. This also applies to the DNC.
The thing is that during a period of clear sustained economic... well suffering might be too strong a word, but belts clearly being tightened, the left is supposed to be able to not only capitalise on that, but to have attractive arguments that appeal directly to people on those grounds, and to represent them.

It's an interesting pattern amongst the anti-establishment movements that are happening throughout the west that the successful ones are primarily right wing, that they rely primarily on ideas of identity while simultaneously pushing for the most part an even more right wing agenda that is very unlikely to benefit anyone who is voting for them.

It seems that the process that took place in the 1990s where left leaning parties became friends of globalisation and the markets has left them hopelessly exposed. New leftist movements now still appeal to left leaning well educated people, but they have no traction with their supposed base - unionised workers, low skilled workers, etc. There's no point pretending there was no swing vote - those people just came out for Trump in significant numbers, and they have abandoned Labour in the UK. The left as a whole needs to re-connect.

For the Republicans their entire system has been totally undermined by a complete outsider who has publicly shown contempt for those who are now his leading officials. Several of them have openly mutinied and voted against him. A lot of party members feel the same way about Trump as people who just voted against him, there is a real feeling the party has been hijacked. It runs a lot deeper than adjusting their process.

The left capitalizing on economic issues to gain control was really started with FDR, but during that time period the left also had complete control over the legislative and judiciary branches. Only in times of crisis does America tend to give complete power to a party that has an imminent solution to the issues, which makes this election particularly strange where the right only needs the judiciary to play their game in order for that to happen. So deriving power in that sense comes from communicating actual solutions, which neither candidate seems to show in this election, furthering the anomaly.

Anti-establishment movements usually gain ground not because of simply "the good old days" ideas but because of the general movement of the parties within the political spectrum. When the left reaches toward the center, the right responds by moving further right, dragging it's end along with it. Trump is essentially the epitome of this and is really the reason more people have swung right, there is a much larger political ecotone here making it far easier for undecided to travel right on their own without the right needing to make an active effort. Being informed usually counteracts this but with the state of the media it's extremely difficult to get a clear cut mindset without doing way too much homework on the topic. Americans = lazy with that sort of thing, no matter what background.

The left here is honestly stronger than ever in terms of differences in their ideals. Essentially every liberal has to identify even closer with each other due to the splintering of the GOP caused by Trump's rhetoric. Even though the republicans do have control of the executive and legislative, the polarity in the party is most likely going to show with not having to worry about the executive knocking back every decision made. The party hasn't really been hijacked, it's just split in how right-winged it wants to be, another effect of the right-moving-further-right-over-time effect.

posted about 8 years ago
#458 2016 election live results in World Events
GentlemanJonSanders would have had an important advantage over Clinton, he's an old white male. That demographic voted against Clinton in droves, and Sanders would also have been much more difficult to outflank on the "insider" theme. There is no doubt he would have had his own, probably fatal, electoral weaknesses, but he is a much better orator than Clinton and would probably have had a much easier time appearing genuine when campaigning.

Clinton being a better politician within the confines of her own party didn't do them any good on the road. The democrat process just didn't produce a good enough candidate and in the wake of defeat they might want to look at why. The Republican party has plenty of work to do to figure out what just happened to it as well.

The problem with Sanders is that he was too leftist for the DNC, couldn't reach far enough to the right to pull voters from the center, which is really what the democrats specialize in when looking at past elections. Clinton is far easier for the DNC to utilize because of her pragmatic approach to things. Clinton wasn't necessarily the better politician but her position made it more likely that she would take the nomination, which makes sense if the whole e-mail scandals with the possible rigging of the primaries for her benefit is true.

As for the issues with the GOP, they just need to take a closer look at how they run their primaries, which are designed specifically to iron out the best candidates. This also applies to the DNC.

posted about 8 years ago