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Last Posted February 17, 2017 at 10:41 PM
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#15 Trying to optimize tf2 in Customization
Rotten_MindJust tested your config.

Comanglia's High Quality PC
2639 frames 22.457 seconds 117.52 fps ( 8.51 ms/f) 8.799 fps variability

Comanglia's cfg Edited by Archinator
2639 frames 29.745 seconds 88.72 fps (11.27 ms/f) 11.414 fps variability

you somehow buried your fps tho XD
also, about launch options.
read this thread
and delete all of these options
Show Content
Also, it's actually -noipx, but it's poinless.

Ok so i removed all the useless launch options you have any idea why my config gives worse results?

posted about 7 years ago
#10 Trying to optimize tf2 in Customization
flatlineWhy are there so many people trying to do this

For me I just do it for fun i'm fine with how tf2 looks it's just something I enjoy doing.

posted about 7 years ago
#8 Trying to optimize tf2 in Customization
SetsulYou are using launch options that you know you shouldn't use.
You are not sure how they are spelled.

Ok fair enough ill remove the launch options. I just kept them just in the slight chance it actually did something also i looked and the spelling is noipx so i have changed it thanks i guess.

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Trying to optimize tf2 in Customization
SetsulArchinatorIf im not mistaken all of these launch options are obsolete and I really shouldn't be using them Archinator As for -nojoy -nopix (which i think should be -noipx but idk)Are you actually serious?

What if something is wrong correct me.

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Trying to optimize tf2 in Customization
glasscould you explain what some of your launch options do, i haven't heard of all of them

"-noforcemaccel -noforcemparms -noforcemspd -heapsize 4194304" If im not mistaken all of these launch options are obsolete and I really shouldn't be using them but I do anyway just in case. -threads 8 this launch option sets how many threads your cpu has i have a quad core with multi-threading meaning I have 8 threads. -high sets the game to high priority meaning your computer will use as many resources necessary for the game. -nod3d9ex1 is a typo and really should be -nod3d9ex but in any case it Disables D3D9ex it shouldn't really affect frames much at all but some people say it improves their ability to alt tab so i use it anyway. As for -nojoy -nopix (which i think should be -noipx but idk) and -nocrashdialog im not 100% sure but doing some digging they seem to disable some various unecessary things throughout tf2.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Trying to optimize tf2 in Customization

Over the past couple months I have been trying to optimize tf2 for max frames without destroying it's look this means I avoid things like the 8 bit models and no rocket trails. I am looking for anyone with anything new to add to my tf2 that will remove clutter and or increase frames. Even small things are welcome. The current things I have done to increase the frames and lower clutter are: a config that is a mix of all the configs I could find, surfaceproperties, no soundscapes, no hats or hat effects, low particles mod, clean tf2 and complete phongless pack.

My launch options are -console -novid -refresh 144 -nocrashdialog -nojoy -high -nod3d9ex1 -threads 8 -noforcemaccel -noforcemparms -noforcemspd -heapsize 4194304 -nopix -32bit -dev.

And this is my config:

I also take advantage of the blocky shadows using filterlightmaps.

If you have anything to add being mods, scripts or commands to add to my autoexec feel free to add it here. If I get enough stuff I might make a tf2 optimization guide. I just don't want to make it if it's like every other one out there. If you have something to add I'll most likely give you credit. Also i will tidy up the config I have posted but for the sake of the post all you need are the commands themselves. I would love to make an in depth all around optimization of windows and tf2 guide but as I have said before I don't see any need as there are already so many out there!

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Looking for a roamer or scout mentor. in Mentoring

Hey I am a scout/roamer main. I Simply want to get better at the game. I have played around 3000 hours and have been on multiple teams if anyone could come around and make me a better player I would appreciate it. I'm not really looking for an insanely skilled mentor just someone that can teach me a few things. I played on a few silver teams I played on a failed open team as roamer and I currently am playing on an iron team for some fun with friends.

My steam link:

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Demo's and assistance. in Q/A Help

I want demo's and demo reviews and things like this for roamer. I especially want harbleu demo's. I am also looking for a mentor and a place to submit my demos and get them reviewed. I also am looking for any threads to assist me on learning the whole game and roamer itself. Also to clarify my past comp experience I have some silver seasons some steel seasons and right now I am currently on an open team. So please post things that will assist me. I already know the class I don't need beginners content. If you have anything if use please post on this thread! or message me on steam if you want mentor me or for any other reason.


posted about 10 years ago
#4 Low to mid open team LFP in Recruitment (looking for players)
MessyRecipeForgets about scrims if he schedules ahead of time, then spams the shit out of you to play when you're scrimming with people who did plan ahead.

To clarify thats not at all as bad as it looks. He promised to be there and he never showed up and made me find a shit ringer that dint play well at all. He is a toxic person to be around and is just a bad person in general. So he decided to post my mumble info and try to make fun of me to make himself feel better. we already have a team so this is completely irrelevant but i'm glad he isn't on it :) Have a good day.

posted about 10 years ago
#25 LazyPurple lft Scout Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hey we are currently looking for players on low-mid open if you are interested?

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Low to mid open team LFP in Recruitment (looking for players)

We are a low to mid open team. The team is going to be organized scriming every second day or every day if possible. Tryouts will be quick usually the day of you asking to tryout and a yes or no answer will be provided quite quickly. At the moment we are looking for a player of every slot except for roamer. I am looking to get a dedicated crew together to maybe try to all improve together and maybe play a second season of open. I have run many teams in the past (only in ugc but still). The team has it's own mumble and it's own server! I will be using est time to schedule anything on the team. If you have any questions add me or post on this page.


Thank you and I hope to see a lot of tryouts

posted about 10 years ago
#1 LF a roamer mentor in Mentoring

To start off I am not a new competitive player. I am looking for someone at a higher level than open to mentor me. I would like to find someone at a skill level of IM roamer to mentor me. Add me if you are interested.


posted about 10 years ago