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Signed Up November 23, 2014
Last Posted August 23, 2024 at 11:32 PM
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#48 suspicious players in TF2 General Discussion

So I spoke with someone who added me in regards to this thread and they clued me in to how AC staff works and the type of things they look for. Here's the run down of what I learned from my conversation with them.

STV demo's are terrible to catch most stuff because its server side and things can be wonky. Even if there was something that can be said to be strong evidence, can't be proven for sure without the POV demo and would only result in having AC staff be aware of the player at most.
Slowing down demo's to catch suspicious activity is bad and usually just enforces bias. Which I've heard before from friends.

What I took from that conversation was that catching cheaters can be pretty difficult. Because getting POV demos of a suspected cheater without having some kind of authority is hard. I'm sure you could scour STV demos and find more pretty good evidence but it would be inconclusive without the POV demo. I think with more good evidence from the STV demos from recent games would get RGL staff to pressure him for his POV demos but I'm not willing to put in that work at this point in time. So that's where my involvement ends. I already put to much effort into getting this guy 4 months ago.

I advise everyone else who plays competitive against him, just ask for his POV demo of the game in question. But good luck. I think eventually he'll be caught but it wont be soon enough for me.

posted 5 months ago
#45 suspicious players in TF2 General Discussion
Prime-SanityAtomiskPrime-SanityYou defend extremely suspect people in your pug server I don't want to hear it from you dog fucker. This whole thread is a witchunt on jfk. You thought fucking sy was cheating and thats why you banned him from your server so any opinion you have is just like lowered.
I never thought Sy was cheating. Another lie. Man you are just chock full of them. You just sound like someone who likes to talk and create drama without anything worth saying. Thanks for posting on this thread.
Ill debunk your whole video man. Don't you got some cats to microwave or some shit? Also you are the wrong person to talk about lies.

Dude then just do it. Your prancing around and saying you can do this and that but you aren't doing it. Defend your friend. Lets go.
Atomisk- No I never microwaved my dog.
- The bucket story wasn't mine and I retold it as if it was me for shock value.
- I don't have sex with animals. I hear some of the more edgier trolls saying this about me.
- I don't support the abuse of animals.
I feel like if you are telling the truth then you could have told me when I confronted you about it or any else besides blocking them or banning them they tried to confront you. Anyone who tried to confront you privately would get blocked. You joined epicer pugs only to get ragged on and not deny any of the "allegations." Also its not "allegations" if they come out of your own mouth.
So please tell me why are you lying.

Just more trolling and personal attacks. Its almost like your trying to take the focus away from your friend.

posted 5 months ago
#43 suspicious players in TF2 General Discussion
Prime-SanityYou defend extremely suspect people in your pug server I don't want to hear it from you dog fucker. This whole thread is a witchunt on jfk. You thought fucking sy was cheating and thats why you banned him from your server so any opinion you have is just like lowered.

I never thought Sy was cheating. Another lie. Man you are just chock full of them. You just sound like someone who likes to talk and create drama without anything worth saying. Thanks for posting on this thread.

posted 5 months ago
#42 suspicious players in TF2 General Discussion
Prime-SanityYou defend extremely suspect people in your pug server I don't want to hear it from you dog fucker. This whole thread is a witchunt on jfk.

So instead of explaining yourself all you have is personal insults. It sounds like you aren't someone to be taken seriously. Also, don't you have a pretty bad history yourself? I'll check your RGL page for your most recent bans.

posted 5 months ago
#40 suspicious players in TF2 General Discussion
Prime-SanitycookiePrime-SanitySeinfeldim not weighing in on if this guy is or is not cheating, but please don't make videos trying to showcase evidence if you don't know how cheats actually workIts not even that man. When I made that yen document I had the name of the cheats we think he is using if he was cheating. Im extremely biased because I have known jfk for a bit and he is a friend but, I have yet to see anything. Also half this tried using MGE as evidence man so its hard to take anything he provided seriously.I didn't know people can't cheat in MGENo that is not at all what I am saying. I should had shown what I meant so I will do that now. AtomiskMore so, K1ng, Rex and I did some 2v2 mge with Jfk and whoever had Jfk on their team, won. Every single time. Wasnt even close.

Kind of weird how the only take you have is that I used mge as one of the reasons why I was suspicious of him. Ignoring everything else. Its almost like you are being disingenuous and facetious.

posted 5 months ago
#36 suspicious players in TF2 General Discussion
Seinfeldim not weighing in on if this guy is or is not cheating, but please don't make videos trying to showcase evidence if you don't know how cheats actually work

Please elaborate on this statement so I can understand what went wrong and I can make a better video.

posted 5 months ago
#30 suspicious players in TF2 General Discussion
gianniAtomisk’m not immediately opposed to being suspect of players who come out of nowhere and start dominating their div, but I also don’t think stv’s of someone hiding their dot on sniper or turning around to watch their back when there is obviously a player in lobby is substantive evidence. Though, I encourage you to continue looking if your conviction is this strong.

I don't think that was part of the video. There is some commentary as part of the clips to explain whats going on and what suspected cheating is happening.

posted 5 months ago
#26 suspicious players in TF2 General Discussion

Back when I was actively hosting pugs, Jfk came across as a suspicious player. Not only by me but a lot of the better players who participated in the pugs. We started watching him and collecting some evidence that we thought was suspicious. Unfortunately one of my mods dropped the ball and basically told him that we suspected him of cheating and were collecting evidence on him.

Demos used in the video.

I'll be honest and say there's only 2 clips that are pretty strong evidence. The rest can be explained away with decent arguments of latency or something that could be cleared up from POV demo's. So I'll go further on why I am suspicious of JFK.

When I met him, he was pretty new to competitive. He mainly played in Yoshi pugs and had like 50 logs under his belt. Played like a complete bot. Didn't know where to hold and fed like any dm heavy scout would. However, he won 90% of his fights. If you met him on the flank you lost that fight. The only time he'd die was when multiple people shot him.
He consistently got 30 to 40 kills per game against main and advance players. He always had perfect timing for people around walls, knew when people werent paying attention, and didn't play the game that well outside of DM.

When we talked with JFk to learn a little about the dude, he explained to us that his dad gave him his steam profile. thats why its so old and has so many hours on Tf2. A friend of mine explained that it could be a bought account. I dont know much about that sort of stuff but its on the table. Also he has an old Firepowered trade server ban for cheating. Which isn't saying much because I'm sure a lot of the classy mge grinders in here could get one of those but again, its on the table.

More so, K1ng, Rex and I did some 2v2 mge with Jfk and whoever had Jfk on their team, won. Every single time. Wasnt even close. The dude just doesn't miss. Now for some subjective arguments. I never saw jfk on mge before 5 months ago. Like, look at his first logs and then think about that time in mge servers. I've never seen him grinding. He's not a known mge lord. He could've got really good on private servers with friends. Can any of those people step forward and say that they knew him before he got any kind of good? Are there any known players who were really good at other FPS shooters, came to tf2 and were as good as Jfk is now? Can he show any hours on Aimlabs or Kovaaks?

Finally, lets take a look at all of the classes and things he plays in pugs and scrims. They are all hitscan or hitscan adjacent. Anything that would benefit from aimlock and walls. He's not a very good player. He's grown for sure since his Yoshi pugs days but about as much as any player would without the DM.

Oh yeah when I banned jfk from my pugs for being a cheater he said I could do a PC check. Like I could go through his files via some kind of screenshare program. Then a friend informed me later on that theres a way to have cheats installed on a USB and all he'd have to do is just unplug it. It feels like jfk is pretty good at cheating and has taken a few precautions to not get caught. Now he plays in RGL pugs and Tf2cc pugs. Whenever I chat with people about him they always mention how that guy feels like a cheater.

You know what would clear everything up? Lets all show up to a local starbucks parking lot and watch him blast some newbs in real time on a donated PC. If he showed to be the DM badass that he is with that kind of proof I'd pay him 5k keys and post a youtube apology video.

posted 5 months ago
#3 Half This Pugs in TF2 General Discussion

Some heavy accusations against a heavy man. Some lies and exaggerations in there but I'll cover the major points with a message I sent to a friend who confronted me about these accusations as they were brought back up by trolls who have been banned from my pugs for being disruptive and unable to interact with others in a respectful manner.

Here are answers to the major points.

- No I never microwaved my dog.
- The bucket story wasn't mine and I retold it as if it was me for shock value.
- I don't have sex with animals. I hear some of the more edgier trolls saying this about me.
- I don't support the abuse of animals.

The details about what happened and why this was even posted. So the guy saam was talking about was a teammate of mine who got bullied a lot by other tf2 players. Granted the dude was really weird because he was always saying outrageous stuff like having sex with his dog but a lot of us didn't really believe him. He said a lot of other edgy things so we just kind of put him in the box of "He says really messed up things for laughs.". The reason why I defended him was due to being harassed by other tf2 players myself and this saam person was known to harass others unprovoked. I had wanted to defend him like I wanted someone to defend me when people started harassing me for the way I acted. It was a collection of dumb decisions on my part to even respond to this person and to post our conversation. Eventually later on in the posts I started feeding the shock value of it all by saying stupid stuff when I saw that a lot of people believed that the dude actually does that with his dog and I realized how bad it looked on me for defending him.

So to be clear, I was attempting to defend someone who I felt everyone was bullying because he was weird and cringe. Not because I felt having sex with animals was okay. I didn't believe him when he said those things and that's a big mistake on my part.

Last, this happened 9 years ago. I have attempted to erase this from the site and have even asked Mr.Slin to have it removed because its a shameful part of my history on tf2. A lot of my close friends are aware of this whole thing and know that I don't condone the abuse of animals and that I don't abuse animals myself.

As for the deleting of messages and banning of players. Most of the people who were banned for bringing this up were clearly only there to cause trouble. Didn't want to discuss it or want to know the truth about the post.

As for the deleting of the messages in the thread, that was done long before I revived my pug group.

Tbh this was a good opportunity to clear this up. I'll be around for awhile to respond if anyone would like to discuss or make fun of the way I play on spire.

posted 9 months ago
#254 yomps has passed away. in TF2 General Discussion

How incredibly sad. My heart goes out to his friends and family. Stay strong for him you guys.

For everyone else, keep your loved ones close. You don't know how much time you have left with them.

I'll offer my support and attention to anyone who doesn't have someone to talk to.

posted about 4 years ago
#58 Was I wrong? in The Dumpster


posted about 9 years ago
#55 Was I wrong? in The Dumpster


posted about 9 years ago
#49 Was I wrong? in The Dumpster


posted about 9 years ago
#48 Was I wrong? in The Dumpster
niverioh look its someone roleplaying as a psychopath
very cool, you sure are the cream of the crop

I honestly don't think saams a psychopath. A little outwardly spoken but thats about it.

posted about 9 years ago
#45 Was I wrong? in The Dumpster


posted about 9 years ago
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