Looking to start s14 esea open.
-No Past Experiences
-My comms are good but still need to be improved upon
-Dm (Been told is fairly decent)
-I know my rollouts
-Always looking to improve!
Looking For:
-A well Developed team that knows how to play the game with grace
-Has a full/partially complete roster with good players
-Has a set main caller
-A Team that will actully stick it out through the season on to the next no matter what our end score is. Dedicated and Passionate to grow stronger every season even if we do have to play 2+ seasons of open
And Cute players of course
I can game practically sunday-friday from 9pm+ est
Add me for tryout feel free to also ask for any extra details if needed.
PS. Im not Dan/Bleakyyyy (hes a cool guy tho)
And yes UBER IN 5
Thank you for reading.