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SteamID64 76561198071418773
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Country United States
Signed Up March 2, 2015
Last Posted March 3, 2015 at 8:11 AM
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#3 LFT Low UGC Pyro/Other in Recruitment (looking for team)

Oh Sorry, Thanks though!

posted about 10 years ago
#1 LFT Low UGC Pyro/Other in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hello Teams of the Internet, I am Known by my friends as Bi4ba or Bye-For-ba. I am looking for a comp team to play with perferably as Pyro, I have never made one of these threads before so this will be full of spelling errors and misc. I dont expect to be a player that teams will be tripping over themselves to have on their team because unlike most players out there, I am 13 Years Old. Yes, I know "Get out of here ya kid!" Well before you go kicking me in the rear end let me explain what i want to do in competitive. As I said before i would like to play Pyro but I can also be a Decent Sniper, Scout and Demo for all you teams out there looking for those, I am a Decent player in most pubs, but when I team up with people and actauly try to use teamwork, I can be skilled player. I would like to be playing in Bronze UGC because its a good starting point. But Heck, I dont know what the average comp player's skill level is and soo i might be worse or better then you expect. Add me On steam if you want to ask me any questions or Bla Bla Bla. My Steam Profile is

posted about 10 years ago