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Signed Up July 22, 2016
Last Posted July 28, 2016 at 8:00 PM
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#203 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization
yttriumContrathis, by the way, is why graphics mods aren't allowed, because they can also be used for exploits/outright cheats. the precedent was here for you to make a better decision.Graphics mods are a little bit of a bigger cheat than turning off viewmodels which has been supported in the game for half a decade...

You don't deserve any hate for this, but Valve does. Your post is still the reason, but Valve went overboard once again, and fucked us all.


posted about 8 years ago
#197 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization
trippagood fucking shit dude hope this doesn't get fixed

You called it.

Thanks to this post, we can't even use custom animations at all anymore.

I'm so fucking done.

posted about 8 years ago
#23 Lithium, New cheat? in TF2 General Discussion
consumonnidioticanlol lithium's pretty good actually.Look who made an account just to say that. Leave virgin.

Go back to thinking that Lmaobox is the only hack for TF2 and that there couldn't possibly be any more. Seriously, what a joke.

The sheer fact that you have to raid someplace because you don't agree with what they do with a VIDEOGAME is just shameful to the TF2 community. If you can even call it a "community".

Valve really needs more connection with r/tf2 to actually make good changes, and yet they never do. No wonder why such a shitty cheat can bypass VAC for years in a row.

Lmaobox will never be the only cheat for TF2. There will always be private ones that will always remain undetected by VAC. You may see them now and again rarely, but they'll always be there. Lithium is half a public cheat and a private one. And it's a better one than Lmaobox, that's for sure.

On another note, I wonder how most of you think about Max Box right now after his VAC ban? It's impossible to family share CS:GO on a banned account and joining a game thereafter on another. You know what they say. Once a cheater, always a cheater.

-Azure <3

posted about 8 years ago