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#15 Non-TF2 streaming in Site Discussion
enigmaIs there no way for streamers to prevent the site from picking up their stream when not streaming TF2?
i could, but plenty of people (myself included) enjoy watching streaming personalities do other stuff

if it really bothers you, you can check for a thumbnail preview and the game streamers are playing

Thanks, I never noticed that feature, it will help figure out what people are doing. Another thing I've noticed is that streamers don't tend to change the description of what they are doing next to their name when they start doing something else, which can tend to lead to confusion.

BUICKRemember this though 'Bandit1379' it's the off season. Come soon there will be TF2 streaming galore.

I'm considering the past few months of streaming, not just recent stuff, but for sure; is summer the off-season?

posted about 12 years ago
#5 Non-TF2 streaming in Site Discussion

I'm not saying people shouldn't play other games, I'm just saying it seems odd that it gets streamed onto what is supposed to be a TF2 stream site. Is there no way for streamers to prevent the site from picking up their stream when not streaming TF2? The only reason I complain is because there have been many times where I come on to watch some TF2, only to find that the few people streaming aren't even playing TF2.

posted about 12 years ago
#1 Non-TF2 streaming in Site Discussion

What is with the large number of people who use this site to stream things that aren't TF2? DOTA, DayZ, CSS, Zelda, HL2... I know I've seen many others but I just can't think of them right now. If people want to stream things other than TF2, it should be kept separate from this.

posted about 12 years ago