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SteamID64 76561198443218901
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:241476586
Country United States
Signed Up July 26, 2020
Last Posted February 26, 2024 at 8:36 PM
Posts 572 (0.4 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.21
Windows Sensitivity None. Accel: 1.9
Raw Input  
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Viper Mini Corded
Keyboard Integrated
Mousepad None
Headphones None
Monitor Integrated
1 ⋅⋅ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ⋅⋅ 38
#5 The Stock Shotgun isnt the same as every other one in TF2 General Discussion
HealingSentryI just gotta wait for AimIsADick

What do you mean?

posted about 3 years ago
#25 How do I order commands in scripts? in Customization
_flacheres a command thatll help you see which commands are executed in what order:
sudo rm -rf /

I was asking what do you mean?

(If you're unaware, that command just deletes ALL files on the current partition in linux. Dick.)

posted about 3 years ago
#23 How do I order commands in scripts? in Customization
_flacDesonatorIt surprises me that you could use linux


carnaticumRockzAimIsADickLMFAO i cant believe you actually answered that, i just copied a post you posted like a day agoyou’re so mentally retarded just take care of your hamster

I hate pets and don't have any. Also I answered the question because it's good practice to give system info for troubleshooting.

posted about 3 years ago
#14 How do I order commands in scripts? in Customization
mastercomsYou can randomly order your scripts. Let fate decide.

That can work for files. I just don't know how to do this for commands too.

Also gonna test out my system info hotstring real quick:
OS: Dualboot
Primary: Linux Mint (MATE)
Secondary: Windows 10 Home
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10210U CPU @ 1.6GHz (x64)
capacity: 4200MHz
clock: 100MHz
threads: 8
GPU: Intel UHD Graphics
Memory: 8GiB SODIMM DDR4 Synchronous 2667 MHz (0.4 ns)
Network: RTL8821CE 802.11ac PCIe Wireless Network Adapter
Battery: 41926mWh @ 11.6V

posted about 3 years ago
#11 How do I order commands in scripts? in Customization
RockzLMFAO i cant believe you actually answered that, i just copied a post you posted like a day ago

Well it's an important part of troubleshooting after all.

posted about 3 years ago
#26 There's been RCE exploits in TF2 for 4 YEARS. in TF2 General Discussion
_flacC U S T O M E R B A S E

More like an insignificant customer base amirite?

pirateaimisadick is a treasure trove of really bad takes and i want them to be archived somewhere for the rest of time

What do you mean?

posted about 3 years ago
#96 I'm writing a proper guide to performance. in Q/A Help

I didn't tho.

posted about 3 years ago
#77 CleanTF2+ (nohats, flat textures, etc) in Customization

Say JarateKing do the jarconfig docs need to be updated or are they fine right now? Anything new with the scripting community?

posted about 3 years ago
#5 How do I order commands in scripts? in Customization

It's just as I feared the answer would be: The order of commands is up to preference. I'm just not good at personal preference decisions, and can't decide on any of them. Still this is a nice question to ask, as I couldn't find any other posts here or on r/tf2scripts asking the same question.

RockzFor starters what is your TF2 environment (mods, hardware, OS, etc.)? Have you tried a clean install?

My Mods.
OS: Dualboot (Primarily) Linux Mint and Windows 10
CPU: Intel Integrated CPU @ 2.2GHz
GPU: Intel Integrated Graphics.
I haven't done a clean install.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 How do I order commands in scripts? in Customization

An issue I often face when making scripts is that I have no idea how to order the commands. I typically order ±aliases like this:

alias +posalias <stuff>
alias -posalias <stuff>

and in timed sequences of commands it's easy to order them.

However when it comes to less timing-based commands (like the closecaption cvars ), I have no idea how to order them (as in how I order the commands are inconsistent). As is the case with mat_savechanges and other material cvars, the order does make a difference sometimes.

posted about 3 years ago
#2260 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
elektroAimIsADickI already gave bad reviews of it.where tf can you possibly even do this? did you yelp

Nope. I just talked about it in community servers and some people agreed with me.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 This site sucks. in Off Topic


posted about 3 years ago
#2 Game crashes after joining servers in Q/A Help

For starters what is your TF2 environment (mods, hardware, OS, etc.)? Have you tried a clean install?

posted about 3 years ago
#90 I'm writing a proper guide to performance. in Q/A Help
LupusAimIsADick (like frames per second) is a terrible metric to use for getting performance

But I'm atheist and christianity is a backwards religion.

What? What's wrong?

posted about 3 years ago
#2258 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
sunderkeeninno, even if he's right there is an obligation we all have to downfrag AimIsADick regardless of what and where he posts.

I'm close to ditching this site for good. I already gave bad reviews of it. Anyway that's unreasonable behavior since sometimes I make good posts.

sunderkeeinAlso, quantifying actual FPS impact would be more useful because generally TF2 isn't GPU-bound, so there is a serious question of whether the increased GPU workload has more than nominal practical FPS impact on anything above Intel integrated graphics.

Correction: Quantifying actual framerate* and frametime* impact wouldl be more useful...

posted about 3 years ago
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