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Signed Up October 20, 2018
Last Posted December 4, 2020 at 8:55 PM
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#1 Young Sanity Killsound + Bass Boosted version! in The Dumpster



Bass Boosted!

posted about 4 years ago
#3 Complaint Statistics (Part 1) in TF2 General Discussion
glassI basically took a back seat from playing and was paying attention to mostly chat
sounds like you gave some of your teammates something to complain about which means you INFLUENCED THE DATA throw it out throw it out

Nah, none of my friends that I talk to play tf2 anymore :(, By good faith none of the data was tampered with.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Complaint Statistics (Part 1) in TF2 General Discussion

I think we all know that people get angry at videogames. Due to quarantine, I was getting increasingly bored, and decided on a little passion project, counting the number of times people complained.

Down below is a table of 11 (I was going to do 10 but I miscounted) matches of 2fort. All with varying complaints, I basically took a back seat from playing and was paying attention to mostly chat. I counted individual posts except for binds, where I waited a few seconds because of bind spam (each unique bind was counted as well).

The hackers section counts the number of hackers in a game.

I'm doing 2 maps for all game-modes (main + Hightower) but, I wanted to show the results of the first set of data.

The first two are general complaints that don't fall into the categories of the ones below.

(Yes this was posted on Reddit.)

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Algebra LFT Demo in Recruitment (looking for team)

I've played 1 season of the RLG no restriction 6s, I've been looking for a team for a while now.

I can play at 10PM - 12AM, things might change due to me moving into college, but I'd love to be in a 6s team! I can commit to weekends definitely but I can try for the weekdays!

I can play most classes if needed as well, I don't mind being medic either, I'd much rather be demo, however.


posted about 5 years ago
#18 I have finished the B4nime/b4nga in The Dumpster

Synopsis: Grant Vincent, a competitive player and streamer of the game, Team Fortress 2 has won a big tournament called I96! While going back to his hotel he had been summoned into a fantasy world that resembles TF2! His owners, Nursey Redwood and Shade L. Blackroute go on a journey with him as he tries to make it back to his world! Except...does he really want to?

posted about 6 years ago
#17 I have finished the B4nime/b4nga in The Dumpster

So guys we did it! Nursey read it!

posted about 6 years ago
#16 I have finished the B4nime/b4nga in The Dumpster
WyattWhen Fazbear first started creating and posting fanfics, people didn't like them and said he needed to get help. Now the same thing is happening to Algebra. You're doing great things, Algebra, keep going. The TF2 community needs more writing types.

Thank you!

posted about 6 years ago
#12 I have finished the B4nime/b4nga in The Dumpster

I have updated the title! It's now....

The Competitive Player and His Time Being Summoned Into a New World!
Kyousouryoku Ga Aru Pureiya No Atarashii Sekai De Shoukan Sareteiru Jikan

posted about 6 years ago
#10 I have finished the B4nime/b4nga in The Dumpster
EdgyEddyYeah serious question, any tips on writing?

Write what you want, if you genuinely think it's good just write it!

Also remember to re-read and fix any grammatical error, read the book from an outside perspective like "Would this person understand what I'm trying to convey."

posted about 6 years ago
#8 I have finished the B4nime/b4nga in The Dumpster
THEBILLDOZERso is it finished or is there more to come

More to come!

posted about 6 years ago
#1 I have finished the B4nime/b4nga in The Dumpster

9 Chapters, 1 volume and many more to come!

posted about 6 years ago
#1 The b4nny isekai in The Dumpster

This is a trashy isekai novel I'm making about b4nny.

posted about 6 years ago