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SteamID64 76561198028045852
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:33890062
Country Iran, Islamic Republic of
Signed Up November 18, 2013
Last Posted June 15, 2014 at 11:16 PM
Posts 31 (0 per day)
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#32 ESEA-Invite: Classic Mixup vs Froyotech in Events
Booopsays the match is on 04/03 on the esea page

04/03/2014 @ 0300 zulu (2300 EDT 04/02/2014)

posted about 10 years ago
#32 ESEA-Invite: froyotech vs. Exertus eSports in Events
cyzerdummy is also a player


posted about 10 years ago
#27 Help! in Q/A Help
No_sirThanks, i will try that :)

I predict this isn't going to fix your problem.

Considering that this happens in other FPS games it's fairly easy to deduce that the issue isn't related to your binds. If it's not caused by your binds there's really two possible causes: your hardware or you.

Get a USB keyboard, plug it into the USB port on your laptop, use only that keyboard and a mouse, no touchpad, no built-in keyboard. This will eliminate the possibility that there's a short in your laptop's keyboard PCB or that you are accidentally hitting a mouse/touchpad button when you go to reload.

posted about 10 years ago
#49 suicide. in Off Topic

hehe !

Holy shit.

posted about 10 years ago
#28 suicide. in Off Topic

Hey chaaz,

I can't claim to have any personal experiences nearly as bad as yours, and every instance of depression and how it can be handled varies from person to person, but I have noticed a common denominator in friends and acquaintances who have gotten past depression. Every friend I've had who was depressed and dug them selves out started doing something they loved. Some started lifting, some started building engines and restoring cars, others tried to get really good at vidja games or programming, all of them eventually stopped feeling suicidal because their life had purpose.

This is extremely hard to see when you are suicidal. if the world has no meaning to you finding meaning is understandably impossible. That said, I emplore you to try to find a passion, something that, as Mason put it, "makes you tick". Find something that forces you to think about it and get your mind off your problems.

I wish you the best dude, as idiotic as the community can be sometimes I think Mason's show of maturity in this thread shows the way most of us feel when it comes to this topic.

P.S.: there's also the 4chan "the world is your oyster" pasta if you want another way of looking at things.

posted about 10 years ago
#45 Coworker Issues in Off Topic
sildeezyDoog, I only posted because I thought you were trolling, and I thought you were doing an amazing job.

I highly doubt thefragile's post was made with the intent of promoting a sexist agenda. If you want to take it that way, that's on you, g.

Also, I'm pretty sure you're trolling still.

edit: wait, if you thought my post was serious, does that mean your name really is Joe? I just kinda gave you a fictional name.

Naw dude, Sinner got you figured out on the first page. You're a lizard who shapeshifts to get Fragile to hit on you.

posted about 11 years ago
#26 Coworker Issues in Off Topic
donttouchmyfrogsildeezydonttouchmyfrogTheFragilesexual favorsWow, everytime i see this kind of sexist responses getting upfragged I feel genuinely sick inside, and it just reminds me how patriarchal these types of communities and forums are. I'm ashamed on your behalf.
I agree, joe. One time I was streaming and thefragile kept sending me messages asking for my phone number/asking me to get on skype naked. It was the first time I felt like I wasn't going to make it in tf2 because I was a girl.

Hey, thefragile, this is from girl gamers everywhere: GO AWAY.

Any girl gamers who want to wear this tag feel free #goawayfragile

I know I'll be wearing it.
Wow that's so disgusting, you shouldn't have to face this kind of shit because you happen to be a girl, too bad people aren't taking statements like fragile's more seriously, to realize it's not just an innocent joke, but a part of a patriarchal structure that people are hesitant to question.

When an impartial observer has to spend 5 minutes figuring you if you're joking or actually offended your argument probably isn't very good.

posted about 11 years ago
#34 For those in need... in Off Topic
nixnyteAir_jesus christ if you don't get it i'll buy you a fucking mouse nobody should have to go through a touchpad
thanks for the offer but i dont want someone spending money on a new mouse, i could just buy one instead
sherman_glucksadly, this explains a lot
please dont take our ugc team seriously, we just have fun. in that playoffs match i was using 83 sensitivity

Dude, I've got an old logitech and a brand new Steelseries Kinzu Pro V2 just sitting around here, shoot me a PM if you'd like either.

posted about 11 years ago
#171 Mix^ in TF2 General Discussion
rr-So let's say we all actually moved to a new league and it ran great, no lan, all the same players are still playing from this season... but wait, the competition is still shit, out of this season the only real breakouts that have done well and impressed others have been ant and sezco ( I'm counting new players to invite, so don't be offended, some old players have done really impressive shit too like mile high) so what do we have to look forward to in this league...? Well there's no lan, so a lot of mixup is gone, I'd assume some players on my team would quit just because competition is bad, Alfa's team would probably fold, or do something similar to us. And now we're left with wla at the top. Not to shit on anyone because I've always thought that competition was shit ever since I played invite my first season, but how many of the 1000 viewers we got for our match vs mix on metalworks, would, lets say want to watch wla vs Monet? I respect the players on their teams but, really? I wouldn't watch, since the quality of the game dropped. You'll see more errors in plays, and then you'll compare it to previous games. I always compare this season to last, and what's really funny is last season in my first match against mixup, we had 2500 people watch me die to seagull on mid, now we have 1000 viewers when we played mixup this season last week. Its pretty shocking that we somehow lost 1500 people when the two top teams play each other. So what I'm trying to say is, what exactly will be solved by hopping leagues, if the actual competition this season is really fucking shitty. I'm sure people want to save their e-rep and don't want to be mean, but honestly, the competition in this game is pretty shitty and what's our solution to solve that? Mentoring doesn't help because barely anyone actually learns shit that will improve their play consistently.

I think this is a big thing that's being forgotten in all the rush to leave ESEA. Yes ESEA sucks, their model is pretty crap, doesn't support our community well, the client is malware at best, all that. I'm pretty sure we can all agree that ESEA as a league is notably less than optimal. What needs to be addressed that hasn't been at all is how the level of play and competition is going to be stimulated. I don't personally have any solutions, I just got into comp play and don't know the scene well enough to say what will stimulate growth (assuming there is a way to), but even I can see that no matter what league the community chooses to play in, including if we stay in ESEA by the way, the issue of a drop-off in competition and growth needs to be addressed.

posted about 11 years ago
#16 For those in need... in Off Topic
Air_nixnytei've always used a touchpad for gaming. this isnt a joke post, i could post pictures of the worn paint on several laptops or people i've played tf2 with previously could confirm. would i be eligible to receive this mouse since i've never had a "real" one, or is it only for people who have old, faulty mice and would appreciate a replacement?

either way, it's very generous of you to give the mouse away, so thank you for doing this regardless
jesus christ if you don't get it i'll buy you a fucking mouse nobody should have to go through a touchpad

If nix wants I'll send him a Kinzu for shipping. brand new pro edition v2, I've used it a couple of times, but I am too used to having the extra buttons on my other mouse for it to be a viable travel alternative like I thought it would be.

posted about 11 years ago
#322 ESEA S15 NA Invite Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion
For the whole thing? Because about 5 minutes after you flashed kappa on the stream you go on to say Seagull was definitely leaving and 3 of your statements were true.
Seagull told me he was leaving, clock can't join because of eseaids' new maximun of roster joins per season (2)
Harbleu obviously wasn't cut
Everything else is just speculation/people telling me things

Alright, I figured Harb wasn't cut, and Brad definitely wasn't coming back after the shit with ESEA. Thanks for the clarification.

posted about 11 years ago
#318 ESEA S15 NA Invite Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

For the whole thing? Because about 5 minutes after you flashed kappa on the stream you go on to say Seagull was definitely leaving and 3 of your statements were true.

posted about 11 years ago
#314 ESEA S15 NA Invite Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion
PlatinumharbleuAdmiral_ObesityHarbleu was cut???He means when you used to be really ripped back in season 6

Nice one plat.

It's alright Harb, we all know you gotta bulk to get the gainz. I'm on permanent bearmode myself.

posted about 11 years ago
#311 ESEA S15 NA Invite Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion
harbleuAdmiral_ObesityHarbleu was cut???

Mangachu trolled the viewers on his stream this weekend by saying something about a new mixup roster. He said that the new roster was Brad on med, Clock and Squid scouts, Enigma and TLR sollies, and Plat demo. He then said that three of those statements are true (After saying he trolled the thread). I figured you getting cut was unlikely, and Brad replacing you was even more unlikely given the Watch This drama.

posted about 11 years ago
#308 ESEA S15 NA Invite Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

So, Ruwin left iT, and Mangachu is claiming Seagull has quit tf2 (among other rumors of mix^ roster change). What is happening?

Edit: Before you say Mangachu was trolling, he clarified after the troll that Seagull was leaving. He said that 3 of the following statements were true: Harbleu was cut, Pure/Pyyyour/Brad was picked up as med, Clockwork was picked up as scout, Enigma roams, and Plat went to demo. The first three seem unlikely, but I don't want to speculate too much.

posted about 11 years ago
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