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Country Netherlands
Signed Up October 13, 2012
Last Posted February 24, 2025 at 5:32 PM
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#65 Dear TF2 Community in TF2 General Discussion

I can't express in words how frustrated I am that the personal interaction of ~4 people is making this whole i49 thing so needlessly complicated.

We have Arx saying he would not work with anyone from the proposal, ot even those who we were so happy to work with at i46, not even the ones that have never wronged VTV.
We have Comedian saying he'll never work with Byte again, Byte saying he'll never work with skyride again.

We have a tiny scene, you'll be running into eachother until TF2 dies or until you quit. Get over it.

posted about 11 years ago
#16 Showmatch HRG vs Epsilon in TF2 General Discussion

I'm pretty sure there's also going to be a EU server.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Free server reservation system, NA edition in TF2 General Discussion

I've added the ESEA configs and whitelist.

I would love for some people to test the system and gameserver:

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Free server reservation system, NA edition in TF2 General Discussion

You might have seen the server reservation system that I run in the EU:

The reasons why I think it's cool:

* Many different server locations, so you can find a server with a good ping for most players
* Automatically loads the config and whitelist for your reservation
* Instant zip with the logs/demos of a match when you end your reservation
* Automatic uploads to when you enter your API key
* Manual upload to, for those without a account

The system is free to use, but donations are encouraged. Based on the amount of hours played on the servers the donations get split between the server providers.

Currently, I'm trying to make a North American version of this system, and for this I need your help. The site for the North American version is up , and there's 1 Chicago-based server in there, generously provided by wezlyyy. But since I'm from the Netherlands it's not really practical to try it out myself, so maybe some of you can use it in a scrim or lobby game.
Add me on steam for the URL if you want to try it.

Secondly, I'm looking for more servers for the system. In the EU version it's mostly community heroes providing the servers. They rent a dedicated server anyway which they would already allow people to use, so putting a server in the reservation system just makes life easier for those guys.
Exception to this rule is Fog, who's currently the only commercial server provider sponsoring a server <3

Thirdly, I could use some info on the NA comp scene. Especially about configs, whitelists and maps that I should put on the servers. Also, if you are or know someone willing to sponsor such a server (bsd/linux only atm), please get in touch.

Some links:
My steam profile:
ETF2L thread:
Reddit post:
EU server providers <3:
US server provider <3:

posted about 11 years ago
#20 TFTrue in Projects
maidosthe logs do autoupload when the match ends but when i restart the server the api keys is gone. it doesnt seem to save the api keys if urestart the server

You're supposed to have the tftrue_api_thingy in your server.cfg

posted about 11 years ago
#11 TFTrue in Projects

The only plugin worth running. Auto-updating and only adding good things. Thanks a lot Anakin!

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 46 47 48 49