Hello TFTV!
I am proud to announce that start of Pickups.tf is currently being programmed, and tested!
Pickups.tf is a website created for the TF2 Community. The main goal of the site is to provide a place to play a fast Pickup game, whenever.
How it works you say?
Pickups.tf will simply be a queue and play system. You choose which classes you want to play, simmilar to champ.gg. Once there are 4 scouts, 2 of each soldier role, 2 demos and 2 medics, without captains the site automatically puts all the players onto a team, and provides them server info. Its easy and simple! Once we have enough of each class, right away, it simply puts you into a server!
Screenshots are not out yet, im still working on CSS <3
There will be 2 servers, donations will provide more
NA region only as of now
Please comment ideas, suggestions, and thoughts!
Thank you,