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Signed Up January 24, 2013
Last Posted September 4, 2022 at 4:55 PM
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#16 Biggest clips of all time? [demo/suggestion-call] in Videos

Harbleu i52 ubersaw and crossbow kill against iM on golden cap

posted about 2 years ago
#5 TF2 Competitive Trivia Thread in TF2 General Discussion
Dr_SpamomanMultiplay wanted the i49 grand final to be on their twitch stream, considering they were the main sponsor for the event. The stream did not run at all and most of the first map got casted on twitter. The rest of the LAN was casted on vanilla tv without much technical problems. Arguably one of the worst PR atempts in TF2.

If i remember correctly, wasnt it being ddos?

All of the finals were on Multiplays stream in that era, things have moved on since.

posted about 2 years ago
#18 Insomnia69 viewer's guide in News

Good luck and enjoy all. Good to see a good production crew :)

I will tune in when i can :) (even though its 30 minutes away from me)

When are they roping you back in Arie? :D

posted about 2 years ago
#97 Who is the best tf2 caster of all time and why in TF2 General Discussion

This is always a very hard topic to approach, be that "best" caster, scout, soldier, demo etc.

For me, I believe everyone has played their part in making TF2 enjoyable to watch and getting more people involved in the game, so it's very hard to nail just one. Especially given that we didn't all necessarily cast at the exactly same point in time - makes it even more difficult! Although, some of us had some good "rivalries" :)

Of course we all have some we prefer, but I think it really does come down to the person / your own opinion.

As time progressed, we also had dedicated observers come into the game, who would be the best for that? :D

Personally, it's something I greatly enjoyed and I do miss doing. In some way, it has made me a lot of who I am today.

We both thoroughly enjoyed doing what we did for so long and would like to thank the tf2 community for giving us the platform to do what we loved

Arx was a caster I wish did more. He had such a great casting voice and would stay on top of the action non stop. He was an animal during team fights and transitions. He rarely had good casting partners from the casts I have seen and would have benefited a lot from a solid color commentator.

Arx casted without me?

Wait - what about a partner? :D

posted about 7 years ago
#108 Everyone thank the production team ITT in TF2 General Discussion

Better late then never,

Production crew - great job as always, great to see you all again, sorry to those I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to.

For my friends across the pond - I hope you all got home safe.

Special shout out to Dashner, sorry that you couldn't make it, it wouldn't have happened without you.

See you all soon?

posted about 8 years ago
#75 i55 shoutout/thanks thread in TF2 General Discussion

Hi All,

Apologies for the delay in posting this, as Arx alluded to, I have had a pretty busy 3/4 weeks. With managing, a new job, a 3 month old baby and moving house the Monday after the i-event! I have just now had internet installed at my new place, so pretty hectic :)

That said, being so late, let's get down to business and I'll keep it short:

- I wanted to say a huge thanks and congratulations to a job well done to the production crew. A lot of the background work was done by Dashner and I think he deserves recognition for that. In addition to that, a whole wrath of people who helped and contributed, I will try my best to name them all:

Arie, Bones, David, Airon, Wolf, Mana, Blue, Sim, Suyo (Hopefully I didn't miss anyone)

- Great job to our casters, I enjoyed what I saw and definitely raised the bar higher for what was expected from me and Arx. I enjoyed the games we casted and it was great to back in the seat after a year away.

- Shoutout to our tournament managers, Nymthae and Firestorm, good job to both of you. Never easy to manage anything of this size (especially when the word LAN is chucked in). It was great things ran on time ...just about :)

- Great to meet and see everyone again, I hope you all got home safe, especially our friends coming over the pond. Too many to name but a few stand out as usual as I spent time talking to them - Coleman, Tapley, Bones, Arie, CanFo, Turbo.....soooo many.

P.S. Final shoutout to Gecks for giving me a slice of pizza between our games (I was starving!) Cause of that was someone stealing the remaining goodies from my krispy kreme box. Though that said, I suspect it was one of the production team, so you're forgiven :)

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Gaming Grids TF2 Frag Fest EU #11 Finals in Events

Beater now casting? This is going to get confusing!

posted about 9 years ago
#133 Insomnia55 General Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
riot124when do arx and beta cast? Tomorrow?

Thats right we are at the event tomorrow :)

posted about 9 years ago
#62 i55 Viewer's Guide in News
LuckyLukeYao vlog:

Very nice guys, great idea to get it out to your subs.

Now extine....get some sleep!

posted about 9 years ago
#29 6v6 NA Rules = EU Rules ? in TF2 General Discussion
CHERRYCan't we have an organization like FIS or FIFA?

We have it already, it's called TFTV!

posted about 9 years ago
#54 Valve's Game in News

It's only taken us another year and half!

posted about 10 years ago
#12 Best zowie mouse for palm grip? in Hardware

EC1 Evo...i can take photo also if you like ;)

posted about 10 years ago
#126 TF2 Update - 8.27.14 in TF2 General Discussion
wonderlandBetaMasterKuniBecause jumping after every sniper shot is the apex of skill
Completely agree, I'm surprised at some of the comments regarding snipers jumping,

Do people actually still do that? It's far more beneficial not to jump as it allows getting a quicker shot off.

If anything, jumping only ever worked for the higher ping players whilst spinning anyhow.

1st line~ ~you agree with his sarcasm~
2nd line~ huh
3rd line~ sorry come again

True, it was early after all :D - is this better for you.

If anything, jumping only ever worked for the higher ping players whilst spinning anyhow.[/quote]

Do people actually still do that? It's far more beneficial not to jump as it allows getting a quicker shot off.

Completely agree, I'm surprised at some of the comments regarding snipers jumping,

posted about 10 years ago
#120 TF2 Update - 8.27.14 in TF2 General Discussion
Because jumping after every sniper shot is the apex of skill

Completely agree, I'm surprised at some of the comments regarding snipers jumping,

Do people actually still do that? It's far more beneficial not to jump as it allows getting a quicker shot off.

If anything, jumping only ever worked for the higher ping players whilst spinning anyhow.

A smart companion update to go along with this would have been rolling back the 200ms penalty before being able to headshot a target. That would have further emphasized snipers aim their shot before firing. As it is, you can line up a perfect shot, zoom and shoot at exactly the same time and not be awarded a headshot because of the 200ms wait time. That is bad, espescially when you keep removing the ways a sniper can dodge after taking his shot.

What would have been best was actually buffing the classic to a point to where it was useable. VALVE, come talk to me. We can make snipers balanced and useful in TF2 with just a few tweaks to The Classic...

I also agree with this, maybe removing the jump is a bit harsh for our public friends and instead introduce some sort of scope / damage penalty.

posted about 10 years ago
#20 i52 bench pressing compeition live now in TF2 General Discussion
visitnigmix^ TLR: theres this one euro tf2 player
mix^ TLR: that people bragged about lifting
mix^ TLR: only benches 205
flameim like laughing at this. 3 plates or gtfo.

Putting things together there.

posted about 10 years ago
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