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Last Posted September 4, 2021 at 10:06 PM
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#3 Looking for Hoppípolla by siN in Videos

That's it! Thank you so much.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 Looking for Hoppípolla by siN in Videos

Hi, there used to be a fragmovie titled "#BYPCOMP | Hoppípolla by siN", the original video is deleted and I couldn't find any reuploads. Does anyone have it? I quite enjoyed it and it would be good for my nostalgia trips. Thanks in advance!

posted about 3 years ago
#4 Ne pas (don't) a TF2 fragmovie in 2020 in Videos

nice onegai muscle

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Spellbreak anyone? in Other Games

Basically Fortnite but spells and everything's a projectile. I personally hate BRs but I've been having lots of fun with pyro regardless because it feels like you're going for soldier airshots all the time. They are planning to add other non-BR game modes as well so hopefully that happens soon. Anyone else playing?

posted about 4 years ago
#14 "Balance changes" opinions, June 2017 Survey in TF2 General Discussion

I still don't know how to answer. Like for example Scout isn't very strong when I play him, because I'm shit at Scout. Does this mean Scout is underpowered and needs a buff? No, duh. So like, not sure what the point of this survey is.

posted about 7 years ago
#37 Share some reddit gems from balance post in TF2 General Discussion

blog post also didn't mention pyro, i guess the tftv meme is becoming reality and they're removing pyro too

posted about 7 years ago
#166 TF2 Blog: "Balance Changes" in TF2 General Discussion
5unnyThe mantreads seem pretty dumb, from a roamers perspective. You could easily have two soldiers run it during stalemates and one of them jumps in to distract, and the other plays off the distraction. The first soldier could also go if he just sees a fatty opening. It'd be nice to have sacs be successful to break stalemates, but stalemates are still important for 6s. Double soldier bombs on mids will be dumb because they make scouts either irrelevant, or force them to aggress right after with their soldiers to get the enemy medic, which basically eliminates those fast rounds that are exciting to have and watch. Other than that mids will just be super passive to stop soldiers, which then it basically becomes a spam war.

Is it really worth sacrificing both of your soldiers for a medic bomb? And would Mantreads be worth running full-time over Gunboats/Shotty? I see how it gives you an advantage when bombing because you can dodge better in the air, but otherwise I don't think the advantage is significant enough.

posted about 7 years ago
#162 TF2 Blog: "Balance Changes" in TF2 General Discussion
KiNGYosh7DR and amby nerfs seem way too harsh, especially since spy is already considered one of the worst classes.Don't forget that these balances are catered towards pubs and casual. As mentioned by the dev team and others, spy is especially powerful in pubs where there is no communication.

Shouldn't we aspire to some sort of a middle ground where Spy is not too strong in pubs, but viable in comp still? (not full-time ofc)

posted about 7 years ago
#88 TF2 Blog: "Balance Changes" in TF2 General Discussion

I'd like to remind/encourage everyone who is planning on sending feedback to Valve to also mention how great and important it is that they communicated these changes before release and that they should do it more often. It seems that Valve finally understood that communication is what players want, but this seems like a good opportunity to really set that in cement.

posted about 7 years ago
#16 TF2 Blog: "Balance Changes" in TF2 General Discussion

Haven't finished reading yet, but these changes are more drastic than I expected. Which isn't a bad thing, especially since they're communicating them early!

posted about 7 years ago
#23 Valve News Network: Pyro/Jungle Update News in TF2 General Discussion
damneasyI'm pretty sure they werent playtesting, they invited the Saxxy winners over to probably make a sfm film about the new update. (What I'm guessing)

They invited the Saxxy winners over because that's the prize for winning the Best Overall category. It's a 1 day visit, making an SFM short takes MUCH longer than that. In the past they had Saxxy winners record some minor mo-cap for Expiration Date, but that was just for the lolz and chances are it didn't even get in the final thing.

posted about 7 years ago
#4 Do jump maps generally have some "fog limit"? in Videos
JarateKingCould you just decompile, add an env_fog_controller, recompile under the same name, and then load the demo with that, or is there some signature check that'd screw that up?

That should work, I've done it in the past, where I decompiled badlands, changed a bunch of stuff, including textures and lighting and recompiled under the same name and demos worked.

posted about 7 years ago
#20 Made a Fragvideo - thougts/tips? in Videos

pro-tip if you wanna get into fancy editing: look at what others are doing, copy that. Sounds kinda backwards, but the thing is, if you try to reinvent the wheel, it's not gonna be as good. If you watch a lot of great editors' work and pick elements that you like in all of them and incorporate them in your work, you will have your unique spin on it. Unless you focus on just 1 or 2 editors, it's not gonna look like a copycat. And then eventually when you get better, the knowledge you will get will allow you to come up with your own new techniques that actually look good.

Shears-I disagree with others on this thread saying it's "overedited" - I think that's not the right word for it, I think what people are reacting to is that a lot of your editing choices hurt the video by confusing or jarring the viewer.

Also this ^. Overedited kinda implies you spent too much time editing it (while the opposite might be the case). You can have 50 effects in a single clip but if they're subtle and used right, nobody will bat an eye, but put 1 bad, over-the-top thing in and suddenly it's overedited. So the point is, when people say it's overedited, they're using the wrong word, but they're right that there's something wrong with the edit.

posted about 7 years ago
#89 Community video democall - ikpure in Videos
ikpureRestarted this project, using every link that still works. Feel free to submit.


posted about 8 years ago
#15 Made a new Highlight movie in Videos

Didn't even get to see it, but don't get discouraged. We need more tf2 editors.

posted about 8 years ago
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