Winning RGL will now feel like winning the special olympics while you're not disabled. It probably already felt like that before, but now more so.
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561197960497430 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:231702] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:115851 |
Country | Netherlands |
Signed Up | October 13, 2012 |
Last Posted | March 10, 2025 at 4:56 AM |
Posts | 728 (0.2 per day) |
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Mousepad | |
Headphones | |
Monitor |
BeelthazusMasternood would never show his face at LAN, represent himself and the ideals he stands for. Prove me wrong.
I'm not defending his typical TF2C forum behavior, but Masternoob gave me an 8 hour ride to i52, i55 and i58. He didn't exactly shy away from talking to anyone at those LANs.
You were gaming on wireless? 2.4Ghz wireless?
sagecould you make it so pugchamp matches appear in reservations you played in in serveme?
Pugchamp matches aren't reservations, so I can't do that.
jnkiserveme is like 5 months overdue even if i had premium
Regardless of your premium status you can download demos for games you played in, in the last 31 days.
Icewind, the creator of, hasn't been online on Steam in 5 days, so I've opened a Github issue where he's been online recently:
Vouribut this has been some of worst, if not the worst, production of a lan ive seen.
Oh sweet summer child, rewatch the VODs for i46, i49 and i52 for some perspective.
Having been a full-time part of the production team at i49, i52, i55 and i58, I've seen first hand how hard it is to take a group of amateur volunteers and turn it into a successful esports production. Understaffed, under-equipped and overworked, with rising expectations each iSeries, especially since esports production in general has gotten so much better (and much more expensive!) over the years.
The "unsustainable" bit that uberchain touched upon is getting more apparent this year. Back at i55 and i58 we already knew we were setting the bar quite high. All thanks to the specific people available to work for the production, Multiplay tournament admins, equipment available/rented/borrowed, equipment generously provided by Multiplay and the amount of time put in by certain people way ahead of the event.
Unless we magically get all that back, I think it's time to aim for a way smaller production done really well, instead of a big production not meeting expectations.
On a positive note: I've quite enjoyed the i63 show, didn't watch all of it, but I've seen hours of great TF2 (WARHURYEAH casting was mvp again).
Ryzen is great value at the moment, especially the 2600. Not just the CPU but the motherboards too.
It takes a lot of effort to keep a publicly available software project running and Jon hosted a bunch of those for free, and he worked on them for free. He deserves a lot of credit for that.
This kind of software starts to rot once you stop working on it, pieces stop working and security problems are no longer fixed. It's better to pull the plug if you don't want to work on it any more, instead of waking up to a huge cloud hosting bill due to someone turning your TF2 stats website into a file sharing hub.
Maybe he'll release the source code some day (try asking him), that's the reason we still have MGE and SOAP-DM, despite Lange being long gone.
wickedplayer494- If you tried to sign up in the first hour or so a few weeks ago but weren't able to due to subscription limits, you should be able to try again successfully
Thanks, I hit that limit and forgot to resubscribe :)
Possible DoS/flood protection in your router, which is useless, so if disable it if you can.
What's your bufferbloat score on ?
The amount of bufferbloat in ms you see is the lag you'll experience if you max out the connection while you game.
It's still on ,my login still worked.
I've pinged Bones about this thread, maybe he has some tips too.
Bunch of stuff got outdated and I had to take down the site for security reasons.
I've updated it now and it's back.
My API key is responsible for