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Signed Up May 1, 2018
Last Posted May 8, 2018 at 11:14 AM
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#1 Configs and Tweaks to improve fps in Customization

As tf2 gets 11 yrs. old in the next couple of months, things have change recently changed a lot about this game. A lot things are new and a coupel get outdated as time flys by.

So here are some up-to-date configs and a few tweaks to help your tf2 gaemplay at present 2018:

  • Updated Chris' and Cowmanglia's Config
    -not a lot of people knew this but there's this guy named sage updated both these cfgs
    (thx man)
  • Mastercomfig
    - the most up to date config present 2018, gives more fps that cowmanglia's and chris' and this is the config l use
    *Note:This config is a little bit complex to configure because this is "mod" so to say(just read the installation
    guide on the main page in the the link above so you'll know what to do)
  • Null Movement Script
    -a good way to keep your feet moving
  • No smoke Script
    -creates blue sparks instead of the large explosion on projectile weapons(rocket launcher, stickybomb launcher. etc.)
  • Defraging
    -helps give fps and performance, especially a laptop or a weak computer. You may also want to clean up you drivers
  • Cleaning Drivers
    -frees up ram
  • Mods
    -some mods give good fps just search them on google, but i'll go with game banana

So this is my list to improve fps by a lot but make the game look like crap, but it's worth it.
You may also consider having a 4:3 resulotion (a.k.a b4nny view), just google it because i can't find any examples.
Thank You!!!!

posted about 6 years ago