Hello I'm April Fools, and I have been playing for about a season and a half now. I'm looking to play for an Open team for CEVO. I am interested in playing for a serious team that practices, does demo and STV reviews, and wishes to improve.
Comp Experience:
UGC HL Steel S10: Reindeer Illuminati(Backup, played in a couple matches) 2nd
UGC HL Silver S11: Reindeer Illuminati(Starter Scout/Leader)
UGC HL Steel S12: A Swift Victory(Starter Sniper) Current
UGC 6's Steel S13: Less Than Three(Starter Scout/Co-leader)
I am a very adaptive player whom can suit the needs of the team, but I have a preference toward playing more aggressively or as a combo scout. I am mostly looking for a team that scrims 4+ times a week, preferably during the weekdays.
Add me: http://steamcommunity.com/id/lexyjenrex/