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SteamID64 76561198000787051
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Country Armenia
Signed Up October 11, 2012
Last Posted August 24, 2015 at 9:10 PM
Posts 167 (0 per day)
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#12 LFT 6's DEMO in Recruitment (looking for team)
bleakdidnt you make a looking post already
please change your name to something else
or bleakxxx
at least

Youve done nothing but become spam in any thread i make. Idc what u think of me and idc what i think of you, and for ur request of a name change, ive had steam longer then you so in your aspect u should change ur name not me. Bye now stop posting and add me if u want to argue about something thx.

posted about 12 years ago
#9 LFT 6's DEMO in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 12 years ago
#8 LFT 6's DEMO in Recruitment (looking for team)
mixare u bleakyyy

No i am not bleakyyy

are you that guy
good luck with your search

Yes that is me but if u notice at the bottom okas uploaded that about 2 years ago when i first started in the game and was being thought how to play the game as starting off as medic. That was my very first comp/lobby game. I was told what to say dont hold it againts me lol

posted about 12 years ago
#3 6's Scout LFT [High steel-low plat] in Recruitment (looking for team)

great player had a chance to play with him in the past wont let you down, by far a great pickup.

posted about 12 years ago
#1 LFT 6's DEMO in Recruitment (looking for team)

Looking for a esea/cevo or ugc plat 6's team for upcoming or current season. Willing to play numerous hours to get practice in and work on scrims. Ive got great dm and my calls are great but as always can use some work.

For those that know me and known me when i was so called to be a "douch" or an "ass" id like to apologize for that moment which most of the time was during a lobby. I have no intentions of starting off on a bad leg but im willing to forget the past if you forgive.

About me:
Toronto / East
mid open ( which i like to consider my self)
I know my rollouts
Great Comms (still can work on it)
Can pay league fee's + premium (for my self that is :)

All i need now is to be apart of a great team thats dedicated as much as i am. Please be a team that knows how to play the game, id much appreciate. Contact me at your disposal.

posted about 12 years ago
#46 LF Esea/Cevo Team (Demoman > Roamer) in Recruitment (looking for team)
WILDFIREi didn't read much of the rest of the thread but all i have to say is have a look...

lol 1 lobby as solly and i was probably doing random shit for the every one time and u use it againts me lol. Go check all my other lobbies plz

if you want to compare me with my 1-12 stats plz look here

BleakX -
Wildfire -

^ Please continue to talk trash at me im highly offended and care so much....
just a note this is the guy that is basing my game stylings and calling me trash.

posted about 12 years ago
#31 LF Esea/Cevo Team (Demoman > Roamer) in Recruitment (looking for team)
bleakplease change your name
some guy asked me today if i was bleakx
he said bleakx has downs

Some guy said the same about u

posted about 12 years ago
#29 LF Esea/Cevo Team (Demoman > Roamer) in Recruitment (looking for team)
And i dont ever recall goign 1-12 in lobbies unless i offclass from my main or dont even try at all cuz i wasnt in the mood.
Why would you play your main in a lobby in the first place? 1-12 offclassing in a lobby is still bad.

I never go 1-12 .... i dont even ever recall it and even if i did go 1-12 there is no way of another player knowing.... it only shows points so it doesnt even make sense of what he said.

posted about 12 years ago
#26 LF Esea/Cevo Team (Demoman > Roamer) in Recruitment (looking for team)
flippersBLeakXflippersBleakx bringing his friends to minus frag every post with a negative view on him
No im not im just bringing in true references that know the true me so the disgusting comments you guys post upon me which arnt entirely true dont reflect the ability for me to get a team. You guys have only known me from 1 pug or 1 lobby and its sickening on how bad the community treats others in the respected form. Ive been warned about this and i see what Okas meant.

You guys have nothing better to do but to down my thread and it says much about your attitude and personality. So please continue but i know the true me and so do the players i play with.

Go ahead keep posting but i will still be looking no mater what. Enjoy being a troll/disrespectful person.

I used to have the same opinion as you but then i realized that in this community good and nice acts are praised highly and bad and mean acts are very negatively received, its kind of polarized if you know what I mean.

Bro lets just leave all this shit behind us atm im a bit drunk too i think we can forgive and forget if i have every done shit to you in lobbies or were every. Belive m im a cool guy and i dont mean any harm. Hit me up lts pugs together or scrim im honestly not mean as you state i am.

posted about 12 years ago
#24 LF Esea/Cevo Team (Demoman > Roamer) in Recruitment (looking for team)
bleakwhy do you copy my name

Ive had steam longer then you. But ill give you the benefit of the doubt of copying your name. :)

posted about 12 years ago
#21 LF Esea/Cevo Team (Demoman > Roamer) in Recruitment (looking for team)
flippersBleakx bringing his friends to minus frag every post with a negative view on him

No im not im just bringing in true references that know the true me so the disgusting comments you guys post upon me which arnt entirely true dont reflect the ability for me to get a team. You guys have only known me from 1 pug or 1 lobby and its sickening on how bad the community treats others in the respected form. Ive been warned about this and i see what Okas meant.

You guys have nothing better to do but to down my thread and it says much about your attitude and personality. So please continue but i know the true me and so do the players i play with.

Go ahead keep posting but i will still be looking no mater what. Enjoy being a troll/disrespectful person.

posted about 12 years ago
#6 LF Esea/Cevo Team (Demoman > Roamer) in Recruitment (looking for team)
DNJI don't really know BLeakX but the "just a lobby" attitude is kind of annoying I think. Yeah, they are more or less pubs, but it's a lot of people's only exposure to the comp scene and if you're being a dick and raging throughout then that's really gonna turn them off. Just speaking from personal experience here.

You miss understand me. I dont go to Lobbies just to rage at playrs. tbh i dont rage and when i said its just a lobby i still play my main and i still try my best to do good and not troll. You guys are getting the wrong perspective of me through that one guys posts.

Lets get this straight:
I dont rage
I play my main
and when i say its just a lobby im just putting out the fact im not the same as i am in lobbies as i am on a team with a pug/scrim/league.

posted about 12 years ago
#3 LF Esea/Cevo Team (Demoman > Roamer) in Recruitment (looking for team)
WILDFIREgoes 1-12 in lobbies then rage quits. starts complaining before pugs/lobbies even start. from what i've seen he has decent dm ability but seems like a total dickhead who is high on his own ego. just my two cents.

And i dont ever recall goign 1-12 in lobbies unless i offclass from my main or dont even try at all cuz i wasnt in the mood.

Im not a complete dick to people. Yet i dont even recognize you from anywhere. The only time i rage back at players is when they continue sly talk shit and do silly offlcasses that arnt necessary. So your statement may be correct in a portion but is not entirely true. if this is what you think thats fine.

But i know throughout when im in actual private pugs and scrims im not a rage fest. Its just a lobby as every one says.

posted about 12 years ago
#1 LF Esea/Cevo Team (Demoman > Roamer) in Recruitment (looking for team)

Title sums up a bunch. I main demoman and i am looking for a team

-Can pay fees
-Toronto (east/cent)
-I know my rollouts
-Comm very well! (sometimes a bit too much)

Yes i might not be the person that has the qualified league exp that most of you teams may look for but i am very experienced in the feild of a demoman and i know how to play smart. Just cuz i havent played a league before dosent mean i dont know.

How else is one to get league exp to join a team that is wanting league exp? give me a go i wont be a waste of time.

posted about 12 years ago
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