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Signed Up April 30, 2014
Last Posted August 27, 2018 at 4:01 AM
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#149 Insomnia63: Grand Finals in Events

As somebody who originally predicted a complete washout by Froyotech, I was really impressed by how well Se7en performed particularly since Froyotech has utterly dominated the North American scene recently. I really feel they can learn from this series and beat Froyotech next time.

There are others who say this too but serious respect to everyone involved in the production/organisation for this event, many in the community don't appreciate the hard work these people put in just to make others happy. Those who remember Lange, CBear and Dashner know they poured ungodly hours of their lifes into this game years ago and that kind of selfless effort is very inspiring. Know we all appreciate what you guys do, amazing work =)

Thanks to the Americans for travelling over and making this event so intense, and also props to Valve for including in-game notifications and promoting it on the TF2 page. It may seem like a very small thing to all of us, but I guarantee that simple act from Valve brought in thousands of viewers. Think how many young players will now get into competitive TF2 after seeing our game played at the highest level.

gg wp, I hope to compete myself next year. This community is amazing =)

posted about 6 years ago
#2 i63 predictions? in LAN Discussion

Heart says Se7en to bring down those pesky Yanks.

Brain says that Froyotech will not lose a single Bo3 and shitstomp everyone.

posted about 6 years ago
#19 arekk hud? in The Dumpster
uberchainMuukitldr Don't call transgender people trannies because it's a derogatory slur.

Or to shorten further: Don't be an asshole.

posted about 6 years ago
#29 Steam chat redesign beta in Off Topic

Absolutely love the redesign and this has been long overdue, it's so much more convenient to use a Steam integrated system than having to use 3rd Party software. Another important consideration is that this removes yet another barrier to new players entering TF2 competitively, no 3rd party software required and assuming the voice quality is good we should probably look to make Steam chat the community standard.

For those of you in the TF2PL, TF2Center and PugChamp design teams, would be great if we started making plans to switch to this system once it exits Beta and they fix whatever issues arise. Exciting stuff!

posted about 6 years ago
#5313 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Quick Question regarding Medic callouts.

When a player callsout (either using Medic radar or game triggered) it shows a tiny ass red cross thats difficult to see. Is there a way to change this cross to a brighter and wider sprite on sv pure servers or a way to make teammates auto cry MEDIC! so you get the default bubble? This makes it way easier to track teammates and know who needs arrows the most.

I've done some digging but so far I can't seem to find an answer. Cheers.

posted about 6 years ago
#7 SMH in World Events

what a shitshow of a final lmao

I mean people will start questioning if Liverpool having M.Salah would of made things different (and it would, of course) but you can't control your goalkeeper being a steaming turd. Being placed in a position when you are forced to score 2 goals against one of the worlds best teams is really tough, this is why goalkeeper sucks :/ No one remembers your saves, everyone remembers the slips.

posted about 6 years ago
#629 Giving out matchmaking passes in TF2 General Discussion

In case someone still does not have one, 4 left.

posted about 8 years ago
#490 Giving out matchmaking passes in TF2 General Discussion

3 2 Passes, add me up.

posted about 8 years ago
#273 Giving out matchmaking passes in TF2 General Discussion

6 here, hit me up.

all gone

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Let's change some items! in TF2 General Discussion

With matchmaking visible on the horizon, the issue of item unlocks is becoming a huge one. For me, the biggest issue is the varying power levels between unlocks. Some are just too gimmicky to see any real use (ie. Fan of War), while others are so powerful that running anything other than it and you could be argued to be at a disadvantage if the other team runs it (Crit-A-Cola, Vita-Saw, Disciplinary Action).

I thought it would be cool to see if people had some ideas for changing items they think could be problematic, I'll start with one.

Darwin's Danger Shield

It's not that this unlock is necessarily game breaking, it just feels like poor design. The 15% bullet immunity combined with the extra health bonus makes this unlock absurd, as enemy snipers will be unable to kill you with either a fully charged bodyshot, or a fast scope headshot.

I believe I know the rational behind creating this. It helps newer players to practice their aim without having to worry about better snipers instantly blowing their head off, letting them have some advantage over the more skilled players. In reality, all it does is slow down gameplay, make the opposing sniper feel they were robbed of a kill and the new player gets to enjoy the walk back to resupply each time they are headshot.

The downside of explosive damage is not too relevant to snipers, as they generally will either die to enemy spys or opposing snipers anyway, and besides, if you are caught close quarters with a soldier or demoman you are likely dead regardless of the debuff.

Honestly I am not sure how to change this item without making it unplayable. Maybe adding the tag No Immunity from Headshots would make it a little more fair.

What items would you like to see changed?

EDIT: Would like to add, I'm not saying Valve aren't aware of this or in the process of changing different items. I am more interested to see the community's ideas.

posted about 9 years ago
#56 ESEA S19 UBF – Ascent vs. froyotech in Matches

I'm just glad that I can watch the top 2 teams in NA and not know which one will win, much more refreshing to watch than past seasons!

posted about 9 years ago
#580 The Gun Mettle Update in TF2 General Discussion
BucakeAlainVandannaJust re-posting this, full confirmation that Medics Uber % is not retained when killing them, only when they killbind.

myself, R.E.M. and Euthanasia tested this in a vid below, sorry for euro level production quality

how about cratered without an enemy getting credit?
how about cratered with credit? (soldier juggles and then he craters, for example)

Tested both of those. In both instances it resulted in the Medic having 0% on the weapon on the ground, irregardless of the current percentage. It appears you must use a killbind.

I wish to add a side note for any Medic players, due to this new weapon switching I would highly advise switching to crossbow/ubersaw if you feel your death is near. While the enemy team may not get your Uber %, they can still swap between their Medigun and yours to build 2 Ubers, giving them a huge advantage over your team.

Hopefully it does not stay like this, as this feels more like an exploit than an intended feature. So be warned ;D


ZestyWhat happens if you have more than 0% uber as medic - do you keep your uber or reset to 0%?
What if someone else kills the medic.
What if you pick up the gun after the med spawns and starts healing?

It's a bit late and I have no one to test with, but will take a look at this.

posted about 9 years ago
#551 The Gun Mettle Update in TF2 General Discussion

Just re-posting this, full confirmation that Medics Uber % is not retained when killing them, only when they killbind.

myself, R.E.M. and Euthanasia tested this in a vid below, sorry for euro level production quality

posted about 9 years ago
#1 [Stream] AlainVandanna in Requests

Hey there. I am a pretty new tf2 streamer hoping to just get involved more in the community and have fun! Here are my replies to the requirements.

- Stream mostly TF2 content

Pretty much all I play, and I am completely unable to stream anything else anyway so it's all I will be doing.

- Stream consistently over the course of the week
I try my hardest to stream as much as I can each week, even if it's not always scrims (which I prefer), so long as it's something tf2ish.

- Provide a link to your stream

Also an example stream (skip 2 min for gameplay):

- Provide a brief description of your stream
I mainly stream scrims and warm-ups with the team, and also a bit of MvM and pubbing if scrims are not available!

- State your country of residence
United Kingdom (GB), England.

- Give a brief background of your league/division/team history
Two previous 6s teams at Div 6, currently playing for MackDaddy at the same level as my main, Medic.

I also have joined my first highlander team as Engineer, so yes, relatively new to the competitive scene.

Thanks for taking a look!

posted about 10 years ago