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Last Posted September 18, 2014 at 3:11 AM
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#67 Making Pyro More Enjoyable for Everyone in TF2 General Discussion
HuckNo one thinks pyro is op. It is just extremely frustrating to play against and the mechanics of the class are gimmicky and stupid.

In their defense, they may have flubbed and meant to type "up".

Beyond that, your assessment is precisely what I've aimed to address. I do have a few questions for everybody:

  1. The crit mechanics of the Flare Gun: typically found to be annoying? From what I'm reading, buffing direct combat and keeping flarepunching goes against the stated "make Pyro less annoying"-goal.
  2. Beyond airblasting, what other gimmicks of the class are just unsatisfying to go against?
posted about 10 years ago
#57 Making Pyro More Enjoyable for Everyone in TF2 General Discussion

Just got back from work, and I see all this going on. Wow, y'all are passionate about this, eh. Thanks for showing up, Cole, by the way.

Uh, I was able to get the server running again; so if you've got some friends and some time, try it out:

4812622why yes, a pyro with two pocket medics CAN kill a bunch of (severely retarded) sentry-less engineers and syringe gun medics who try to shoot him (and miss) while hes ubered, does that prove anything?

Gonna have to eat my words on this one. Honestly, I was more paying attention to the footcam than anything. I concede that point. ^^;

posted about 10 years ago
#27 Making Pyro More Enjoyable for Everyone in TF2 General Discussion
HueyLewisDo flames really need a change? I haven't heard anyone complain about "w+m1" or dying to flames in general for a long time. I think the damage is fine right now, especially since it's still damage-over-time and most classes can out burst-damage you, both at range and up close.

If you really made airblasts not destroy momentum that's pretty sweet though. That's the only thing that really needs a change, in my opinion. So with your change, what happens to someone who's, say, running directly at me when I airblast him?

The people I've spoken with have had complaints about Pyro's ability to effectively follow through in the tight window they have (the metric I was given is ~0.8s). At the same time, I've been told that a buff to flames would be terrible for new players that believe them to be overpowered? There has been a "Pyro damage is fine"-camp, as well, and the mechanics outlined are my best reconciliation between those three parties that I could find. The quadratic equation used keeps a "ring" of about-normal damage that I have observed good Pyros tend to stay in, while the decrease beyond it is easier for new players to fight against. Ideally, the three general groups ("Pyro is weak", "Pyro is fine", and "I am a potato") each have their own accommodations. I would test this to make sure, but....

As for airblasts, hitting someone that's charging directly at you will cause them to hop slightly while still charging at you. Airblasting an aware opponent is generally a terrible idea. Fortunately, the Neon Annihilator can do what airblasts used to do, but it's somewhat trickier to use.

posted about 10 years ago
#24 Making Pyro More Enjoyable for Everyone in TF2 General Discussion
WhiteMagicalHat>Third Degree increases a healing Medic’s ÜberCharge by 20% on hit.


Grodbrort weapons have consistently been a pain to modify. You've gotta admit that it creates situations where you'd equip it over the Powerjack or Axtinguisher, though.


And that's why the falloff was added, 4812622.

When an enemy is actively trying to stay outside of your flames, the result is most likely going to be that they're outside of your kill-range, only getting tickled; effectively neutering W+M1 play. The extra damage only becomes a factor when you get the drop on your target.

I really wish SourceMod wasn't broken right now. :(

posted about 10 years ago
#18 Making Pyro More Enjoyable for Everyone in TF2 General Discussion
pine_beetleReflecting should not move players around at all. And the best fix for pyro is just to remove the class from the game.

With the Neon Annihilator change, I've given serious thought to that idea. The airblast one.

posted about 10 years ago
#16 Making Pyro More Enjoyable for Everyone in TF2 General Discussion
4812622I love playing pyro in pubs and in 6s, and I feel like the range change isn't the way to go with the class.

The airblast change is wonderful, but the chief reason people say that they hate playing against Pyros is that "if you get in close range you die and if you kite they're useless," and the way you've adjusted rampup and falloff means this is even more pronounced. Pyros will instantly kill people in close range (10 damage per particle times 25 particles per second means 250 DPS, aka around 1.8 point blank rocket launchers). But they only tickle at the limits your range, making you even easier to kite than before with your slow speed. This means that all the Pyro is good for is hiding around corners or in little nooks with the Detonator and facestabbing people. Which doesn't take that much skill and doesn't seem that fun, really.

The pyro doesn't need to be stronger at point blank, it needs to be not garbage at mid-range. I think you should increase flamethrower particle speed and lifetime and decrease the cone, and make particles do closer to base damage (less rampup and falloff). This means that the Pyro can actually dm at midrange because the flamethrower extends further (particle lifetime) and is easier to track (particle speed). A tighter cone would reward good flamethrower tracking and punish w+m1 morons waving their mice, to help stop complaints that the class is poorly skill-indexed.

It seems like people think that getting cool reflects kills is the most fun and interesting part of pyro, and if you want to make it a flanker class, you should focus on making it more consistent, not more powerful at ambushing. And also less “all-or-nothing, win-or-lose”, because dming people on the flank is the fun part about pyro.

I feel you. The change I made to the Manmelter is meant to cover mid-range combat; being a weaker, no-splash Rocket Launcher.

From what I've been told, the problem is/was that Pyro was too braindead at lower levels of skill while being unrewarding as one becomes better. If the change causes more problems than it solves, I'm open to new ideas. Particle-manipulation is something I've experimented with in the past, but found it being more trouble than it's worth. As I improved as a developer, it may be more manageable.

nullcan u not

i can not not

posted about 10 years ago
#12 Making Pyro More Enjoyable for Everyone in TF2 General Discussion
Reminixethose dudes melted... people already complain about wm1
and thats only 50% added to pointblank meaning now its 15 per tick?

10 at 50%
11 at 75%

Testing outside of Walkway has been less dominating. Charging a group of players carelessly leads to 1-2 kills tops. 1v1 is more affected by the falloff than the ramp-up, in my experience. In the later bit of Heavy-demonstration, the weakness of the change is more apparent.

waocole where you at bro


posted about 10 years ago
#9 Making Pyro More Enjoyable for Everyone in TF2 General Discussion
wareyaReminixe"All downsides attached the Backburner and Degreaser have been removed."
"Direct point-blank damage from the default flamethrower and Phlogistinator is increased by 75%."

dude what
seriously wtf

Seems bad on paper, but my own testing shows its less than absolutely devastating. I managed to get some demonstration footage a while back, before the Heavy-nerf and the current ramp value (it's 11 instead of 10, now):

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Making Pyro More Enjoyable for Everyone in TF2 General Discussion

A while back I made a thread on what the community would like to see happen to the Pyro, and the feedback I received was very enlightening. First and foremost, I want to thank you all that posted previously for the engaging discussion that was had. :)

That said, and with a few months of... uh, "deep reflection and deliberate work", a report back seems in order. There was going to be a video attached to this, but SourceMod doesn't work right now. Text and theory will have to do for now. Here's the gist, with a full changelist at the bottom of the post:

  • Flamethrowers are made more distinct in direct combat.
  • Airblasts preserve enemy momentum, and are weaker overall.
  • Super-situational weapons were given new mechanics.

These changes were meant to reconcile both the "Pyro is unfun to play as"-people and the "Pyro is obnoxious to play against"-folk. Direct combat is made more reliable, since they're fashioned more after the Scattergun than before. Stock and the Phlogistinator have actual ramp-up at point-blank range, and the Degreaser and Backburner's only downsides are that they don't. All the flamethrowers have more falloff, making each primary's unique factor all the more important; with stock's (hopefully) being the most general of all. (Falloff happens from default damage, not the ramp-up.) Pyro's made both more rewarding and more engaging at the same time... I think. Maybe. I could be wrong.

That's just half the story, though. Pyros are happy, but what about everybody else? Having to deal with airblasting and truly deadly DPS is a terrible thought, so I took away one of those problems. I reverted the damage changes entirely. Airblasts aren't the beast we all know and... know, anymore. They preserve enemy velocity, and aren't as strong. Projectiles still reflect fine, but you can't stall players without some serious effort anymore. You can still throw people out of position, but you have to work with their momentum; not against it. Wax on, wax off, woosah, et cetera. There ought to be more thought involved in airblasts, although definitely less necessary with the buff to direct combat.

Since stalling ubers is still important, I added the "old" airblast to the Neon Annihilator, which brings me to the third point, niche weapons! The almost-never-used-seriously weapons are given whole new uses, and I'm just gonna say right now that some of them are total crapshots.

Here are the changes that are pretty sensible:

  • Homewrecker is now a faux Quick-Fix one-shots anything short of level 3 buildings.
  • The Third Degree builds a healing Medic's uber.
  • SVF crits against Pyros, Targe Demoknights, and Spy-cicle Spies.
  • NA "airblasts" on hit.

Here are the ones that... look, I was running on empty:

  • Scorch Shot afterburn debuffs attack (*cries into vodka in exasperation*).
  • Manmelter fires really fast (mid offense, direct counter to SS).
  • Backscratcher applies bleed (made more sense before Axt nerf).
  • Phlogistinator taunt isn't indestructible (couldn't make it not cap during it).

It seemed like the complaints on the pro-Pyro and anti-Pyro sides weren't in conflict at all, and I can only hope this mod is proof of that. Once SourceMod is up and running again, I'll be going to TF2Center and testing all of this in lobbies. In the meantime, feel free to shoot your own ideas at me on how to proceed with development. Or we can fool around saying Pyro is the devil and stuff because frankly all our hands are tied for the time being anyway. Either's cool.

For all the technical mumbo jumbo, an official page for the mod is here: CLICK ME PLS

posted about 10 years ago
#85 What Would You like to See On: Pyro in TF2 General Discussion

It's kinda slow, but it (awkwardly) gets the point across. ^^;

posted about 11 years ago
#84 What Would You like to See On: Pyro in TF2 General Discussion
jake_I'm sure you are already very far into the development process, but honestly the only thing wrong with pyro is the execution of airblast mechanics.

I think if the only thing that was changed was how airblasts affect momentum then pyro would be significantly less annoying to play against. I.e. if airblast functioned as like very large radius splash damage (without the damage obviously) it would make pyro significantly more difficult but still not remove the usefulness of the class in many situations.

I've done as much as I can with the tools available to me. It's a little jittery-looking on account of charged airblasting not being fully hashed out on Valve's part, but it gets the job done. Player momentum in maintained. Scouts get a slight buff against Pyro, since their speed counteracts the modified airblast when it's at twitch-level.

This should make combat considerably more dynamic and engaging for everyone.

posted about 11 years ago
#82 What Would You like to See On: Pyro in TF2 General Discussion

It's up!

Game Server:
Official Information and Downloads

posted about 11 years ago
#80 What Would You like to See On: Pyro in TF2 General Discussion
hanbroloAlfonsoCrawfordThread seems to have died down a bit. Guess I'll have to make a video or something?
That would be nice, and if you want feedback on your mod then you're going to need to put a server up/ put the mod on your server so people can actually try it.

There's a link to my server on my site, found in the first post. I don't know all the rules here, so I played it safe in assuming that directly linking to a server was prohibited, as it is on SPUF.

If it's OK, shit. I just worked out the kinks to the new airblast, so I'll post links f' days, ya heard~?

posted about 11 years ago
#77 What Would You like to See On: Pyro in TF2 General Discussion

Thread seems to have died down a bit. Guess I'll have to make a video or something?

posted about 11 years ago
#73 What Would You like to See On: Pyro in TF2 General Discussion

Since I don't know how well this is even going to work in the end, I might as well share my current experiment so far.

There's an unused item attribute that turns the airblast into a charged tool, like Demoman's stickybombs. (There's no meter.) You can't attack while charging. This currently only applies to stock.

I took the mechanic and halved all forces applied, and ended up with a two-leveled airblast:

  1. A twitch-blast, that reflects projectiles but nudges players
  2. A charge-blast that works like the standard airblast

The basic mechanics function, but there are some problems:

  • Despite my efforts, running is stalled out in most cases.
  • Lag between the server and the client (and lack of official attention, I bet) causes it to feel "wonky".

I'm going to keep tweaking this rework, if it seems worthwhile. My current theory is that simple traction with the ground is to blame for its stalling, so I have to increase the vertical force just enough to reach "escape velocity". If you're running directly away (or jumping more-or-less away) from the Pyro, you'll be boosted: in every other scenario, the results are... sub-optimal.

This mechanic allows for projectile-defense, though the input-delay makes it a bit trickier; rewards ambush blasts, though makes juggling nearly impossible; and stalls ubers, though likely just the one time you're able to prepare for it. Assuming everything flowed on a technological level, the victim player would maintain their momentum to a very considerable degree, giving them the ability to respond to the encroaching Pyro in a few ways.

(Also, hopefully, the final result will allow for fully-charged blasts off Upward that would be as impractical as they are hilarious, and we would all love them: I'm not holding out for any part of that, though.)

Hopefully, this addresses the core complaints people have with the airblast. Whether I've produced work to your liking or missed the point by a country mile, please let me know.

If you want, I can put the mod on my server for you to try out with friends; but it's not done, and I'm about to go to bed, so speak up quick.

posted about 11 years ago
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