Account Details
SteamID64 76561198443218901
SteamID3 [U:1:482953173]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:241476586
Country United States
Signed Up July 26, 2020
Last Posted February 26, 2024 at 8:36 PM
Posts 572 (0.3 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.21
Windows Sensitivity None. Accel: 1.9
Raw Input  
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Viper Mini Corded
Keyboard Integrated
Mousepad None
Headphones None
Monitor Integrated
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#6 Windows 11 in Off Topic

I already hate the UI, but it's even worse that "apparently" you have to pay to align the taskbar to the lower left. Haven't fact checked yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if that turned to be the case.

There are claims of performance improvements over Win10, but that's probably because Leaked Win11 has no junk in it (like telemetry, useless features, etc.) In the event that the release Win11 turns out to be trash, I hope someone can make used of Leaked Win11 to improve the upstream version.

posted about 3 years ago
#80 TF2 update for 6/22/21 in TF2 General Discussion
Tholeone time i joined ur stream and you missed 3 airshots in a row and i said "why do u call urself aim lol" and then you frowned at chat for 20 seconds straight and banned me

I don't even stream so I'm confused on why you said you "joined my stream". Anyway I called my self AimIsADick because my aim sucks.

posted about 3 years ago
#36 TF2 update for 6/22/21 in TF2 General Discussion
turbochad69AimIsADickbut it will also interfere with the ability for players to kick bad playersevery time ive seen u in game ur going 2 and 40 on an uncledane pub …

Wait I dont remember playing with you. What was your player name when you were in uncletopia with me?

and by bad players I mean toxic ones or insufferable players.

posted about 3 years ago
#33 TF2 update for 6/22/21 in TF2 General Discussion
why are u kicking players for being bad???

But I don't. most I ever do is claim hax.

posted about 3 years ago
#24 TF2 update for 6/22/21 in TF2 General Discussion

Looks like I'm gonna have to pause my progress on Shield Hero; I can't pass up a TF2 update!

Anyway the addition of vote call cooldowns are double-edged swords; it will prevent casual bots from being able to kick players upon immediate connection, and reduce the motivation to make more casual bots, but it will also interfere with the ability for players to kick bad players within 5 minutes. This is probably only going to be a problem in casual though, since community servers will likely disable vote cooldowns.

posted about 3 years ago
#2269 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

For starters what is your game environment (mods, OS, hardware, options, etc.)? Have you performed a clean install?

itzinoegoSo I've been using the "Low" preset from the mastercomfig website, with a few modules (attached). My frames are great pretty much all the time, but there is a stuttering issue that gets worse the longer I have the game open. This happens mostly on jump servers surprisingly, where ill start to get small lag spikes that eventually become more frequent and intense. I've monitored my CPU during these spikes, and although temperature is fine, usage jumps to near 100% on all cores.

What is the ragdolls module set to? If the ragdolls module is set to `hidden`, then ragdolls are invisible, but they're still in the map, which decreases performance over time.

itzinoegoI've removed a lot of unnecessary background processes with W10Privacy, and even changed steam to run with no browser to minimize ram usage. Still, even with JUST tf2 as an active program, I get these lag spikes. Any advice? Thank you!

Open task manager and show me the TF2 process.

posted about 3 years ago
#2266 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

Since the cpu_frequency_monitoring cvar is only usable on Windows, is there an alternative way to troubleshoot this particular situation on Linux?

posted about 3 years ago
#1 hax in The Dumpster


posted about 3 years ago
#26 What's wrong with my posts? (Esp. my perf guide) in Off Topic
TobPerformance guides are just a rather unfortunate thing to make here. Like once every other month some random dude just shows up and makes one of these as their first ever post. It happens often enough that people are really tired of seeing it

Guess that explains it. I didn't even realize they were that common.

TobYou often join threads talking about technical stuff. From your POV you're just trying to contribute in a meaningful way, but for others it sometimes seems like you're just trying to flex. I vaguely remember you also being called out in the past on giving misinformation which very quickly makes people lose faith in your posts.

I genuinely believe you have good intentions. The issue is you fail on the delivery.
Requires learning how to read the room better, how/when/why you participate in threads and how you structure your comments. Really that's just a general thing communicating anywhere. Both online and irl.

I do have good intentions but it's difficult to "read the room" since I can't interpret social signals all that well.

TobAlso some people on TFTV are just gonna be mean regardless. Most of it is shitposting and trying to farm upfrags. Understandably, it's frustrating. Though if you genuinely try to do better, over time people see that effort and most will get off your back

Hope this helps

thanks mate.

Makemakei think you should do something more productive with your time.
i see that you have affinity towards tinkering with computer so why not start a programming project?
its great that youre enthusiastic about tf2 configs and such but the game hasnt changed at all in 5 years so we pretty much know everything about it.

Only problem is that TF2 configs are all I can think about. I have thoughts of making a specification for configs, but I know I'm never gonna follow up on that. I help around the VDC Wiki and work on my bind-voicemenu generator, but that's about it.

Actually I kinda want to try to port mastercomfig to CS:GO...

_flacAs others have said, your heart is in the right place, but you keep whiffing the delivery and don't seem to learn, and insead are the meme of "am I wrong? No, it must be the community who is wrong"... For every post... I'm sure you weren't always in the wrong, but damn, the ratio is way off

I do have self-doubt and fact check stuff, but it's usually only after I get in an argument.

posted about 3 years ago
#7 The Stock Shotgun isnt the same as every other one in TF2 General Discussion
Wild_Rumpusits crazy how long things like this, or iron bomber for example, go under the radar

Remember when there was an RCE back in Jungle Inferno that went unpatched for 3 YEARS?

posted about 3 years ago
#5 Viewmodel Offset Customizer in Customization

Can you make a BASH version of the generate script? It would be nice if Linux users could also use this tool, and from what I saw of the BATCH script, it shouldn't be too difficult.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 What's wrong with my posts? (Esp. my perf guide) in Off Topic

posted about 3 years ago
#32 How do I order commands in scripts? in Customization
dbkthe social cue is that people are laughing at you

Ah I see now…

posted about 3 years ago
#30 How do I order commands in scripts? in Customization
AbsoluteZeroI'm still not sure if you are one of the most immaculate baiters that I have ever seen, or the least self-aware person on the internet. Either way, keep it up

I'm not trying to bait any one so it's the latter. I can't even pickup on social cues anyway; I'm autistic after all.

posted about 3 years ago
#28 How do I order commands in scripts? in Customization
MakemakeAimIsADick you have made 255 posts on this website and all of them are tragic

How exactly?

posted about 3 years ago
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