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SteamID64 76561197994520592
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:17127432
Country United Kingdom
Signed Up August 26, 2014
Last Posted February 1, 2015 at 2:56 PM
Posts 11 (0 per day)
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Mouse Logitech G5 (8 years, still going strong)
Keyboard Logitech G11
Mousepad Mad Catz Glide XL
Headphones Steel Series Siberia v2
Monitor Ilyama Prolite
#528 flatHUD in Customization

Where abouts on the screen should these links appear? Because I changed them all to visible 1, restarted, still can't see anything changing

posted about 10 years ago
#526 flatHUD in Customization

Is that in mainmenuoverride.res?

posted about 10 years ago
#524 flatHUD in Customization
flatlineWhat are you trying to do with the ctrl+f?


posted about 10 years ago
#518 flatHUD in Customization

Love it, been using it for a year now, and even though I may have committed adultery a few times, I keep coming back.

The only thing is, I can't figure out to make the server menu links, ctrl + f in game does nothing, am I being thick?

posted about 10 years ago
#37 Ok actually real 5000th thread now in Off Topic

I think the community fundraiser was a great idea, as for the sustainability of it, I think there is enough of a turnover of players and enough perks that you would want more than once, that it could certainly be sustainable. But I suspect new perks could be found anyway to keep it fresh.

A little unfortunate about some sponsers, but nothing that can't be remedied next season!

Shoutout to Permzilla, I think allot of progress has been made this season.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 A region flag for individual posts in Site Discussion

But the point of a thread title is to let you know if you want to read the thread, not everyone wants to read every thread m

posted about 10 years ago
#1 A region flag for individual posts in Site Discussion

I haven't spent much time on on these forums, but I think it would be good to be able to put a country's flag in the title to show where the post applies to. For example in the Lans section, it would make it easier to look for lans in countrys you could actually get to.

People very often don't specify what region they are talking about with titles like

"What teams are playing next season?" (season of what?)
"Bla bla bla something about ESEA bla" (europe or america?)

Also I have noticed we often get Americans coming to TF2Pickup because they read the TFTV thread and didn't notice we only do EU pickups.

By default it could just be "international"

posted about 10 years ago
#84 The demoman nerf: a semi-statistical analysis in TF2 General Discussion

Wait for season 20, the euros will show you kids how to demoman :D

Jokes aside I think the nerf is much less of a hinderence on the euro demo playstyle (which in my opinion is the more fun one)

Inb4 exon gets the most damage this season.

posted about 10 years ago
#13 cp_sunshine in MGE? in Map Discussion

I think it would be interesting to have in mge, precisely for the reason that it isn't obvious how it would play. I mean spire is fairly repetitive. I think it would play more like viaduct than any other arena, and would be a good scout v. soldier option.

posted about 10 years ago
#177 cp_logjam (5CP) in Map Discussion

I like the new mid, I think it does need something raised in the middle, I would just question whether it needs to be a bridge? Personally I would suggest some sort of podium (more like Gully, but bigger) which could be textured as a huge log / tree stump, with wide ramps onto it, etc.

I don't think a fast cave rollout is required, if you hit the soldier one you can pretty much land anywhere, anyway. And it wouldn't make that much difference to the current demo one. However you used to be able to to surf out of left lobby and surf off second point to get to choke, which I kinda miss. It's wasn't as fast, but it was a nice alternative and you could protect the demo.

I do however like the idea of moving 2nd spawn to somewhere on spire, personally I would like to see it under the point, and the corridor under the point opened up a little. Could lead to it being used for more than just occasionally running through as scout.

Finally I would like a way to ramp slide in to last for the pop, because that would be hella fun

Mind you, this is just based on play a dozen or so tf2pickups, not matches, so feel free to dismiss everything I say ^^

posted about 10 years ago
#313 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion

Love the map, one small bug, the L-bend on the right side of second that go up to the point, they are kinda glitchy to walk on sometimes, especially when you walk along the edge, I suggest putting an invisible ramp over them to make them act smoother.

posted about 10 years ago