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Signed Up June 18, 2014
Last Posted April 10, 2021 at 8:13 PM
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#8 take my survey pls in Off Topic

help I don't go to college and I've been stuck on the first question for 5 hours so far

edit: should have read the smallprint

posted about 6 years ago
#32 funny movie scenes? in Off Topic

posted about 6 years ago
#23 name our team in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 6 years ago
#39 What's the one thing that grind your gears in TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

staring at a matchmaking screen for 5 minutes when i just want to play a mindless pub

posted about 6 years ago
#37 mass shooting at jacksonville florida LAN in World Events
If everyone on the venue had a gun he wouldn't even tried to do such thing

If everyone at the venue had a gun a ton more people would have died because everyone at the venue would have started shooting.

posted about 6 years ago
#141 Insomnia63: Grand Finals in Events
DiscordFroyo was very beatable and vulnerable this LAN, they still are a powerhouse nonetheless but still beatable, as proven by the maps se7en took off froyo.

Yup, if the final map was prolands we could have been looking at a golden cap and/or a Se7en win. FROYO had closer matches this LAN than they did all season in ESEA and that shows me that EU TF2 is up there with NA and there is no skill gulf or superior meta between continents.

FROYO are not unbeatable. Se7en beat them in 3 maps. Time for the rest of invite to step up!

The future of TF2 just got a little brighter....

posted about 6 years ago
#24 best performances at i63 in LAN Discussion

Kaidus was great and we saw some super sick bombs and fat pipes reminiscent of old Kaido. Yomps was also insane, that guy is essentially a fragging machine. Stark also deserves a lot of credit for a great medic performance considering he doesn't play medic.
Most of the big names from all the big teams stepped up and that's what made it such a great LAN.

But all that aside, Habib was the stand out player for me. Before the LAN I legitimately low-key suspected he might be cheating but he turns up to i63 and plays even better than online. The dude is simply nuts and carried so fucking hard. And considering the strength of the other players on his team that says a LOT.

posted about 6 years ago
#134 Insomnia63: Grand Finals in Events
Antaresinstead we gotta listen to banny stroking his own penis for the next 2 weeks

I mean, I'm pretty sure he'll start shit talking se7en on stream soon but until then, I'm going to lay off the criticism until he actually deserves it.
What he deserves right now is respect for his dedication and congratulations on leading another team to a LAN victory.

Credit where credit's due, in b4nny's post-match interview he was pretty respectful of the opposition and thankful for the win.

posted about 6 years ago
#123 Insomnia63: Grand Finals in Events

Legitimately retarded that they had Sunshine in the map pool when it is not played in ETF2L. Congrats to FROYO but I feel robbed of a proper deciding map in what was otherwise a super close grand finals and a legitmate chance to dethrone Froyo.

posted about 6 years ago
#23 chuckle images thread in Off Topic
funhaver1998Thinking about you tonite Barry :/

pm me

posted about 6 years ago
#2 favourite music videos? in Music, Movies, TV

Edgelord walks down street, irritates locals.

posted about 6 years ago
#64 i63 predictions? in LAN Discussion

FROYO to win and b4nny's ego to become so big it collapses in on itself, forming a black hole that eventually engulfs the entire solar system.

Many TF2 players to welcome the sweet embrace of eternity as reality breaks down and they fall towards the event horizon.

posted about 6 years ago
#69 what are your pet peeves in Off Topic

People who don't indicate at roundabouts

posted about 6 years ago
#26 What should I watch on Netflix? in Music, Movies, TV

I watch a ton of TV/Netflix and the shows I thought really stood out as excellent:

The Expanse (near-future "realistic" space scifi. currently rewatching which I rarely ever do)

Better Call Saul (character-driven drama, masterclass of acting)

The Vietnam War (excellent historical documentary)

Planet Earth 2 (a masterpiece)

Bojack Horseman (first few episodes seem like an average animated comedy, but it slowly turns into a fucking devastating and often hilarious exploration of depression, alcoholism and self-loathing)

GLOW (Dramedy with a fun premise and some great performances)

posted about 6 years ago
#18 chuckle images thread in Off Topic

RIP Big Man

We'll never forget you.

posted about 6 years ago
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