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Signed Up September 1, 2012
Last Posted December 14, 2017 at 1:59 PM
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ⋅⋅ 78
#101 ESEA-O S24 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Sliceroguekilaz-iwnw-Don't tell me you guys didn't shit talk. HAHAHA. I wasn't going to post about it but now I will. Mecha Cop = Toxic AFSlicerogue only when you didnt show us that respect did mecha get mad.

how didn't they respect you

can you give an example or are you and your team just really dumb like im hypothesizing

posted about 8 years ago
#37 ice cream in Off Topic

daiquri ice

i've only ever found it at baskin robins and its my favorite along with sweet cream ice cream

posted about 8 years ago
#70 What would you wish people would start doing? in Off Topic
Vulcanmnuseman play a few seasons of invite then get back to me if u think any of that is accuratehave you played invite?

who is this guy and why am i seeing his stupid posts everywhere

posted about 8 years ago
#15 anxiety help in Off Topic
yahoostop watching porn, after years it can fuck up your brain




posted about 8 years ago
#93 pee in Off Topic
Nub_DanishmustardoverlordNub_Danishmustardoverlordlost in the hubbub about this bullshit buzzfeed thing is just how ridiculous trump's press conference was

if you think previous presidents waged a war on the media, you haven't seen anything yet...
were previous presidents having blatantly fake news stories printed about them?

"was characterized by The Washington Post as a "bizarre and unsubstantiated documentary." " wow the mainstream media sure was attacking him and supporting the story

but there was plenty of mainstream media outlets which gave it credibility (Fox) and ran stories regardless if they believed them to be true

there was plenty of patently false articles posted so the answer to your question was yes whether you want to believe it or not

posted about 8 years ago
#89 pee in Off Topic
Nub_Danishmustardoverlordlost in the hubbub about this bullshit buzzfeed thing is just how ridiculous trump's press conference was

if you think previous presidents waged a war on the media, you haven't seen anything yet...
were previous presidents having blatantly fake news stories printed about them?


posted about 8 years ago
#284 Philosophical Question About Whitelists/Blacklists in TF2 General Discussion

i thought dflame alts were bad

On a more relevant note people have been lobbying valve for support for like 7 years now in the competitive community.

If you think a push for big whitelist changes in ESEA 9 years after release is suddenly going to usher in huge support for a game that doesn't even compare to the playerbase of Dota or CS:GO you're really just deluded.

Play this game for the love of it and don't force your opinions of how it should be played on others for some non-sense dream of a competitive renaissance. TF2 is great and the people in it are great but don't drink the Kool-Aid expecting you're going to Valve's paradise, you're just gonna kill the game. This path has been talked over while I played and for years before it and nothing has ever changed and it sure as hell won't change now.

Just love the game for what it is.

posted about 8 years ago
#92 Philosophical Question About Whitelists/Blacklists in TF2 General Discussion
b4nnyLiterally every mechanic about those 3 items listed has an even more extreme parallel in OW lol. At least we know the true solution: if we pay everyone to live in the shadow of a big streamer they'll be willing to forfeit their fun! :o


If people got paid the same amount in TF2 as they did in OW I'm sure they'd all be willing to play against these retard weapons too. So yes that is the solution.

posted about 8 years ago
#21 hey guys in Off Topic
unfisnt mangachu like really good tho?

he's on renegades rn which is probably one of the better/best teams this meta

also yuki wasn't really involved with the roster I dont think when he was cut it was all reynad really

posted about 8 years ago
#33 Philosophical Question About Whitelists/Blacklists in TF2 General Discussion

why would anyone want to ruin the only good things about TF2 by allowing these unlocks

posted about 8 years ago
#63 Hate crime in World Events


posted about 8 years ago
#38 Hate crime in World Events


posted about 8 years ago
#20 How to Bomb the US Government in Off Topic
Dampstayimo I really want to write a book about Sam Hyde's generation of beta-alfas(or whatever he calls himself see his fan needledrop's podcast) and generally his humor just splitting people into more archetypes hating each other, which results only in 4chan level elitism like getawhale/ma3la unfortunately picked up just throwing shit at "these" and "these" kind of people like a bunch of 15-years old.

I don't think you've ever interacted with either one of those people.

posted about 8 years ago
#20 Stepping down from TFTV in Off Topic

mana was my favorite tv.tv administrator

posted about 8 years ago
#19 best music of 2016 in Music, Movies, TV
wruBlackstar and Atrocity Exhibition for GOTY, Gambino's album is lovely & chill tune, Untitled Unmastered is really nice, i also like TLOP please dont kill me

there were so many releases this year and so many new artists i encountered, great year, looking forward to 2017

TLOP is gonna be the next Yeezus where there are plenty of solid tracks but it gets shit on for a bit till everyone goes back and listens again.

posted about 8 years ago
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