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Signed Up July 7, 2015
Last Posted February 13, 2025 at 4:23 PM
Posts 48 (0 per day)
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Mouse Razer DeathAdder 2014
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Headphones Corsair H2100
Monitor 24" 60hz
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#5 TF2Players that went on to greater adventurespart2 in TF2 General Discussion

posted 1 month ago
#14 Miggy's Highlander Charity Cup viewers' guide in News

extine told me hadn't casted in 5 years and getting to watch him derust in real time was such a treat


posted 11 months ago
#9 Transported into tf2 world in TF2 General Discussion

invest in real estate (shed on product concrete)

posted about a year ago
#63 ETF2L Admins: Blackmail, Bias and Censorship in TF2 General Discussion

etf2l dumped all their points into the AC team and got left with this guy on regular admin work

posted about a year ago
#4 worlds 2021 thread in Esports
Wandumat least north america will not be in the knockout stages and we get an all lpl finals
posted about 3 years ago
#8 lange banned from twitch in The Dumpster

posted about 4 years ago
#17 My Ass Is A Pussy. in The Dumpster

Do Not Scrim David Red Face

posted about 4 years ago
#15 institutional prejudice by RGL against FRED team in TF2 General Discussion
JustASmallTownSpankAlso, I promise that I put my shopping carts away at the grocery store and sometimes I even put other peoples loose carts away when there are any near by.

Can You Verify That All Fred Players Do This? If So I Will Champion Your Cause.

posted about 4 years ago
#5 Daf lft in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 4 years ago
#34 The Unbanning of the Solemn Vow in News

At least as far as being able to see uber %s goes, doesn't it just shift medic skill to 'actually building ubers' instead of just guessing them? since you don't have a spy to call uber %s you just assume they're building optimally but you never actually know, meaning that there are probably tons of cases of sub-optimal building going unpunished because there's no way to know and it's not worth basing a push around the assumption that your opponents are bad. while 'guessing/knowing enemy uber %s' based off of time may not be as necessary, i'd argue that it's more important to emphasize actual, tangible, skills (building ubers quickly) than making educated guesses, especially when those guesses do more to mask bad play than highlight good play. it also results in teams gaining more actionable information, increasing the pace of the game because these cases of suboptimal building are now actually pushable.

and while i don't think balancing around lower divs is an ideal strategy, i'd imagine less experienced medics will be able to improve more quickly if they consistently see feedback regarding their/their opponent's building

posted about 4 years ago
#19 exile lft scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

why did u leave anime night exile

posted about 5 years ago
#11 Daf lft in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 6 years ago
#5 ETF2L Highlander S17 Semifinal: Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! vs TORPEDO in Events

highlander thats CRINGE haha CRONGE game mode bro highlander on tftv im' literally CRINGING rn

posted about 6 years ago
#121 so uhh.. in TF2 General Discussion
ComangliaSeriously let's consider how many Invite scouts actually have used the soda popper for more than an hour or so in the last 2 years.

The soda popper has completely different timing than Stock scatter gun and even the FaN this will automatically put every scout who's practiced with a scattergun for hundreds (if not thousands) of hours worse off if they've rarely/never used the soda popper. Don't get me wrong they'll still do well but they will definitely not be at PEAK performance.

The only thing a single night of pugs could do is prove that the soda-popper isn't immediately and obviously broken.

I guarantee a lot of the people who think the soda-popper has little to no effect on the game, will change their mind after a full season of use.

as an hl-only retard i came here pretty much just to post this. having played with and against soda popper scouts back in the dark ages i can say that it is a /completely/ different style than normal scout that requires different timings, movement, changes what fights you take and where. using it optimally has a fairly steep learning curve and playing scattergun-style scout (that hurt to type) with the soda popper in 3 pugs will naturally lead you to the conclusion that it's not banworthy. Players like Ibby, angryofficer, and sleepteiner (hey those are some old names) put the time in to learn the playstyle associated with it and punched waaaaaaay above their weight level.

that was back when you got the jumps from moving instead of damage, but the point still stands. if current top-invite level scouts put in the time to get really good with the weapon you're gonna see a soldier get dropped for an engineer since minisentries will be the only thing that can damage scouts.

posted about 6 years ago
#7 koth_ordinance in Map Discussion
lucrativewe play tested this version of the map 3-4 times with a mid-high IM group of players, this sight line wasn't really found to be strong for ether side. its tough as a sniper offensively to kill somewhere there because of the cover as well as the incoming spam, also on defense, as a soldier its great spam angle, but due to the wall thats placed directly behind the window you can easily take heavy spam damage in return.

I haven't played the map so it maybe it doesn't play that way, but I have a hard time believing that any top-tier sniper won't make any team pushing immediately lose a player walking out of spawn when he can see 4/5 exits from one fairly safe location. or, force the entire team to leave out of the bottom left exit where they'll get railed by spam from a team holding on the high ground on left. Especially if you can't actually get splashed off the wall behind, seems like it would force both teams to run sniper.

Take it with a grain of salt because most of my map-testing experience comes from HL, but a sightline like that immediately sets off alarms in my head.

edit: also this

posted about 6 years ago
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