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Signed Up July 21, 2012
Last Posted November 26, 2023 at 1:09 PM
Posts 402 (0.1 per day)
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#90 what do Y'ALL DRINK when GAMING in TF2 General Discussion

Seltzer, I've been on an insane Seltzer kick lately. I buy 5 cases a week, best part is the supermarket near me does 5 cases for 10 bucks.

Store Brand

It's all god tier

posted about 6 years ago
#109 ESEA Season 29 Invite Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Should I try and talk about (over?) some video games this season?

posted about 6 years ago
#4 rewind thank you thread in TF2 General Discussion

superb, fucking superb

posted about 6 years ago
#2 Ready Up: An Appreciation in TF2 General Discussion

My doggie you DAMN right.

It's just so fascinating looking at the size of the TF2 community, to be honest it's just so... intimate?

Rivalries mean more, as silly as it sounds being in cliques was so fun.. I got to experience a few over my time in the game and it's just exactly what you would want in a game. Everyone knows everyone just well enough to be friends but also well enough to enjoy watching them destroy one another at lan or in playoffs.

How TF2 plays are designed and how the competitive ebb and flow work involve so many intangibles that only other TF2 players would get, it was so fun always being around people who 'got it.'

I have zero idea what I'm trying to get at here but I hope it makes a bit of sense, I've always said I wanted to write a book about how this odd but super lovely community works but what more can you ask for than that in exquisite video form.

I'm sitting here at 31 years old and every time I think about casting matches, playing in matches, the immaculate events that are TF2 lans and to be honest most importantly making lifelong friends I get goosebumps. And uhhh personal shoutout to cute girl medi.. wait what?

Thank you so much for this project.

Fuck, I love TF2.

posted about 6 years ago
#68 What do you LOVE about tf2? in TF2 General Discussion

Everything about the medic class, it made it very easy for my brain to transfer from being a strict RTS player into a shooter of some sorts. The micromanaging of every aspect of positioning and flanks gave more of an adrenaline rush than hitting any airshot would (weird but whatever) Having things be in my control, kind of like someone pulling the strings and relying that my teammates would fulfill their role. Being able to take advantage of an ADD loaded brain and come up with random plays on the fly, and seeing my teammates accomplish them was the greatest joy. But the most joy was unlike RTS units which cant ride adrenaline waves, if stuff went right in TF2 and you just got in the groove you were unstoppable.


Very good game.

Thoughtout my lfie I've never dabbled in a bunch of games at once and instead would usually 'obsessively' get involved with a specific games community instead (warcraft 3 before TF2) but this by far was the most fulfilling group. I to this day prefer any esport to be the size of TF2, makes it much more intimate.

posted about 6 years ago
#1 ** December 2009, Top 10 Plays in TF2 General Discussion

Every few years this needs reposted.


You may even recognize some people. :o

(I can now post after 2 months of login issues, hi!)

posted about 7 years ago
#158 sigafoo's Challenge Cup in TF2 General Discussion

ohhh nice. interested in these results, is it gonna be cast?

I never really got to cast payload and really paid it much heed, I will learn some things I'm certain.

posted about 8 years ago
#23 FITES LAN 2017! in LAN Discussion

PA lans, fuck yeah.

Should be v v n.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 Extine on TV in TF2 General Discussion

Super dope. Good shit.

posted about 8 years ago
#15 How do you like your steak? in Off Topic

medium rare

posted about 8 years ago
#6 visitor is bad in TF2 General Discussion

Like visitor? Like Jimmy? Man I miss him.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Shit font in Google Chrome in Hardware

Cleartype text issue in Windows? Turn on/off?

posted about 8 years ago
#39 Euro 2016 - France - Discussion Thread in Off Topic

Neuer best keeper, will prove it again this cup.

posted about 8 years ago
#22 This guy is insane in Other Games

Naw, this is legitimate skill.

Fuckin insane.

posted about 8 years ago
#13 Uncharted forms in search of Invite in News
KanecoIn case you guys haven't noticed, corbt has been doing an awesome job on the wiki updating a page specific to Invite S22 Offseason changes, so you can check all the updated rosters and latest changes here.

Seriously kudos! This is the coolest thing ever.

posted about 8 years ago
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