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SteamID64 76561198443218901
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Signed Up July 26, 2020
Last Posted February 26, 2024 at 8:36 PM
Posts 572 (0.3 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 2.21
Windows Sensitivity None. Accel: 1.9
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Mouse Razer Viper Mini Corded
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Mousepad None
Headphones None
Monitor Integrated
1 ⋅⋅ 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
#11 Improved resup bind and loadout specific settings in Customization

Finally a real use for that save state method! Personally I would use con_filter_text to ensure that random lines are not unintentionally written to the save file.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 MvM singeplayer config issues. in Q/A Help

I've been working on a config for two months that I temporarily named "MvM singleplayer". Basically it streamlines the process of getting ally bots to work on listenservers, so that the user can play MvM without having to deal with toxic players and obnoxious wait times, or not have to spend hours just to get ally bots working in MvM. I am also making this config to push the limits of the Source scripting (CFGs not Vscript).

Unfortunately I have ran into problems that I haven't been able to fix yet. Some of these problems are simply impossible to fix with CFGs, and others need feedback that I have not gotten yet. Here's a list of them:

  • Ally bot snipers only work with the huntsman.
  • Ally bot engineers only build a sentry and not a teleporter or dispenser.
  • I can't seem to properly create triggers with ent_create and ent_fire alone (I need to set the trigger model to get it to work, but I can't seem to do so). This means I cannot implement a pseudo money collection system, pseudo upgrade system, or force engis to build dispensers.
  • I'm uncertain on how I should model the customization, or if it even needs any.
  • Ally bot engineers choose to use a "random" sentry hint regardless if he is on the same team or not. I think this only happens with engineer nest hints created via ent_create and ent_fire, but I haven't done proper empirical testing on this yet.
  • Ally bots never use a dispenser on their own.


  • For the sniper issues, I tried to use the bot_controller and logic_timer to force the Sniper to fire, and while that does work this method is really bad without being able to make triggers; I'd rather just use tf_bots instead.

Downloading and Compiling
Download link

I'm currently making this config using Scalu so that I can cut down the time spent on programming. When the config has reached its final form and enough people want it, I'll make it run off native CFGs. There is a compilation script I made, but it references the scalu directory in documents and is a BASH script, so I'd just ignore it and compile the program (the file mvmsp.scalu) manually. The preexisting CFGs in cfg/_internal are required for this config to function, so do not delete them!

To execute this program you first need to run "exec scalu" in console to initialize Scalu, and then after creating a listenserver on an MvM map run "$init_mvm_sp" to initialize the actual config itself. Do "$bot_team_custom" in console to instantly create a team of bots defined in the mvmsp.scalu file, or just run "$bot_team_random" in console to make a randomized team.

Oh btw sv_allow_point_servercommand needs to be set to "always" before creating an MvM listenserver for this config to work properly.

posted about 4 years ago
#47 I got high-ass frametime. How do I reduce it? in Q/A Help
KevinIsPwnAimIsADickit turns out that you need to be an adult to use compressed air (or at least in Tennessee anyway).
as a lifelong tennesseean that was the local familial/friend tech support

i broke this law a lot apparently


Thanks for the suggestions guys. I can't seem to change my fan with MSI Afterburner though…

posted about 4 years ago
#44 I got high-ass frametime. How do I reduce it? in Q/A Help
mustardoverlord_flacmustardoverlordthis might be an incredibly obvious point and I'm not a tech genius or anything but have you checked for dust buildup inside your laptop, as well as fan curves and stuff like that

I feel like if your frame time is way worse than your frame rate then thermals are prolly the main factor right?

Im pretty sure dust build up would lead to thermal throttling, which would just lower all frame times. I dont think thermals cause most stuttering, but I could be wrong...

I'm sure you're right, you're talking to a guy who had to clear cmos with a screwdriver like 1 hour into using his new pc earlier today

I was going to unscrew it for hardware errors and dust, but I couldn't find a screwdriver for it, and it turns out that you need to be an adult to use compressed air (or at least in Tennessee anyway).

posted about 4 years ago
#37 I got high-ass frametime. How do I reduce it? in Q/A Help
ghadillijesus christ just stop browsing 4chan and get a job it really isn't that bad holy shit

I guess working itself isn't that bad; after all I can see myself getting used to it. My problem though is that the job application process still feels like a pain to me, I don't have a driver's permit or license, and I have high school to deal with as well (in junior year currently so maybe one more year for me to deal with).

posted about 4 years ago
#32 I got high-ass frametime. How do I reduce it? in Q/A Help
turbochad69AimIsADickThere is a difference between the two though; frametime states how long it takes to render a single frame. This is useful because it can tell the client if they have a bottleneck somewhere, need some stability or a frame cap, or just need to reduce the details, or whatever the solution is. Meanwhile frames per second merely state how many frames can be generated in a second, which can only tell the client if they are getting enough frames, and that means the client can miss out on tons of information crucial to proper optimization and it's extremely misleading if you get more than enough frames per second consistently.

P.S I did make one change to my OS: I changed my DNS provider to OpenDNS. Is this a good idea? Are there better options?
I mean, if you measure fps at the same resolution (every frame) that you're talking about, you will see the exact same variations

Elaborate? I don't understand

turbochad69It really is the same metric.

They have the same metric type (time); that doesn't mean they are the same.

turbochad69Why are you mentioning DNS here?

I should have elaborated that point more. I often have choke lag which is quite annoying. Today I changed the DNS server I'd was using from Comcast (gross ik) to OpenDNS and I then felt less choke lag and more responsive; needs empirical testing of course. Anyway I have no idea why I mentioned that as that is irrelevant to reducing frame times.

posted about 4 years ago
#30 I got high-ass frametime. How do I reduce it? in Q/A Help
_flacgetting a job rn sucks, but if having a computer able to run TF2 somewhat smoothly is really important, it might be worth it. you dont even need a whole lot of PC to get some stable frame rates. having a "desktop" (non T or U) intel processor, dedicated GPU, and an SSD will make a huge difference over most low-med range laptops in my experience. sites like eBay and Craigslist can have some crazy deals, if youre knowledgeable and patient. Ive made a secondary PC with very similar specs as below for less than $200 by finding deals on my local Craigslist.
heres what a 10 mins of googling got me:

HP EliteDesk 800 : i5-4590, 1x4GB RAM, no HDD - $90
A-Tech 4GB DDR3 1600 MHz - $19 (new)
PNY CS900 240GB 3D NAND 2.5" SSD - $30 (new)
MSI Graphic Cards GT 1030 2G LP OC -$115 (new)

Totaling $254 for just the PC

144hz monitors can be got new for around 150-180 on the cheaper end. i dont feel like looking into that rn.
if you are seriously interested in getting something like this setup, i can run a few benchmarks on my secondary PC that has similar specs as above to get you a better idea into what youll get.

i know its not as easy as saying "just save up and buy a PC", but its probably not as hard as you think.

Oh I know how to save some cash. The real problem is that I have no motivation to get a job to begin with due to the long process of job application, chance of contracts being shitty, and companies just being shitty in general; this is especially clear in retail jobs.

_flacalso, huge frame time spikes are somewhat normal for a full tf2 server. anything from someone joining your casual queue, multiple ppl joining the server at once, alt-tabbing/shift-tabbing, or even just a cpu/gpu hiccup usually causes these occasional large spikes. my frame times are MUCH better (lower, and more stable) in a 6v6 or even 9v9 server


_flacIm also curious how you measured your "high input latency"...

graphs from my R5 2600, RX 580, 16GB PC
using chris' high fps and dx 81:

CapFrameX happens to also record the input latency while recording so that's nice, though I will probably have to test that independently. Keep in mind though that our environments may be different from each other.

I use the development version of mastercomfig low with some funny mods, Particle Limitation Pack preset 1, and No Hats Mod (bgum).

  1. I specifically stated frametime and not frames per second (FPS), because FPS is generally an unreliable metric the moment you have ≥30 frames![1][2]
fps and average frametime refer to quite literally the exact same metric. diving (1) second by your frames per second will directly give you the average frametime over that second (eg. 1 second / 144 fps = 6.9 ms frametime).

There is a difference between the two though; frametime states how long it takes to render a single frame. This is useful because it can tell the client if they have a bottleneck somewhere, need some stability or a frame cap, or just need to reduce the details, or whatever the solution is. Meanwhile frames per second merely state how many frames can be generated in a second, which can only tell the client if they are getting enough frames, and that means the client can miss out on tons of information crucial to proper optimization and it's extremely misleading if you get more than enough frames per second consistently.

P.S I did make one change to my OS: I changed my DNS provider to OpenDNS. Is this a good idea? Are there better options?

posted about 4 years ago
#27 I got high-ass frametime. How do I reduce it? in Q/A Help

Cool. Oh and to add to #26 I can't drive either so that makes it worse.

posted about 4 years ago
#25 I got high-ass frametime. How do I reduce it? in Q/A Help
KevinIsPwnI played on 720p/60fps on a lan where I only brought my laptop. 720p and even below is super playable if you're already used to fucky configs. it's not ideal, but better low res than low fps


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I will also say that you don't have to be a ""cooperate slave"" to slowly save up 400-500 bucks to get a gently used optiplex + used graphics card + mediocre 144hz display. that's like 3 weeks part time minimum wage job, and most retail jobs are paying a decent bit over that right now.

TF2 isn't the most optimized title ever, but we are talking about a 14 year old game at this point... I understand that for some, this is a privileged thing to say, but it seems like you are just choosing not to work towards a solution, so I don't feel so bad ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Here's the thing though: I hate the idea of standing in one spot forever, and I'm not even motivated to find a job, because of how often corporations fuck over people. The whole job application process just feels like a huge pain in the ass to me due to how long it generally takes to complete, which doesn't help my motivation for job hunting.

posted about 4 years ago
#3 Can't Hear Crusader's Crossbow Heal Noise? in Q/A Help
  1. Delete all files relating to the sound cache (.sound.cache or sound.cache in your custom folders). Run the game and run snd_restart. Move on to the next step if that doesn't work.
  2. Reinstall the game files by deleting all of them (except your stuff of course) and verifying integrity of game files. Move on to the next step if that doesn't work.
  3. Run a clean version of TF2 and see if it works.
posted about 4 years ago
#23 I got high-ass frametime. How do I reduce it? in Q/A Help
AdnurakAimIsADickI'm unwilling to be a corporate slave to get a good PC.good luck with everything

Same to you. It's scary in this world…

posted about 4 years ago
#21 I got high-ass frametime. How do I reduce it? in Q/A Help
turbochad69if you're not already running some super low resolution, have you tried lowering your res to something like 1024x768 or even 800x600? super weak gpus, especially intel graphics, can actually see quite a performance benefit from lowering res in tf2, and higher overall framerate will make framerate inconsistencies less noticeable.

also, check your cpu/gpu temp and clockspeeds to make sure they are not thermal throttling, as that would absolutely lead to lower framerate and greater framerate inconsistency.

I currently play at 1280x720 because resolutions lower than that I generally cannot tolerate, but I could try upscaling TF2. I will also check for thermal throttling.

BvObligatory comment about making sure that your windows power plan is set to high performance.

I do.

ByAlso from my experience tf2 really doesn't like cpu's that run at a low frequency so honestly there might not be much you can do about it.

Yeah I think I'm prepared to come to terms with that.

posted about 4 years ago
#17 I got high-ass frametime. How do I reduce it? in Q/A Help
tommySeems like you have done almost everything. The only thing I can think that you havent mentioned is to close all running programs (ofc), and set hl2.exe to have high priority. Also if you are on a laptop, try to make sure it is getting enough airflow, maybe even buy a cooling pad.

Setting TF2 to high priority is a bad idea, because Windows needs the high and realtime priorities for time-based programs critical to the OS, and since TF2 is a CPU-based game, setting it to high or realtime priority would just make TF2 use up tons of CPU time needed for time-based programs, thus making the OS unstable.

tommyI appreciate the dedication to fine tuning, but the reason people aren't taking you seriously is that you are asking for the impossible. You pretty much need to buy a better computer unfortunately, if you want a significant change in frames

Yeah I'm not surprised if this is the conclusion. I'm quite content for now though, as I'd rather deal with this than get a shitty job and have to juggle both that and high school since that can get stressful after a bit.

mastercomsHaving an FPS cap may be throttling your performance more than necessary. Try using an external FPS cap like Rivatuner.

I have tried that already and have uncapped my FPS (in TF2), but the trouble is that I have no idea what to set the external cap to. I'll try again once I can find a proper value.

posted about 4 years ago
#13 I got high-ass frametime. How do I reduce it? in Q/A Help
tommyI donwloaded your demos and have the same laptop as you. I got 1000 fps average
  1. I specifically stated frametime and not frames per second (FPS), because FPS is generally an unreliable metric the moment you have ≥30 frames![1][2]
  2. What is your environment (mods, config, settings, launch options, OS, etc.)?
posted about 4 years ago
#20 people who dont use auto reload in TF2 General Discussion
zandawhy? I'm genuinely curious

I use an autoreload toggle bind for these reasons:

  1. No Wasted shots on FaN and Soda Popper
  2. Catch enemies off guard by making them think I'm out of ammo in my clip.
  3. Allows me to do fake reloads on spy.
posted about 4 years ago
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