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SteamID64 76561197960963679
SteamID3 [U:1:697951]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:348975
Country United States
Signed Up August 13, 2012
Last Posted February 19, 2013 at 10:18 PM
Posts 25 (0 per day)
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#15 ESEA-O Cast: Crunchy Bunch vs gettin cozy 10:30EST in TF2 General Discussion

Ahh, my fault. I read is as Indust for some reason.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 ESEA-O Cast: Crunchy Bunch vs gettin cozy 10:30EST in TF2 General Discussion

This match is on Thursday...

posted about 11 years ago
#34 Can we have turbine taken off of DM? in TF2 General Discussion
shlanerI see more people defending turbine than people wanting me to take it off. do I leave it on? I'll also add metalworks if I find that thread with the soap spawns
dfybring back arena_ravine 2013

the time is now, revive a classic dm map

I tried bringing it back but I didn't have soap spawns for it.

I can create some ravine spawns later today. Just hit me up on Steam.

posted about 11 years ago
#62 Best Airshots in the Game in TF2 General Discussion

Super useless airshots.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Updated Soap spawns [7/28/12] in TF2 General Discussion

Here ya go! Just "raised" the spawns in the pipe rooms.

			"RED choke"
				"origin"	"661.984497 1406.437256 688.969666"
				"angles"	"-0.396069 -91.199615 0.000000"
			"RED house"
				"origin"	"1209.824585 342.498505 608.969666"
				"angles"	"4.949864 -94.403694 0.000000"
			"RED doors"
				"origin"	"982.651672 686.759827 608.969666"
				"angles"	"-1.452217 -177.491928 0.000000"
			"RED pipe"
				"origin"	"150.170120 1796.147827 695.969666"
				"angles"	"-1.024058 -89.940453 0.000000"
			"RED roof"
				"origin"	"999.968750 -476.865753 864.957764"
				"angles"	"2.407941 154.889496 0.000000"
			"RED corner"
				"origin"	"-859.257202 894.072021 608.969666"
				"angles"	"0.163873 -34.896412 0.000000"
		  	"BLU choke"
				"origin"	"-660.569824 -1325.296021 688.969666"
				"angles"	"3.772732 91.014473 0.000000 "
			"BLU house"
				"origin"	"-1225.321899 -334.246002 608.969666"
				"angles"	"2.001745 90.500587 0.000000"
			"BLU doors"
				"origin"	"-935.351440 -657.406250 608.969666"
				"angles"	"0.230541 1.924859 0.000000"
			"BLU pipe"
				"origin"	"20.985979 -1745.338379 695.969666"
				"angles"	"-0.077473 90.013702 0.000000"
			"BLU roof"
				"origin"	"-999.968750 539.315125 864.957764"
				"angles"	"4.773496 -30.799320 0.000000"
			"BLU corner"
				"origin"	"851.348938 -908.606995 608.969666"
				"angles"	"1.385467 139.678375 0.000000"
posted about 12 years ago
#6 Updated Soap spawns [7/28/12] in TF2 General Discussion

These are shitty, but they work.

			"red hall"
				"origin" "-1261.256104 -314.800964 -182.968689"
				"angles" "8.122424 0.261683 0.000000"
			"red hall 2"
				"origin" "-669.385498 27.524244 -182.968689" 
				"angles" "3.088841 -4.543105 0.000000"
			"red truck"
				"origin" "-543.415527 -1770.339722 -310.968689"
				"angles" "2.507508 90.506737 0.000000"
			"red barrels"
				"origin" "-401.676239 -627.662781 -118.968681"
				"angles" "3.771696 -0.885821 0.000000"
			"red crate"
				"origin" "375.720978 67.319870 -15.708145"
				"angles" "3.317643 -92.156837 0.000000"
			"red rock"
				"origin" "-937.454224 -1320.476807 -408.221313"
				"angles" "-4.919137 1.079027 0.000000"
			"blue hall"
				"origin" "1254.229614 -1360.302368 -193.968689"
				"angles" "21.164040 123.747902 0.000000"
			"blue truck"
				"origin" "857.428528 21.010693 -310.968689"
				"angles" "1.601662 -85.930511 0.000000"
			"blue barrels"
				"origin" "700.862183 -1090.064941 -118.968681"
				"angles" "14.528831 179.820450 0.000000"
			"blue crate"
				"origin" "-52.507214 -1761.618896 -20.708122"
				"angles" "2.631222 90.833885 0.000000"
			"blue hall 2"
				"origin" "1009.662231 -1745.758179 -187.968689"
				"angles" "4.004040 178.201767 0.000000"
			"blue rock"
				"origin" "1268.059937 -416.546234 -415.751617"
				"angles" "-1.944800 175.799408 0.000000"
posted about 12 years ago
#11 Scoreboard on sides in TF2 General Discussion

I got about this far before remembering how restrictive the scoreboard is. The avatar, name, class, score, and pings are all one element. Trying to crush them into something so small is a problem. There are "cheats" to get around it (like pushing parts of the element WAAAAY off screen), but the horizontal line at the top is a pretty fixed length. I'd imagine it'd be pretty distracting to play with that peeking in from both sides.

posted about 12 years ago
#2 Scoreboard on sides in TF2 General Discussion

Not only will your crosshair disappear, but so will your health, ammo, targetID frames, etc.

If I remember and/or have time tonight, I might be able to scrape something together. You won't be able to get class for the enemy team, so it'll just be blank, and the above limitations will still apply.

posted about 12 years ago
#10 Interesting Streams in TF2 General Discussion

Stream every time you play TF2. Do NOT stream other games you're playing until you build a base amount of viewers. Initially people will come to see you play TF2. If suddenly you're playing Dead Space 2, most of your viewers won't show up.

Once you get a base, find out what they like. I most of your viewers are there to watch you pub, don't stream your scrims, and vice versa. You'll lose viewers and be stagnant. That's really discouraging. One day you
ll habve 10-15 people watching, and the next it's just you.

Setup a youtube for matches, stream highlights, or other things. You'd be surprised at how many people sub to your twitch channel via youtube. I think I currently get more viewers there than from any other avenue.

Be a personality. Find something about you that is interesting and capitalize on it. Are you funny? Do you bounce off of friends well? Is your engi play interesting and unique? Know what sets you apart and do that as much as possible.

Giveaways are an easy way to get new followers. Fire up a few idle accounts, and you can easily gain enough metal to craft a hat every week. 4 idle accounts is ~$20 and a night of your PC being on. While $20 seems like a lot, there are twitch partners that spend more than that a day advertising their channel. You have to start somewhere. The information to idle is out there, and it can help you pull away from people who just play TF2 while streaming.

Be interactive. If you play on the same pub, make that IP available for people to join. Create a Steam group people can join. Accept friend requests and talk to your viewers. If you're trying to be an e-lebrity, act like it. Being a recluse in real life is one thing, don't do it online.

It takes perseverence. It might be MONTHS before you break into double digits, and even then an invite player may start their stream and knock you into a small handful of people watching. The key is to not get frustrated and to keep going.

posted about 12 years ago
#8 PSA: 15 seconds of your time can help comp TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

I'm up 45 followers in like 4 hours. o_o

posted about 12 years ago
#2 Crashing after update in TF2 General Discussion

Try removing your HUD. Back up, and then delete the resource and scripts folders.

posted about 12 years ago
#23 50DKP pubs nerfing Rocket Jumper & Market Gardner in Off Topic

I wasn't going to respond to this, because why feed the trolls, but I guess I need to.

A few months ago one of our regulars decided he wanted to get a Hale's Own Market Gardener. Whatever, that's fine. He came on every day and did nothing but that, and actually got quite good at it. I have no issue with that, and actually had fun destroying him with the Direct Hit. Other people saw this, and decided to do the same. Again, fine, whatever, people can do their own thing.

Unfortunately it snowballed, and at any given time there would be 3-5 people per team doing this on my servers. Instead of people doing things like capturing points, pushing the cart, or getting the intel, most people were looking up, trying to shoot these idiots out of the sky. It basically turned into a Duck Hunt server rather than TF2. We gained a small amount of notoriety for harboring this kind of behavior, and regulars who used to frequent the server started complaining and leaving. I got tired of it.

So I took some action. Instead of outright banning (stripping) it, I changed a few things to make it a viable, albeit more difficult option. I changed the Rocket Jumper back to -100HP, I gave the Market Gardener a bleed effect (-3hps), and I gave it the GRU's minicrit effect. Now instead of having unlimited mobility and a large amount of survivability (Miss? Just jump away!), you need to make sure you pick your target carefully, and nail them on the first try. Did I go too far? Maybe, but at least people are playing TF2 again, and all of the people who came onto my servers to troll are now gone. I call that a net win.

I don't think the MG is overpowered at all, just overused. A lot of people compared the MG to the caber, and my response to that is what was quoted above. The main difference is that the caber wielder really does only get one shot, where as the MG user can just jump again, and again, and again.

posted about 12 years ago
#19 Is DM going to be fixed? in TF2 General Discussion

All 3 should be up. Was a pain and slow since I didn't have FTP access, and TCAdmin only lets you upload 3 files at a time, and you can't overwrite.

posted about 12 years ago
#15 Is DM going to be fixed? in TF2 General Discussion

It's the volume of servers I run, plus slow Valve servers. My first server took about an hour and a half to even update. I also ran into an issue with the box itself, but that was a personal fuck up, and not anything with TF2 itself.

The hardest part was actually our FF2 server. Even with updated SM/MM, it still wouldn't run. There were a few extensions that needed updating, plus a MM plugin (stripper) to get arena maps to play nice. That's what took into Saturday.

I'm working on getting the DM servers up, now.

posted about 12 years ago
#13 Is DM going to be fixed? in TF2 General Discussion

The servers need to be updated with the latest Sourcemod and metamod snapshots. This isn't too difficult to do, except that most of the admins probably don't know how. I know that one of them has already tried, and got a permissions error (or something similar) and so the server is still not working. I'll poke him again tonight and see if I can help get the servers online.

That said, these servers are provided for free to the community, and cost money. The extv staff knows they don't work, so threads like these are kinda pointless. The admins have lives, things to attend to, and do this on their own time. With a major hurricane rolling through right after a patch that broke everything horribly, there should be some downtime expected. It is incredibly frustrating when people get angry and bitch about things that are provided because the people involved love the community and the game. Try to think about that before you post that the admins are "complete idiots."

For some perspective, I run a bunch of public, and private TF2 servers. When the patch hit on Friday, I immediately started working on getting them all up and running. All of the servers weren't up and stable until mid-Saturday at some point. It took me about 6 combined hours of working on them. It wasn't easy, took a LOT of my time, and required more than just uploading some files. So how hard is it? Why don't you go try and find out!

posted about 12 years ago
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