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Last Posted August 2, 2019 at 10:00 PM
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1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 29
#413 le economy crash in TF2 General Discussion

Yeah seriously does anyone really care that their unusuals are untradeable? They're in their inventory for essentially free. That's what matters. When you try to get an unusual from someone be it trading or purchasing, the end goal is getting it in your inventory so you can fucking wear it.

posted about 5 years ago
#31 Amazon Prime Day Deals in Off Topic

Bro this is a thread about amazon deals wtf

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Official Valve Competitive? in TF2 General Discussion

I haven't really been playing tf2 recently but does anyone here play the official competitive and if so what are the wait times like.

posted about 5 years ago
#47 Most embarrassing thing you've done in tf2? in TF2 General Discussion

Got some steaming unusual all class hat scammed from me. I remember staring at my laptop in absolute disbelief for like 2 hours.

posted about 5 years ago
#133 Game of Thrones S8 in Off Topic

Yeah I think Cersei has been shown to not be above brutal and dishonorable tactics to win (sept of baelor?). Honestly, if I was in Cersei's position facing the death of everyone in my city and my house I would have just shot all of those bolts at Drogon and then just rode down the rest of them. With Dany, Drogon, Grey Worm, Tyrion, and Varys dead the war would be over.

posted about 5 years ago
#5 favourite tf2 classes :) in The Dumpster

This is an interesting level of shitpost where it takes irony to such an extreme that it is terrible.

posted about 5 years ago
#131 Game of Thrones S8 in Off Topic
NoJuuBBiA_duchessIn a quote from GRRM himself "Only once has a dragon even been killed by a projectile, and that was a one in a million shot. A mature dragon in the air is essentially invulnerable." Think how hard it was for Bronn to inflict a flesh wound to drogon. Notice how the spear barely stuck in him. Now the spears go through rhaegal like he's made of cheese, not to mention the fact that it would be more or less impossible to even hit him from that far away. Just terrible.I mean I think the implication is they didn't have massive anti-dragon weapons at the time, and that the previous one in a million shot was against a fully grown and mature dragon, not a teenage one who was kinda fucked up from fighting it's undead brother piloted by an ice necromancer

Yeah alright we can give them the scorpion ex-machina where we just pretend they were able to build like 100 dragon killing machines in like a few months. Fine. But the "one in a million" shot comes from the fact that it's really really hard to fucking hit anything with them, let alone a flying dragon like half a mile away, WHILE YOU'RE ON THE DECK OF A MOVING SHIP. like lets imagine Rhaegal's neck is like 5-10 feet wide. That target would be impressive to hit with a modern sniper rifle. And they hit him three times in a row, even after he started moving erratically after the first it. It's probably the worst possible death for a dragon. They could have just had Viserion kill him.

posted about 5 years ago
#123 Game of Thrones S8 in Off Topic

In a quote from GRRM himself "Only once has a dragon even been killed by a projectile, and that was a one in a million shot. A mature dragon in the air is essentially invulnerable." Think how hard it was for Bronn to inflict a flesh wound to drogon. Notice how the spear barely stuck in him. Now the spears go through rhaegal like he's made of cheese, not to mention the fact that it would be more or less impossible to even hit him from that far away. Just terrible.

posted about 5 years ago
#6 What is the point of MGE alts? in TF2 General Discussion

Bro honestly I think people get way madder about this than they really need to. Yeah there's probably some guys trying to steal elo because they're "pussies" or whatever but I think high level players do it for anonymity and because it's fun. If you ever talk about elo, you probably are the one caring.

posted about 5 years ago
#47 best games ever in Other Games

Really surprised not to see Bioshock 1 and 2 on here. Infinite is a masterpiece of course, and the DLC ties the whole story together, but I honestly think the story of those first two games (especially the first) blows literally every other game out of the water. It is so powerful.

posted about 5 years ago
#19 Borderlands 3 trailer in Other Games

borderlands 2 is pretty much the only other game besides tf2 that I've invested hundreds of hours in. The pre sequel was kinda disappointing so I hope this is a good game.

posted about 5 years ago
#16 My rock and roll album is finally here! in Music, Movies, TV

Wow. I've essentially only listened to classic rock and metal like 24/7 for years and this is insanely good. It's very very well mastered and your guitar solos are insane especially title track. Singer is amazing too. If this was released in the late 70's under a big record label it would have gone platinum.

posted about 6 years ago
#28 why is /teleport a common bind in Off Topic

bind mouse1 "taunt;say hail satan"

posted about 6 years ago
#3 150 ping to virginia, kansas, chicago, and more? in Q/A Help

If you're using WiFi and not ethernet that could be a problem.

posted about 6 years ago
#23 Game of Thrones S8 in Off Topic
sheepy_dogs_handK1Stannis sacrificing Shireen is almost definitely going to happen in the books given that GRR told Beinoff and Weiss certain major plot beats
This is definitely not true at all. George isn't even on the last book, he is still finishing the 2nd last one with hundreds of ideas, plot points, characters and backstories to come up with. Any writer will tell you that a story you are writing never ends in the way you thought it would and an idea that seemed good at first will be gone the next day. I can assure you that Stannis will not burn shrireen in the books. GRRM has been throwing them random ideas whenever he can, most of which will never come to light. If Stannis does burn Shireen in the books, it will be written in character, although I don't think that's possible.
MenachemI've never read the books, and I don't think they should play too deeply into discussions about the show. Not saying you can't prefer the books over the show, but it seems like every discussion I come across devolves into complaining about how different the two are. This thread is about the TV series, so I'd like to discuss that instead.
This is true but you need to keep in mind that I am actually following the characters from the show here, perhaps with just a little more insight. You need to keep in mind that the first season followed the book almost page for page. The only differences were the ages of some of the characters. The characters in the show had been set up in the first few seasons from the books. So when you ask why Sansa (maybe not Arya) would be obsessed with a fair trial it goes back to the very first season where Ned beheads the deserter of the Nights Watch and teaches his children the importance of Stark tradition and honour, and how to them it is absolute.

Many of the Lords of the North are still skeptical about the magic and white walkers and even if they weren't, they would be appalled to see the Lady of Winterfell slit a mans throat right in front of them in the room that they are standing in. That's not how executions are done here, executing somebody in the grand hall is something that the Mad King would do. My problem is not that they are ruining the book characters like Euron, I can understand that. My problem with the show is they are ruining the characters that were set up in the show over 8 years ago.

They're definitely ruining characters but I think the reason that lords appeared okay with it is because Littlefinger was now revealed to have caused Ned's death.

posted about 6 years ago
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