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Signed Up January 26, 2013
Last Posted December 24, 2014 at 2:11 AM
Posts 34 (0 per day)
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#13 mr slin revisit in Off Topic
16jacobjCan we let this shit go?

I know slin is able to deal with people joking about him a lot but holy shit it's literally a picture of a dude with a boner, honestly not that funny

We don't need a new thread every time it's posted to reddit

Shut the fuck up dude don't be a faggot. Also HOLY FUCK I'M UNBANNED LOL

posted about 10 years ago
#717 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 10 years ago
#59 mustardoverlord lftski in Recruitment (looking for team)
lynaMan I haven't played competitive tf2 in like 2 years now but the only reason I still visit this site is for shit like this, this is great.


posted about 10 years ago
#57 mustardoverlord lftski in Recruitment (looking for team)
defyholy cringe don't know who this axio idiot is but how is he not banned yet, every single post is cancer

I guess the anti-cheat admins from UGC work here at too ayyy lmao

posted about 10 years ago
#56 mustardoverlord lftski in Recruitment (looking for team)
JustinisokayAxiomatic_TF2stuffaxio you do realize whenever max streams we can all see you blatantly hacking right? what are you even talking about

Are you actually retarded. <- bro come watch me cheat in esea and mm lmao dipshit

posted about 10 years ago
#53 mustardoverlord lftski in Recruitment (looking for team)
remedyAxiomatic_TF2I told the admins I would reward whichever admin banned m4rissa with 100$ via paypal.what is wrong with you?

I have money to waste, and I'm addicted to justice being served. Guess that's a mental disorder I suppose.

posted about 10 years ago
#51 mustardoverlord lftski in Recruitment (looking for team)

also Axio nice ego you got there, you're a nobody, so am I, but at least I know it.

and also why do you think m4risa hacks? she's been playing this game for a long time at a high level so obviously she's gonna be good lmao

I've been playing at a high level for quite a while too, but don't forget I could buy hacks tonight and use them for the rest of the season unnoticed. So whats your point lmao? And yeah I might be a nobody, but you're a bigger nobody :)

posted about 10 years ago
#49 mustardoverlord lftski in Recruitment (looking for team)
JustinisokayAxiomatic_TF2I told the admins I would reward whichever admin banned m4rissa with 100$ via paypal. Good thing you took into consideration everything I said in the video, oh wait you didn't.axio you literally hack in csgo shut up lol

Play me on client kiddo I'll still wipe the floor with you. Hacks expired months and months ago btw so choke on a cock br0.
15.68 rws lmao at around 13 rws for 3 months on average
Still drop 40 bombs without hacks at 15rws level with max and matt who both dont support cheaters.

Gtfo kid I'm better than you with and without hacks, I used them to beat other hackers. I never prayed on the weak and helpless to get a higher rank. I delivered justice to scumbags who used their hacks for bad intentions. I was like the batman faggot. cya

posted about 10 years ago
#45 mustardoverlord lftski in Recruitment (looking for team)

I told the admins I would reward whichever admin banned m4rissa with 100$ via paypal. Good thing you took into consideration everything I said in the video, oh wait you didn't.

posted about 10 years ago
#44 mustardoverlord lftski in Recruitment (looking for team)
Se7enAxiomatic_TF2 It's not like I've asked every single top sniper in tf2 if they think she hacks and all of them said "yes".
Max explicitly said on stream that he did not believe m4risa was hacking.

I wish I could say the truth behind that and the reasoning behind his choice of words but I promised to keep my mouth shut and keep everything everyone said to me secret out of respect for their wish for me to be quiet, because they don't want their rep to be compromised. But let's just say you cant believe everything people say on the internet.

posted about 10 years ago
#43 mustardoverlord lftski in Recruitment (looking for team)
m4risaplease finish the 4th video axio

No problem m4nrissa. Your wish is my command.

posted about 10 years ago
#41 mustardoverlord lftski in Recruitment (looking for team)
M4TTGuys someone got a flickshot in tf2 they must b hackers i cheated in csgo but went to gooble e1337 by myself so i am better then VAC, guys?notice me guys please

(Im so lonely)

That's literally the worst interpretation of what actually happened. It's so stupid I'm not even going to argue with you.

posted about 10 years ago
#28 mustardoverlord lftski in Recruitment (looking for team)
dippidyAxiomatic_TF2SleepingLifeI wish I could act surprised that you think you're better than Mustard, but to be honest I'd be shocked if you thought any different considering your ego. I hope you enjoy making youtube vids to feel good about yourself. Can't wait for the shocking footage you're sure to release.
Lmao mustard is actually the worst player I've ever played with in my life. I am not kidding you or exaggerating in any way. I remember when we were chilling in mumble one time and someone posted a convo with a teammate of mustard who said "mustard actually makes me want to kill myself and stop playing tf2, he takes a game that's supposed to be fun and makes it not fun by ruining it." I also remember a teammate telling mustard, "Fuck you and fuck this team." Directly to mustard in chat and he quit right then and there. Mustard is not a good player at all, and the way he acts in game actually makes him even worse than he actually is. I don't feel good making videos for youtube. I feel like shit because I have to be the one who does all the gathering of fucking clips involving m4risas obvious hacks. You'd think, that when one of the best snipers, who used hacks before, says that m4risa is cheating that maybe he'd be taken seriously. But no don't listen to me. What do I know. It's not like I've asked every single top sniper in tf2 if they think she hacks and all of them said "yes". Sad to know they refused to speak up in the forum at the time to help back their friend because of the risk of their rep being jeopardized for associating themselves with "THE axiomatic". At least I have a bad name, unlike you who no one even knows exists. Whoops.

the only reason people know you exist is because you're a penis

And because I am arguably one of the best snipers in plat but "who cares its highlander".

posted about 10 years ago
#26 mustardoverlord lftski in Recruitment (looking for team)
turtsmcgurtsAxiomatic_TF2Ask literally any fucking person other than mustard and the team
just don't ask anyone who will say otherwise and everyone else will say i'm super cool!

I can think of three people from the team that I played with mustard on who would say probably bad things. Other than those three, every other team would agree I'm a good guy overall. Which would be about 5 teams I think. So the ratio would be about 46/3 if you were to actually ask all of them.

posted about 10 years ago
#24 mustardoverlord lftski in Recruitment (looking for team)
SleepingLifeI wish I could act surprised that you think you're better than Mustard, but to be honest I'd be shocked if you thought any different considering your ego. I hope you enjoy making youtube vids to feel good about yourself. Can't wait for the shocking footage you're sure to release.

Lmao mustard is actually the worst player I've ever played with in my life. I am not kidding you or exaggerating in any way. I remember when we were chilling in mumble one time and someone posted a convo with a teammate of mustard who said "mustard actually makes me want to kill myself and stop playing tf2, he takes a game that's supposed to be fun and makes it not fun by ruining it." I also remember a teammate telling mustard, "Fuck you and fuck this team." Directly to mustard in chat and he quit right then and there. Mustard is not a good player at all, and the way he acts in game actually makes him even worse than he actually is. I don't feel good making videos for youtube. I feel like shit because I have to be the one who does all the gathering of fucking clips involving m4risas obvious hacks. You'd think, that when one of the best snipers, who used hacks before, says that m4risa is cheating that maybe he'd be taken seriously. But no don't listen to me. What do I know. It's not like I've asked every single top sniper in tf2 if they think she hacks and all of them said "yes". Sad to know they refused to speak up in the forum at the time to help back their friend because of the risk of their rep being jeopardized for associating themselves with "THE axiomatic". At least I have a bad name, unlike you who no one even knows exists. Whoops.

posted about 10 years ago
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