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Signed Up January 4, 2016
Last Posted February 22, 2016 at 3:19 PM
Posts 57 (0 per day)
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#21 Scores.TF - Launch and Tourney in Projects is beautiful. Wonderful

I don´t want to buy domains until I´m 100% sure that I am at least any what proud of what I have, and am 100% committed to using the domain towards a site, and thats not for sure now?

What about just doing the tourney, on a separate thread, and me taking a week to revamp site, or try to come up with something a little more creative.

posted about 9 years ago
#14 Scores.TF - Launch and Tourney in Projects
PharaohEverything about your post screams unprofessional.

Private profile, zero reputation, poor grammar/unfamiliar with English, new account, question dodging, using artwork (of a TFTV staff member no less) without FIRST getting permission...Referring to your site as shit two times in one post.


I guess I just am. I feel whatever i try to do, it never turns at well, and I just am bad at everything

I don't want to ditch this like other things, but I feel it will just be more bad rep.

posted about 9 years ago
#11 Scores.TF - Launch and Tourney in Projects
KhanThe TSU vs Froyo screenshot says "Team Solo Mid", also I'm pretty sure that sfm in the background is one that uberchain made for i55, do you have permission to use that?

Yes, on that topic

I realized that overviewing it, and really came down to me being lazy. Ill get real scores, real stvs, and everything factual within the next week.

Her SFM works are used on countless sites. I have contacted her, and waiting for a response. I don't think it should hurt, but that reason I am reaching out to her, as it seems to be everywhere.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Scores.TF - Launch and Tourney in Projects
retrogradedodgy fonts and the logo is blurry :<
i suppose its a good idea but it would be nice to make sure that everything is polished before announcing it - with this project and your previous pickup idea it would be best to take a lot more time to get everything looking right before showing it to the public. take some time to get everything sorted.

I'm aware. Im not the best when it comes down to CSS, and Design. The reason this post is here, is to gain advice

Though some signups for the tourney would work, would love to get this thing started!

posted about 9 years ago
#8 Scores.TF - Launch and Tourney in Projects
GetawhaleGot a spelling error right on that first page too, it should be demos not demo's

You have a staff? Might be nice to meet the people involved

Got some friends helping out. I usually have auto correct do my spelling for me

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Scores.TF - Launch and Tourney in Projects



Show Content
Team 1: Tug Time


Show Content
Team 1:
posted about 9 years ago
#3 Scores.TF - Launch and Tourney in Projects
hoXyyThe font for the team names and scores is weird...

Thanks for advice

I'll take a look at it, and possibly make some changes

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Scores.TF - Launch and Tourney in Projects

Scores.TF is sort of proud to launch! Scores.TF is being released on the 22nd of Febuary, and allows you to keep up with the latest scores in Invite and Prem

Using our site (Mobile Friendly) you can check the scores of every game in prem and invite. (6s only as of now) You can read a little write up for every match, check logs, view the VOD, read interviews, and the best part is you can download the STV!

To hype our crappy website, we our hosting a tourney.

There will be EU, and NA

6-12 Teams for each Region
Don't meant to rip off
It will be a single bracket elimination

EDIT: Will take place from 6 EST to 12-13:30 EST (Will let you know times once made)
On the date of 27th of Saturday

Prize Pool:
1st - 3 Keys
2nd- 1 Key
3rd- Killstreaks

1st - 3 Keys
2nd- 1 Key
3rd- Killstreaks

Register using the following format:
Team Name
Skill Level-ish?
Leaders steam link
List of 6 players (No link needed)'

Enjoy this shit site

DONT HATE: I know this is being posted the 21st. It wont be out until 22nd, due to I want to get it out there for a little, before release.

Here are some screenshots:

posted about 9 years ago
#37 Florida Lan 2016 IndieGoGo Fundraiser! in TF2 General Discussion
kflayDoctorMiggyThis would be the third event.
will there be in game medals again for this event?

Miggy is trying to convince valve to add Medals, I am not 100% sure they will come, but its likely there will be medals again.

posted about 9 years ago
#33 Florida Lan 2016 IndieGoGo Fundraiser! in TF2 General Discussion
ShdSteelAh I see. Is this the first year or has it happened already in the past? I'd be down to put in 1.5-2k if it does appear the interest is widely there.

Don't want to see like only 20 people attending lol.

how so much money. are you a drug dealer or something?

posted about 9 years ago
#33 in Projects
hoolibaddazle how old are you

an unmature 15 year old

posted about 9 years ago
#32 in Projects
HighclassSo this is essentially a match making service if you don't care what map you play or who you play with? I assume the benefit would be churning out games as quickly as slots can be filled?

Edit: Just saw you trashed the idea after a day, RIP I suppose

yes. for now its trashed. though you may never know

posted about 9 years ago
#148 PugChamp in Projects
lucrativesolawishI think separating the PugChamp community between a pro league and "open" league is a bad idea.

I love playing with and against players better than me.
Playing against invite players is what made this game so fun, playing against people who are competent and challenge you is just much more fun

of course there is an element of that, but a lot of players that are lower level end up never playing because they can't get picked, sucks when those players cant have full on practice games when they are trying to work on their game.

agreed, though starting off in lower pug groups is also an option.

posted about 9 years ago
#2 ESEA S21 W4: Running with Scizors vs. froyotech in Matches


posted about 9 years ago
#143 PugChamp in Projects


I am really enjoying PugChamp and feel its had a great start. I recently did a poll through my friendslist and got some resarch.

75% of people who awnsered the poll play pugs.
63% play PugChamp.
54% would like PugChamp to improve

This is just some quick research, and now I'm about to write more than I need to.

One. I may have message tsc about it. It comes down to what someone above said, of how the same people get picked over and over, while other higher, and lower players do not. I would say it has something to do with divisions. You do have a website that mentions opening a Pro League. Though people can come to this thread, and learn about it, or dig through pug champ, it is not well marketed. If I go to pugchamp, even if I am an active user, there is no indication about a Pro League, and its site. It needs to be mentioned on the front page, or notify the user when on the site.

Two. The site, and UI itself. I briefly chatted with Erynn on some bug issues, and provided some help. There is a lot of issues, mechanic wise. I would focus on it working first, over looks. Fixing the crash bugs, and getting a stable web server would be great.

Wasn't going to add a third but, just in short from this work on really making your site easy to use, and understand.

Site looks great


posted about 9 years ago
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