Hi, Gideon from BEING ESPORTS (the organizer behind ÜBERFEST) here!
I would just love to clarify a few things from our side to make sure that no false impressions are generated.
Number one and most importantly:
It is entirely correct that tekszi has been waiting for a refund for an unfortunately long time and we are really sorry for this being the case. Before I explain more I want to say that of course everyone, who created a refund request with adequate time before the event takes place will be fully refunded and there are (as you can see in this thread) already multiple people who have received such a refund.
The reasons for refunds taking long are multiple:
1. Neither we nor BaseStack have a dedicated person for working in refunds. As both companies are rather small still, there is no dedicated person handling event sales and refunds must always be done manually by somebody knowledgable (which is exactly one person who has a lot of other responsibilities).
2. While this might sound harsh and maybe even boastful - it is not normal for these kinds of tickets to be refundable. If you look at concerts, conventions and other events similar to our type of event, they usually have a no refund clause as refunds create not only a lot of manual work but also book-keeping challenges for smaller companies. Most other event organizers simply forbid refunds and oversell their events expecting a couple of people not to show up. We don't want to do that for the sake of our community.
3. There was a very unfortunate connection of me (the person passing information to BaseStack) being on vacation and then immediately after that the finance person in charge at BaseStack being on vacation. So pretty much nothing happened for almost a month.
4. The shop solution used for Überfest was VERY subpar (and we are super sorry for it). We have already found a solution for all future events but this made it very time consuming to find individual bookings quickly.
All of these are only explanations but still not good reasons for waiting long time for a refund so I want to say again - we are very sorry for the duration but still promise that the refund will be fully sent asap.
Regarding the criticism towards our ticket sale format:
Pretty much all I want to say is: We agree that the first wave of ticket sales was not optimal. We together with the amazing people from the TF2 community that helped us anticipated people to form teams more quickly but we now see and agree that only selling team tickets would have been much better. We promise that this format was designed with good intentions as our idea was to not give 20 people all the power in deciding who can go to ÜBERFEST and who can't. But in the end, we see that the downsides outweighed the benefits quite strongly.
Should there be another ÜBERFEST (which we hope for very much), this will be done in a much better way.
Finally, I would like to say one thing regarding an indirect point made in the original post (If anyone did in fact read this far):
To cite: "to get my 125 euros back which is more than some VIP stadium concert tickets"
This indirectly says (at least for me) that the price of ÜBERFEST is considered expensive. While that obviously can be decided by every individual (and I wouldn't want to change that) I would like to say, that we strongly disagree with this statement.
Yes, 125€ is potentially more than some concert tickets (while the mentioned stadium VIP tickets are more around 200-400€ nowadays but that is not the point), but we urge everyone to weigh this against what the service actually is. For 125€ you get:
- 3 Days of an event not 3 hours
- A PC and a space for your team for 3 days
- Access to a tournamet that if you get top 3 in will actually give you more money back than you paid
- Access to a b-tournament with hardware prizes
- Security and an admin and production staff of omre than 15 people working on all three days (and more if you count preparation and cleaning)
At the same time, tickets for similar events such as Gamescom Lan and Insomnia are a good bit more expensive without giving you the luxury of having your own PC included in the prize.
To be transparent: The ticket sales will amount so somewhere slightly below 18.000€ for this event. If you add up staff, prize money, production cost, preparation work (which is entirely unpaid but should normally be) and all the small things such as trophies, badges, hotels for talent and staff, we will be a good bit over 20.000€ in cost.
This means that tickets should actually be a bit more expensive (and likely will have to be in the future) and not cheaper from an organizational standpoint and that only if the bar revenue is strong, the event will be financially stable enough to plan future iterations.
I hope this was informational enough and understandable. If anyone has questions - please let me know. Also via discord (BE_Gideon) my dms are always open.