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Signed Up December 21, 2015
Last Posted December 21, 2015 at 12:03 PM
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#1 TF2 Large FPS Drops in Q/A Help

I already know that TF2 is a really bad at being ran decently enough but you'd think that with an x4 860k, gtx 750 2gb and 8 gb of ram the game wouldnt drop into MID 40's, sometimes even below that, that's ofcourse running at full maxed out setting and dx95 in startup launch, also chris's fps config makes a wopping 20 fps increase when it drops into mid 40's, so it drops into mid 60's... soooo... beside watching other people on youtube get an average of 200+ fps on the same gpu...

Here's what if checked:
both temperatures of gpu and cpu are fine AMD bearly goes over 59° (keep in mind that the only proper way to test the cpu temps is with amd overdrive and testing there is wonky)
gpu never goes over 55° in tf2
both cpu and gpu usage are at 50% to 60%
computer is compessed air cleaned and PSU is 560W, strong enough for all the components in the PC
running tf2 off of a Samsung 840 120GB SSD... any sold clues/ideas as to why in the world does my pc just not run tf2 over atleast 120fps?
BTW TF2 is ran at 1680x1050 windowed resolution Win7 64bit

posted about 9 years ago