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Signed Up December 11, 2016
Last Posted August 27, 2018 at 9:37 AM
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#1 How to fix black square bug in TF2 plus fps lag? in Q/A Help

Hi, I have my new computer and I have this problem that every time I open console command or any settings, it will have like this:

My graphics (Vega 8 Graphics) is updated, most of my drivers are updated, I did verify game cache already, changing my resolution (but this never effect on my in-game).

Some of my friends said that I should Activate Windows to fix the solution. I really need serious help because I want to play TF2 so bad after 6 months of hiatus.

Thanks in advance!

Edit: When I play the game, my fps went drop to 9 and will crash.

posted about 6 years ago
#49 Ascent bids farewell to rando in News
Alexandrosrando is gone, sandblast is gone (for now), who will step up to claim the spot of the eyebrow king?


Edit: damn, I miss rando already :(

posted about 7 years ago
#45 rando steps down from Ascent in TF2 General Discussion

mouse_down :(

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Change Name? in Requests


I want to change my name from fieldaider to Athena. I hope for your very kind consideration.

Thank you. :)

posted about 7 years ago
#25 Filipino 400hour player, ready for comp? in TF2 General Discussion
fortdashI main Scout, 95 hours on him, my highest recorded kill number is 60 something. Also Medic and Soldier, recently I've been dropping the classes I used to main like Sniper that aren't really necessary in competitive.

Play more pugs (especially Shanapugs). It will help you to practice. :)

fortdash Ohoho, no, I can't rocket or sticky jump off walls for the life of me, only launch myself forward without walls.

Practice jump and surfing servers.

fortdash All I ask for is a way to play games for around my level or just slightly higher that are actually serious and are not casual.

Idk if my friends still accept new person in our cult, but I'll be glad if you may allow me to help you on finding competitive/serious/tryhard people.

posted about 7 years ago
#24 Filipino 400hour player, ready for comp? in TF2 General Discussion

In my opinion, just play more DM servers (mge, pugs and more). Mostly afc div 3 players have more than 1000 hours in TF2 and they have extraordinary DM and gamesense (mechanics?). My friends who are interested in competitive and has more than 1000 hours in TF2 (my friend who is a scout main has almost 6000 hours in TF2). Even though they have good DM, but they don’t have good positioning and gamesense.

I have 300 hours in TF2 and some players in afc div 3 knows me already even though I'm not good at any class except medic (I’m not really good at medic, but I know how medic works in lower plays and pubs). I highly suggest that to practice your DM more and your mechanics. Play more 1000 hours in TF2 and we have also competitive 6s for fun in our Facebook group, where I find some div 3 Philippine players and other div 3 personalities and of course my current fake team and competitive/casual friends. And also, master all the classes especially your main.

EDITED: Stay determined and motivate and find some good individuals to work with.

posted about 7 years ago
#29 ESEA S24 UR2: froyotech vs. EVL Gaming in Matches

Shade drunk stream hype and cheer Nursey all the way!

posted about 7 years ago